Posted By: Serafin Derren Brown - 02/13/05 03:22 AM
To those 'in the know:' Fraudulent stuff or what? I greatly enjoyed the Inside Your Mind DVD, but am not knowledgeable enough in the areas in which he claims to be an expert to ascertain how much of his stuff is based on psychology and how much of it is just magic tricks.

Anyone care to comment?

Posted By: NickR Re: Derren Brown - 02/13/05 11:41 AM
Derren Brown is a regular presence on British television. He is very well read on NLP,body language and general psychology. He willingly explains some of his tricks. Others he keeps to himself. He is superb at reading the cues that we all unconsciously give. He once held a 'Victorian style' seance, to illustrate the power of suggestion. Brown is one of the best 'mind readers' I have seen. He is also very entertaining and thought provoking. Here is his website

Posted By: Serafin Re: Derren Brown - 02/13/05 05:33 PM
Good stuff, Nick. The guy is a great entertainer for sure, I'm already a huge fan. Hope to see more of his shows. I do think some of his stuff MUST be based on magic tricks and not real psychology, though. What do you think?

In any instance I highly recommend his DVD to anyone who's not familiar with him. My best DVD purchase in a loooooong time.... Not just entertaining, but highly fascinating and very baffling.

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Derren Brown - 03/02/05 02:08 PM
Inside Your Mind was very cool. Sucked me in completely.

The bit on PhotoReading had my eyes wide open!

Posted By: Murof Re: Derren Brown - 04/25/05 02:35 PM
Have also seen a lot of Derren Brown.... But where does he gets his skills from??? Because I really think for sure that he can read people minds, because he hits this so perfectly each time, or it's just a show and people are trying to act surprised when he do that... They have bin paid for it. But really, have any seen the documentary called "Messiah" of Derren Brown?? Incredible what he can do there at the sedona institute and convincing others to be christians just like that.. Like planting new beliefts in peoples minds.. Thinking what they are thinking of.. mind control... Could be fun to have a skill like that. Only to use it in positive ways of course, like giving people new beliefs if they want to have on or anything like that... Knowing what people are thinking.. How and where to get those skills. If it all is true of course.. But I think they are... Is he born with them, or has they been developed over time?


Posted By: chuckiecow Re: Derren Brown - 04/25/05 11:57 PM
I think while some people might be born with such abilities, it is possible to scientifically and systematically study these kind of stuff. Of course, u just have to be very observant. And u need to have a lot of life experience, particularly experiences dealing with people in various cultulres, and various circumstances. Without experiences, you do not have the opportunities to observe people and their body languages. So yeah, I think mind reading can definetly be studied as a science in a systematic way. But how many of us are willing to "take on a lot of life experience" just for this purpose?

Posted By: lad Re: Derren Brown - 05/05/05 03:57 PM
I don't know Darren personally, tho' I know others who do, (and some who are about as talented).

Let's just say that he is a very good, and very subtle, "psychic entertainer."

Posted By: Murof Re: Derren Brown - 05/07/05 05:58 AM
Hi lad..

Do you know if he has learned his tricks or psychic abilities from somewhere more precisely? Or was he born with them? He has two main areas that he is very good at. It's the ability to read minds very precisely and it's planting ideas in other peoples heads.. All his shows are mostly based on these two things..How does he do that? He talks about he uses Shamanship! Is there some techniques there about this psychic abilities there?

And also he has another area, that he is capable if touching people from a great distance.. Then again that could be that he is planting those ideas in the minds that he touches, so they believed they have been touched... not sure, or if it's some kind of energy work. Or it's all fake.. who knows, it's television shows...

Do you anything about that lad? can you find something about these things?


[This message has been edited by Murof (edited May 06, 2005).]

Posted By: Theone Re: Derren Brown - 05/06/05 07:08 PM
If you want to learn how DB does him mind reading stuff look in to doing some NLP training with Eric Robbie

As he trains people in how to read submodalites from the outside, thats what DB does, the book by L. Michael Hall the spirit of nlp as some ways to learn how to do just that.. read submodalites from the out side, if yuo have a few people to work with you can pick a number of things to work with like world flags, 1/2/3/ or more digit numbers, film stars, once you get your calibration skills up, and see that is pretty easy to learn, then you can then play, with guessing people phone numbers and stuff. mind blowing to the out sider.

ok hope this helps some..

Posted By: Murof Re: Derren Brown - 05/07/05 11:23 PM
Ok Theone... sounds good.. maybe I would try to look into that... learn to read minds like that... but there is something more than just reading minds. It's also the skills of putting new beliefs and picturese in other people minds.. how do you do that?
It seems like it's also what DB does often in his shows.. If you have seen the documentary Messiah, there he convert people into believing in god.. and then afterwards of course de-convert them into their old beliefs. Just by touching, and projecting som feelings of energy towards their mind... He says to them when he does that "there is something in the room, a spirit of something.. close your eyes, and let that thing sink into you, into your chest, heart, stomach, arms, legs" and then he does something, and suddenly they all fall backwards into their chairs again with their eyes closed, from standing straigh up with their eyes closed and then just "bam" makes them fall backwards....... afterwards they truly believe in god, like if he has planted new beliefs in their minds... before they were all very skeptical (he found skeptical people on purpose)... very interesting, if it's not all fake...

Posted By: Theone Re: Derren Brown - 05/08/05 10:09 AM
skillfull enbedid suggestions, look into Miltin H Ereckson, as a base to start, he also uses none verbal hypnotic inductions, aka pattren interrups.. ok think about bitting into a big juicy lemon... feel it run all aronud you month.. ok think about what has just happend, did your month start to water.. he just does that type of thing, yet he does it in a very conversational manner, if you have him on dvd or some other format, take a little time to transscribe what he is saying with you, notice how he uses hes language skills you might be able to pick up just how he does what he does. also look at how he uses hes body language, he makes specific moves and anchors, as he is talking, it takes a like effort, yet its not that hard when you open your eyes and hears.

Posted By: lad Re: Derren Brown - 05/09/05 07:10 PM
"...Shamanship...Showmanship..." What's the difference? :-)

"Erickson" could be one little "clue" ...tho' not nearly as esoteric as you might guess...remember, you know only what has been edited for the telly.

[This message has been edited by lad (edited May 09, 2005).]

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