Posted By: Coldrayne Handbook of the Navigator - 02/09/06 05:24 PM

A very interesting book about "beyond human" subjects.

What I found most interesting was, he compared people to red and white cells. Red cells serve a function to the body and then die and are replaced by new red cells. White cells serve a higher purpose but when they die their "memories" are transfered to the new white cells being born. Some people have this "navigator", this hunch, this inner urge for something higher and some people just do not. If you feel the urge, that's why your here searching. And if you don't feel the urge, you're watching tv or something else.

I have a couple of his CD's from and most of them explore how to develop paranormal abilities like telepathy, psychometry, OBE's etc.

Worth checking out.

Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/09/06 08:44 PM
What is your opinion of the higher balance program? It looks interesting...just curious if heard of any "real life" success from it.

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/10/06 07:15 AM
They have a Foundation Set which is cheap ($80 or something like that) and that's all you really need. I started doing it in December of last year and all I can tell you is it cuts your meditation time in half and gives you much more benefit than all other meditation techniques I've ever tried and I've tried them all in the last 14 years I've been meditating.

All I can say is it's different. Most meditation techniques deal with the brain and brain frequencies or deal with trying to get your mind to do something. This one has you using your astral body or "energy body." What you do is you begin to "create" it and pump it full of energy. This does have an effect on the physical body, obviously, but that's a side effect- not something you're shooting for. Like a sponge soaking up water, this meditation pumps energy into your energy body and it's this energy that you use as fuel for other things you want to do- expand your sixth sense, OBE's, telepathy, psychometry, astral projection, etc. If you've ever failed at having an OBE or failed at anything psychic it's probably because you don't have a developed energy body and certainly don't have any energy in it. All you have is your body, brain and nervous system and you're trying to get a physical thing to do a metaphysical thing. It can't work, EVER.

If someone has no interest in psychic stuff and just wants the health benefits of meditation (clear mind, happiness, bliss) then they would think Higher Balance sucks and to those people I would recommend Holosync or any brain wave techniques. Those techniques create new neural pathways you didn't have before and work that way. By "work" I mean that they give you the benefits they talk about by changing the brain. HB doesn't work with the brain, it works with the energy mind/body that's in a different dimension that's just controlling the human body that's in this dimension. It's this "body" that HB develops and works with and in my opinion this is the true definition of "spiritual." Directly working with the spirit, not the body. Look at how long we worked to develop physically just to live in this world- the years of school and social conditioning so we could function as a human. None of us have even begun to develop spiritually. I've only just begun and it's amazing, to understate it.

If you're a fan of Star Wars and love the concept of the Force, as an added benefit, you learn that there IS a Force. It's this Force that gave rise to this world including your physical body, but working with the physical body does nothing if you want to understand and use the force that created it and is creating everything around us.

As you can tell, it's "far out" and some people just aren't into that. The Handbook of the Navigator is a good introduction to why you might be "called" to this type of work, and why you might not be, if that's who you are. Some people have the predisposition and some don't. Like wizards chosen for Hogwarts or children with natural force sensitivities selected by the Jedi, most people just aren't going to care about something as "questionable" as what HB teaches.

I hope that I've thoroughly scared you! But seriously, it's really very cool and I'm going through some of their specific modules but you don't really need them. They're just for fun and just for gaining new abilities like astral travel, remote viewing, telepathy, scanning and stuff like that. You don't ever need that stuff. It just helps me professionally because I'm a poker player. Being more psychic helps.

Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/10/06 02:38 PM
Yes, you did in fact scare me, but I'm still with you. When you say last December, do mean Dec '04 or Dec '05? Also, what are some of the specific benefits you have received. I am a writer and suffer from writer's block from time to time. I'm looking to overcome this primarily, along with a couple other minor issues.

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/10/06 04:48 PM
Dec 05.

My only physical tangeable provable benefit that most people would care about is I stopped craving sweets once I started this meditation and I'm down 11 lbs. If you got the energy, you don't really want "extra."

Along with the usually benefits of meditation, I got only what I was looking for and if you do it you'll get what you're looking for. We're different and would use the energy for different things. Your question is really the wrong questiong because even though we both fill up at the gas station, we don't both drive to the same places and do the same things. This Foundation set is really just the gas station part of the journey, where you go and what you do is up to you.

