Posted By: smileygirl New to Holysync - 02/24/05 03:00 PM

I want to chat to other new Holysync users. I've been doing the cd's for about 3 months usually at night which sends me to sleep.

What are your thoughts? Should I be trying to use the cds at other times of the day?


Posted By: Serafin Re: New to Holysync - 02/25/05 08:15 AM
Have a look here!

Posted By: smileygirl Re: New to Holysync - 02/25/05 04:27 PM

Posted By: Jodiamond Re: New to Holysync - 02/25/05 09:40 PM
Hi Smiley

I've been using holosync for some time now and I began listening at night after a couple of months. I did this partly because I couldn't find a free hour out of my day, especially once I was working on most days. I also felt I would process any overwhelm in my sleep, but I'm not sure if this is the case!


Posted By: Erwan Re: New to Holysync - 03/18/05 04:44 PM
Hi Smiley,

Welcome to the board !

Personally I've found the most pleasant routine was to wake up early in the morning, when it's still night, go and sit in my living room and listen to Holosync for one hour (with a bottle of drinking water at hand that I can catch with my eyes closed if I get thirsty), then go back to bed once the meditation is over, sleep one hour and then wake up feeling fantastic !
I start Holosync at 4:30, go beck to bed at 5:30, and start my day at 6:30.
This makes my last hour of sleep feel absolutely fantastic, I wake up feeling super-fresh, and I still have the advantage of falling asleep and waking up in synch with my wife (she hated it when I'd come to bed an hour later than her, or woke up an hour earlier : she likes it when we do things together !)

I feel it's always best to do the meditation while sitting with one's back straight. But doing it lying down in bed before sleeping seems OK, just a bit less effective in the long run...

I hope this helps !

I used

Posted By: Stevie Re: New to Holysync - 03/20/05 11:20 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Erwan:

I feel it's always best to do the meditation while sitting with one's back straight. But doing it lying down in bed before sleeping seems OK, just a bit less effective in the long run...


This is something I have thought about for a while. I have been using Holosync for about 7 months now and invariably use it while lying down on my couch. I find this very comfortable though I often fall asleep. I have also had some doubts that I am meditating in the best way. Can I ask why you feel meditating with Holosync is best done sitting upright and why it might be less effective to do it lying down. I want to make sure I give myself the best shot doing Holosync and so far I cannot say I have gained a lot out of it, certainly nothing like the testimonials I often read. Any advice most welcome


Posted By: watcher05 Re: New to Holysync - 03/20/05 09:36 PM

The main difference between lying down compared to sitting up is your less inclined to go unconscious. Plus the energy apparently moves through the body easier as well. I believe its more to do with traditional meditation techniques however. Bill has said h/s is compatible with lying down and even while you sleep.

I lie down or otherwise sit in a recliner. Lying down has been more practical as there are other people still awake in the house when I'm doing my session, so its off to my bedroom. Its unusual that I fall to sleep but occasionally do go unconscious.

good luck

Posted By: newuser Re: New to Holysync - 03/21/05 01:36 AM
Hi Heather, I just ordered mine but I asked that question prior to ordering. My coach recommended sitting up and being awake when listening to the holosync CD's.

Posted By: Erwan Re: New to Holysync - 03/22/05 09:14 PM
Hi Stevie,

I don't really have any explanation why meditating while sitting straight is better than lying down. It's true that classic meditation literature (for example see BK Frantzis's "Relaxing Into Your Being" and "The Great Stillness" books) say that meditation lying down is a technique only for the advanced meditator, because it's so hard not to fall asleep when one is lying... Although in the case of Holosync it's strongly advertized that falling unconscious is not a problem.

Here are the differences I felt when listening to Holosync sitting straight compared to lying down :
1) while sitting, I can focus on my position. As minutes pass by, this helps me align my back, and everything inside my body. It eases my breathing and gives me a physical sens of well being that lasts for a big part of the day. This doesn't happen when I do it lying down. For example if I have a back-ache before doing meditation, doing sitting meditation the way I justdescribed helps it go away for the rest of the day. Lying down , my back would feel OK during the whole time of the meditation, but the ache comes back very quickly after.
2) I have less tendency to fall asleep while sitting straight. This lets me enjoy the pleasant states of transe much more. Also the more I stay conscous during meditation, the more the calmness and peace of meditation seems to infuse into the rest of my day.
3) it just FEELS more effective. I just don't know hw to explain it, but it feels like there are more things coming to my consciousness, more realizations, and quicker progress in periods when I do it sitting straight versus times when I tend to get lazy and do it lying down...

