hello have any of you folks got any ideas, tips, tricks on how to build a stronger short term memory.. books/ audio programmes.. etc anything please..

Thanks for you help..


I am looking for ways to make mine stronger, as it slows my learning down just a little, so anyone with tips, exercieses that you have used, than I would most grateful.
thanks for you time.

[This message has been edited by Theone (edited April 20, 2005).]

Why do you want a short-term memory, and for what? Do you not mean that you want a long-term memory.. Short-term memory don't give any sense unless you are trying to forget something.. or am I Wrong?...

If it's things you have to overcome in your past I would suggest you using New History Generator...


Try "ReCUB 2000" you can download it from here:

Untick 'alt seq' in custom settings to make it a lot easier then see how many you can remember in a sequence. You can also turn the music off/on. Slow it down/speed it up too.

There are also other games at that address, like the common lift two cards memory game.

The person who has created the Captain's Log cognitive retraining software is also willing to advise on which freeware to select for which cognitive problem. Try www.braintrain.com for the email address.

I suggest Brain Builder by AST (www.advancedbrain.com). I think they have a web version as well as a CD-ROM version. The software is supposed to increase your ability to do basic cognitive processing utilizing your short term memory.

If anyone is a beginning programmer they may be able to create their own program modelled after the AST one. Naturally, you should consider the copyright and patent infringement issues (if there really is a patent). The web page version of Brainbuilder is probably www.brainbuilder.com.

A lot of people (maybe most people) insist that short term memory cannot be increased. But my scores playing games in Brainbuilder actually increased (at least temporarily.) I stopped at the point where I could be read an 11 digit number and then recite it back digit-by-digit in reverse order. Before, I could not always successfully remember seven digit phone numbers if read to me quickly without saying them to myself.


-- Brandon

I would like to add, that they have a trial membership which would allow you to use the program online and see if it suit you. At www.brainbuilder.com Or you could purchase it for at home use. I found that after using it,I improve in auidtory perception.

[This message has been edited by heinlein (edited May 04, 2005).]

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