I was most interested is ESP and that's what I'm specifically studying. I've learned to "feel" through my energy body instead of thinking with my head and letting it guide my decisions. Some people would say, "Duh, I do that and I didn't need a course to teach me." and of course they're right. Everyone reads and they did it before Photoreading existed, but if you do the PR you'll read much more, much faster and enjoy it more. IMO, HigherBalance to me is the same thing as that. It awakens your 6th sense and tells you how to sense with it and you feel things just like you'd always expect ESP to work. It's not really describable.

If you don't care about ESP, but would like all the benefits of meditation in half the time and without spending much money, you would be happy. Your writers block probably has more to do with mental fatigue than anything else. You just run out of steam. More energy might possibly help you, I don't know, what do you think?

What I'm working on right now is an energy defense system (their cd is called "high guard"). I noticed that when I play poker, some of the players just suck your energy dry and intimidate you and they just vibrate this "unpleasantness," like a bully does in school. What I'm playing with is absorbing their energy and throwing it right back at them. It's actually alot of fun and something that I'm pretty much doing 100% of the time (not specifically throwing energy around at people) wherever I'm at. Some people drain you and some people give you energy. Chunyi Lin is absolutely right when he says that healers give energy to others, you can feel some people doing that. The opposite is also true, some people just suck the environment dry and then when they do give off any energy it's just negative and it's horrible and I'm sick of putting up with people like that and I'm not going to take it any more and I'm learned what to do with negative entities like that and that will be my focus for probably the next few months. Then I might go back to studying more healing stuff. I always loved the Hindu and Buddist concepts of "Lifeforce" - what it is, what it does, what we can do with it so that's what I'm into. You might just be into personal development and if you are you will have completely different benefits when you do the exact same thing I do because you have a different intention.

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/19/06 03:21 PM
chrisp, I have read the navigator handbook & used Higher Balance music meditation cds and have listened to some of the Foundation expansion modules. I am replying to your post to let you know that I think I have achieved some positive results from using Higher Balance's products. The Power of Surrender is one of the expansion modules, and Eric Pepin has some brief but powerful meditations in it for healing of abuse or trauma. (You rewrite the happening by following his instructions.) It is my belief that I had some healings take place before I listened to the surrender information just by meditating using Higer Balance's music for meditation.

As a sometimes aid in image streaming for the Learning Stragegies Genius Code course, I also use Higer Balance's meditation music. My favorite cds are Gentle Crossings, Aurora Skies, and (Asension- high energy techno music)].

Another product they have that I think produces great results is their Water of Life cd. My friends love doing this.

If someone has a financial problem, the company will help that person work out a payment plan he/she can afford. At this time they do not do credit checks they say and they do not charge additional interest for payments.

I think you only need to use one or a few of Higher Balance's products to get results. I also think their products are helpful in meditation if one has difficulty meditating on a regular basis or cannot quiet the noisy mind.

I probably wrote far too much-but am sending-I must get some sleep.

Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/20/06 04:58 PM
Thank you so much for your thoughts.
Since my last post, I have received the Foundation Set and read The Handbook of the Navigator on Coldrayne's recommendation (I was home sick last week for 5 days straight and had lots more free time than usual)
Anyway, I very much enjoyed the book and have had very positive results with the guided meditation. Although the Dreamscape is taking a bit for me to get used to, I am looking forward to "graduating" to some of the expansion modules; I would like to be proficient first before I move on. One thing I have noticed is a profound sense of calm and inner peace (almost verging on JOY) following a meditation session and continuing throughout the day. His guidance on the CD really helps me alot and it only takes 20 - 25 minutes. So far I am impressed.
Please let me know if you have any great epiphanies from Eric's system, I'd be very interested to know if anyone experiences the success he claims.

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/21/06 06:05 AM
I almost never use Dreamscape. For some reason I don't really care for it. I think you use it to have a waking lucid dream or something.

Lately I've been meditating without the cd for guidance and inbetween taking in prana I'm getting mini visions that I wasn't getting when I was using the cd. I still do the cd once a day or every other day but I also throw in a session without. He also mentions eventually not needing to touch the chakras but just to focus on them and once you get to that level (took me 2 months) you can do the meditation and absorb energy from the environment during the course of your day. I don't think he mentions this on the explaination cd's, I just started doing it.