I don't know how much this helps you. I hope it does a little !



Posted By: nickysduck2 Re: New to Holysync - 03/24/05 06:12 AM
I have used holosynce sine december 2004.I sit in a recliner and feel better this way.I used to listen before bed at first and went to sleep all the time.When i phoned the support line they told me that if i listend in bed and slept through every session all the time it would'nt be as effective over time and would take me longer to advance through the levels.I now sit up in a recliner and still seem to drift to sleep, but i awaken right when it's over.i feel better doing it this way too.

Posted By: Stevie Re: New to Holysync - 03/27/05 10:41 AM

Thanks for replying to my post. It was my first ever post on this forum. You are right in saying that Centerpointe make it clear that falling asleep during a session is okay and does not affect the efficacy of Holosync. Their literature does of course advocate meditating in an upright position rather than in one lying down. I read with interest your last comment when you made reference to ‘getting lazy and doing your meditating lying down’. I say this only because I have always had a niggling feeling that in doing my own meditating lying down I was doing it in a somewhat lazy fashion! That is I felt it was just too easy that way and I invariably fell asleep throughout most of the session as well. In a sense it felt more like a good catnap than a session meditating. I also had a feeling that I was maybe short changing myself and possibly not getting the best out of Holosync by meditating in this way. Let’s face it we have spent good money on the product and are investing about an hour a day on it so it would seem sensible to feel that one is doing it right or at least in a way that offers the maximum benefit. Having said that I do find it ‘harder’ meditating sitting upright but I am going to continue in that way for the time being and see how I progress.

p.s. I should add that I am in no way suggesting that meditating lying down IS lazy, it just happens to FEEL that way for me.

Tanx a lot,

Posted By: Stevie Re: New to Holysync - 03/27/05 10:45 AM
Originally posted by watcher05:

I lie down or otherwise sit in a recliner when I'm doing my session. Its unusual that I fall to sleep but occasionally do go unconscious.

good luck


Can you explain to me what you mean by 'falling asleep' and going 'unconscious'? Are these different experiences for you.


Posted By: watcher05 Re: New to Holysync - 03/29/05 10:54 PM
Hi Stevie,

The difference for me is that when one is tired they will generally fall asleep and regardless if they're mediating or not. But for me when I go unconscious (more noticeable when meditating sitting up) I can feel the binaural beats pushing against my nervous system and I can feel myself being drawn down deeper, to the point that my head begins to flop around and I either come back out of it or find myself several moments/minutes later aware that I must of gone unconscious. Quite strange at the time and the wonderful feelings that go with it. Usually my whole body is relaxed etc.

Since I've been lying down alot when meditating I've been catching myself snoring (I've been told that I don't usually snore) and sometimes I'm trying to work out where that sound is coming from. Its coming from me lol :-). Also I’ve been having the dreaded “gasps” when lying down. Its when your falling asleep and something forgets to breath and then all of a sudden I’m taking this deep breath and slightly disorientated, and then come back to awareness.

I intend to go back to sitting up as this seems best to minimise the falling asleep or going unconscious.

When I become used to a level the less this unconscious thing seems to happen - meaning that I'm getting used to each level as I progress.

Remember, this is my experience and may not happen to others.

thanks - Lyall

Posted By: Erwan Re: New to Holysync - 03/30/05 04:35 PM
Hi Stevie,

Maybe this will help :
What I do while meditating, as I am sitting is to focus on my sitting position. I sit cross-legged or on a chair with a comfortable cushion under my buttocks and my feet flat on the gorund. I'll let my body relax and feel where it feels uncomfortable, then relax those places that are tense, or straighten the places that feel compressed. Inevitably, I end up after some time in the classical uprright position that you see traditional meditators in : the spine is straignt but relaxed, without any support, the armptits are slightly opened and the hands are resting on the knees or joined on one's lap, facing the sky. the throat and chest are totally relaxed and comfortable. My breathing gets calmer and calmer all by itself without any particular attention being given to it.

By focusing on my sitting position, I get those 2 benefits : 1) it furthers the minds relaxation and silencing, and 2) my body definitely feels better and "full" for the rest of the day. I used to have back problems, but simply by focusing on sitting correctly while doing Holosync, I have eliminated all the pain, and greatly improved my posture.

It can help to do a few sessions with a postural therapis or Chi-Gung teachers, in order to get a feeling of what correct body alignments are.

Or you can check out the following book by BK Frantzis : Relaxing into you being ( ). It gives very good instructions on proper body alignmetns for sitting meditation (whatever your school of thought, although I don't think he ever heard of Holosync !)



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