In "High Guard" he shows you what to do with the lifeforce your absorbing and has you creating a pyramid shield and developing a psi-sword (similar to a lightsaber). Playing with these is absolutely fascinating.

I'm glad you like the course!

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/21/06 01:42 PM

Just let me say that I have truly enjoyed all of your post on topics from Photoreading to Higher Balance. I have a few questions. Since reading your post on the higher balance foundation meditation system. I have started to re-explore those cd's and the system. I purchased the system about three years ago, tried it once and put them away until yesterday. I lot of things on the guided meditation cd didn't make sense like breathing with the chakras(abdominal, heart, & mind). Breathing in silver light (prana), touching the chakras and focusing on the touch. Could you help me to understand this. Also you stated that you don't bother with the 'dreamscape' cd. Why? and what was your experience like when you used it. Just curious. Thanks.

Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/21/06 04:01 PM
It is so odd that you should say that about the Dreamscape CD...that's sort of whats been happening to me (the vivid and or lucid dreams) for the first time ever and I have tried everything to get myself to even remember my dreams at all!
Also, Im wondering about the bineural technology on the guided meditation CD:
It's almost as though I'm experiencing the overwhelm that everyone else is always talking about. I did Holosync through the first custom-made level without even a twinge of anything, now after a week or ten days listening to Higher Balance its all happening ...almost as though the bineural technology is more "advanced" (for lack of a better word) and the level of Holosync I was at wasn't "enough" for me.
I agree with you on the "not wanting extra" (in regards to your craving of sweets) and I'm feeling like my body is becoming more of a vehicle for the universe to work with and through and am much less concerned with "earthly" or "bodily" matters, though it sounds strange now to say it out loud to someone.
I think when I feel ready to move on to another module I will try the Manifestation one, as I think it might help me with my writers block by manifesting creative ideas and or vocabulary, etc.
Your thoughts?

I dont know what your religious background is, but I was raised Catholic and for me it is a challenge to change my thoughts of God from a bearded man with human qualities to a "Force" exuding "prana".
It helps if I visualize the prana coming down from heaven to "assist" me, and sometimes it comes in the form of little silver raindrops falling on me, being absorbed through my skin, making me stronger and I react by illuminating.
I do believe in the Chakra system and the results you experience when one or more of them become blocked. You can also visualize the prana as "silver energy" sent from heaven (or wherever)specifically for you. I feel like breathing in this energy through each of the chakras clears them out and keeps the energy moving through me so that I am somewhat of a vehicle for the Universe.
I think that is his intention.
At the beginning of the session I am breathing in prana and breathing out "old, bad or outgrown energy" but by the end I am not only breathing in active, positive energy but breathing it out as well because I've ridden myself of any lingering negativity and become a vehicle (for lack of a better word) for the Universe to work through.
Though it sounds egocentric, I imagine I am the only thing the Universe is focused on at the time, as it has "chosen me" to raise my vibration to the next level using the energy it sends me.
That's my take on it, anyway.
It dosent make sense but it does; )

As far as the Dreamscape CD, I started listening to it just because I'm in the habit of listening to something as I fall asleep at night, but now I'm hooked on it because something always happens in my dreams and I cant wait to find out what. And I am not kidding when I tell you that for YEARS I have not been able to remember my dreams except in rare instances and this has always bothered me. You may or may not have that problem, of course, and what works for me may not work for you but I am telling you it's wierd!
I would urge you to give it more of a try this time around if you can.

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/21/06 07:39 PM

Thanks for answering my post. As far as my religion is concerned, I was raised as baptis but over the years have become dissatified with man-made religions. So the religion that I believe in does not exist on this earth and it is the one true religion. Until then, I will not follow or believe in any man-made religion. but anyway, all that aside. when I go thru the guided meditations and Eric talks about breathing in silver energy or prana or breathing in thru the chakras I personally think "yeah right". I do not visualize in that manner. It's like me try to visualize I'm superman and I'm flying around the universe and I truly know that I am not flying but sitting with my eyes closed. I just don't visualize like that. You see the problem that I have. If in order to make this meditation system work I have to visualize or make-up something that my rational, logical mind knows that it is not true or actually happening, then this system will not work.

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/22/06 01:12 AM
Chrisp, Coldrayne, & 3DLifestyle, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I think getting the foundation by listening to the Foundation Set is important as Eric says. I think he is an excellent teacher. I liked Dreamscape the first time I heard it-except it took me quite awhile to stay awake when listening to it.

I wanted to comment on all these things like "prana,etc that are not so". In the past I did not think so either, but I have been doing some research, and I am beginning to believe there is something to vibrations, other dimensional bodies, prana, etc. strictly from a scientific viewpoint. Whether it exists or not, I think the HB meditations are awesome.
I am sure you are familiar with the String theory-and other theories. Many authors believe in raising the vibrations (some say lower). I read Psychic Diaries (it was cheap at a garage sale) by Lysa Mateu and it is quite interesting. She says to make contact, the deceased lower their vibrations and she increases hers. After reading her book, I have to admit I took a new look at life after death. Wayne Dyer talks about manifestations with sounds-many people have written of this -Barbara Brennon talks about the different bodies, and raising vibrations to be a healer. She is a physicist among many other things. (Barbara Brennon's book Hands of Light-and she has a school of healing). I like envisioning "the prana streaming in from all around me" because I think of prana as God's love and I am reminded that this love is everyplace. Sometimes after sad things have happened, or after having listened to the news, I lose awareness of "God's love all around me." This prana visualization really helps me & makes me feel very good. I wrote earlier that I used the HB meditations to image stream. I use them only to get images flowing-not to interpret or to talk. I would not want to lose the magic of these meditations with thoughts. When I am listening to the Aurora Skies cd, my heart feels so (I do not know how to say it) full of love that I think it would burst it there were more-that is not the right way to say it, but I am sure you understand what I am trying to say. Whether or not Eric's beliefs are that of a true genius or not, you have to admit, he breaks the barriers with his meditation cds (at least for me & some of you). What if you do the things Eric teaches you, and you really do go into other dimensions-I have a feeling that that is exactly what is going to happen. May we all have a fantastic voyage & gain true knowledge & be a shining beacon of love. Khalah

[This message has been edited by khalah (edited March 05, 2006).]

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/22/06 03:39 PM
Coldrayne, Chrisp, & Khalah,

I suppose I'll continue with listening to the foundation set and performing the meditations following Eric Pepin's instructions to the best of my ability and understanding. I don't know about the visualization part with the chakra breathing & the silver prana light tho.
Maybe the visualization is really not necessary and the focusing on the touching of the chakras will suffice. What do you all think?? Would appreciate any help you all can provided.
I'm very interested in learning this type of meditation. I've tried TM, Holosync, & Awakened Minds (insight) over the years.
Anyway, wish me luck and a safe journey

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 07:51 AM
WOW! You guys seem just as far along as I am. Very refreshing to finally find someone to talk to about these things.

3Dlifestyle, you said...

[I lot of things on the guided meditation cd didn't make sense like breathing with the chakras(abdominal, heart, & mind). Breathing in silver light (prana), touching the chakras and focusing on the touch. Could you help me to understand this.]

For years I hated chakra meditations because they didn't "do anything for me." Most that I tried had me moving energy up and down them and lighting them up. Even though it's cool to do (and you also do it more in "High Guard-the art of energy defense") by itself it isn't going to give you more energy. It's the basis of the Hindu method of meditation called Kriya Yoga but they get their energy through the Christ Consciousness- focusing on the 3rd eye chakra. Most people, like me years ago, skipped that part or didn't do it enough.

When you focus on the chakra's through the touch, you place your attention there. The chakra points are where your energy body connects to your physical body, like the JACK in the back of the head that plugs you into the Matrix in the Matrix movies. The only thing that separates humans from other animals is our brain and spinal column. Everything else is the same. The chakra points are at various places along the brain and spinal column. The root chakra, solar plexus chakra, throat chakra, and crown chakra don't need to be charged. The energy from the other 3 bleed into them and/or they serve a different purpose other than hold energy. The crown chakra is like a satelite dish that sends out and receives. You don't charge satelite dishes. The root chakra is the seat of our survival mechanism and is already "over charged" half the time and doesn't need to be charged. The throat chakra and solar plexus are fed from the other ones and don't need it either.

When we place our attention on the navel chakra, we think about it. Thinking about energy draws it to us the same way thinking about anything brings it to life in us. Guy Finley says "where attention goes, lifeforce flows. Attention animates, isolates and carries weight." You can prove it by the martial arts drill of looking west and having someone try to push you east. It's hard to do because you've caused the whole of your surrounding force field to move to the west. "The force" helps you not be pushed over, not just the physical muscles.

Thinking about "energy" causes you to attract it to you. As was said on the foundation set tapes (the 4 that came with it)- if you think about energy/the force/prana while you breath in, you actually take it in. If you just breath in, you're just taking in air, it's just a mechanical/biological function then. Your "focus" moves the "force." Wayne Dyer said in his "Power of Intention" book that intention is practically everything. An intention is different than a random thought. Energy is everything and energy is electricity. When you think about the lifeforce comming into you, the thought (which is a certain vibration of electricity) draws to it what it's similar to it which is this outside electricity which is the lifeforce comming into you. It's like being in a pool and splashing water on yourself. You're moving the force into yourself. You're raising your tonal and attracting everything from the universe that is that higher tonal to you. That's why you don't have to meditate for hours to get the full effect of this. Like a sponge soaking in water, once you take in all the energy you can hold, you're done. You're fully charged and the next time you do it, you can take in even more energy because you've raised your tonal, your frequency just a bit. Just a bit every time is all you can do.

You can cause lifeforce to flow into any area of the body. Master Chunyi Lin teaches in the LS QiGong course that you can move surrounding lifeforce into someone elses body, healing them. Of course, that's another matter. The point is you're energy body is connected to your physical body via these chakra's. When you do the Foundation meditation you are moving lifeforce into your energy body which spills over into the physical body BECAUSE you're doing it at a chakra point. You can charge your energy body by soaking up energy through your hands if you want, but you won't get this spillover effect.

The navel chakra is the chi center that feeds the whole body. It is the source that martial artists use for their techniques. It's a full body charge point. The heart chakra plugs directly into your emotional center, your center of feeling. The heart pumps blood to your whole body so to me this is the most important chakra to focus on intently because "feelings" are the lost language of God. Most of the things you "know" you know because you can feel the truth. It "feels" right and sits right in your heart. If something is wrong you can sense it very clearly by your feelings about it. The Star Wars movies said alot about this if you paid attention. The 3rd eye chakra is the mental center and also the source of intuition. Charging this one increases your psychic ability, your energy mind.

It's good to note that you are charging your energy body FIRST and doing it at these points on the energy body cause a spill over to the physical, not the other way around. Proof of this is this meditation, although it does energize your body, increases psychic abilities through the roof. You'll sense things in the energy world that your physical senses can't pick up. You'll get hunches about things constantly and you'll almost always be able to feel what other people are feeling. You literally have more power in your astral body and this means a heightened sensitivity to everything moving through the force, the consciousness that is everything and connects everything. This energy is in the air, and because it's now in your energy body also you can communicate with it and almost "talk" to it through your intuition and feelings. I personally feel it's what Jesus was talking about. God ain't a being like us. It's this force, this electricity. We take it in, we become it and as a result, we can use it and let it use us.

I hope that wasn't too far out there. It's just the way I see it.

About Dreamscape- I just don't need it to have Lucid Dreams. It's a combination hypnosis, binural technology, waking daydream program and personally I think it's cool but after doing the Foundation meditation I can sit in a normal "still mind" meditation and get the same effects without the CD. When my mind is still I can pick up astral sounds and visions alot clearer than when there's music in the backround. Besides, I've only been doing this for 2 months, maybe I just didn't give it a shot enough times. I will when I have more time.

ChrisP, you said...

[. I did Holosync through the first custom-made level without even a twinge of anything, now after a week or ten days listening to Higher Balance its all happening ...almost as though the bineural technology is more "advanced" (for lack of a better word) and the level of Holosync I was at wasn't "enough" for me.]

Holosync works with the brain and causes new neural pathways to develop or open up. HB works with the energy body (your soul) and the effects spill over to the physical causing who knows what but we don't care so much about that. You're FEELING it in your heart, not trying to change your physical organism. HB's binural is different somehow, that's for sure but I don't know exactly why.

[I think when I feel ready to move on to another module I will try the Manifestation one, as I think it might help me with my writers block by manifesting creative ideas and or vocabulary, etc. Your thoughts?]

I don't have Manifestation yet BUT I've heard that it deals with MAGIC. I've talked to them over the phone about it and they say that it's very advanced and you have to have some prerequisites under your belt before you try it. In other words, you learn to alter reality. I've studied a couple "magical" systems and most of them deal with putting you in a state of mind where you believe that the whole of the universe is mind-stuff and since that's what you are too, you can change the world with your mind alone. It sounds very quantum physicsy to me and I don't think you need something that powerful to overcome writers block. Sounds like using a nuclear missle to hunt deer- Overkill. If I were you I'd just call them and ask them which module would be best for that. Once I get Manifestation and know something about it I'll post here about it.

3Dlifestyle, you said...

[Maybe the visualization is really not necessary and the focusing on the touching of the chakras will suffice. What do you all think??]

Visualization is like imagining something. Even though he says to visualize prana comming into you eventually you drop the visualizing and just start FEELING it in actuality. This is REAL. You are arching the energy into you that's all around you. Solar energy existed 500 years ago. It was a reality then but no one harnessed it until this century. You are harnessing something that's really there, you are taking it in. You can feel it right away. Go ahead and visualize for as long as you want but you don't need to do it for long. Like shooting a basketball, you can visualize it and improve your performance (like Tony Robbins says) but eventually you really do just shoot the ball. Focus on the touch. It helps focus your attention. Eventually a thought by itself on the chakra is enough but do the touch for as long as you want.

Did I forget to cover anything?

Posted By: baquai Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 10:22 AM
I just purchesed the Foudation CD's after following this thread for a few
manifestation check out
or have had good results with these techniques coupled with using the Prosperity paraliminal.

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 01:54 PM

Where were you three year ago when this new system of meditation was released? I sure could've used your explaination, understanding & insight on this magnificent meditation method back then. Could you imagine how far along I would be if someone could have explained it the way you have? Your explaination on how you perceive it all to be is 1st class, among the best I 've read. I truly understand now. There is no legal forum to discuss this method of meditation, so I guess will have to continue or perhaps keep it going on "Beyond Human". If you search the archives on "Higher Balance" you will find a small, few mentioning of the system by not much. I bought the system when it was first introduced three years ago but shelved it because there were no one available like you around to compare notes with and to ask questions. You're the best!! Thanks.

Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 04:00 PM
Wow! Very impressive explaination...I think you missed your calling in life. You would make a great teacher or spiritual coach!! Way to clear up some confusing issues.
By the way, I definitely do better with the Dreamscape CD when I fall asleep to it and just let it talk to my subconscious. Last night I had trouble falling asleep and stayed awake for the whole thing and it is CREEPY toward the end! Can you tell me what is the purpose of some of those scenarios he has you visualizing (and the freaky drums playing)??

I have been trying to think of a way to respond to your last post since you last posted. I'm have some advice for you but am having a hard time putting it into words.
(good thing we have our friend Coldrayne)
Its obvious that a big part of your problem is the fact that you are "not a believer". While clearly you would like to be a believer, you just cant visualize what you dont believe to be true or even possible. I think your trying to overcome a life time of thinking <a certain way> all at once when maybe you should be taking baby steps. Maybe by concentrating on visualizing prana one day, then when you get comfortable with that work on bringing it in through the first chakra, then so on and work your way up to the goal so it isnt so overwhelming all at once. It seems like you are waiting for the Universe to "prove" something to you first, before you believe, but I think it needs to be the other way around: you need to believe certain things are possible before you are able to experience them. (??)
You say:
<in order to make, I have to make up something my logical mind knows isn't true>
But it is true, you'r right brain just needs to come up with a creative way to convince your left brain what it already knows. This CAN BE DONE: not only am I Catholic, but I'm an Accountant as well. Talk about conflicting chatter from the left brain! If I can overcome it so can you. Coldrayne's got it goin on, take his advice.
And baby steps.

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/24/06 06:09 AM

I thank you also for your inputs, they are valued as well. You and Coldrayne have indeed given much to think about. Maybe I am approaching this from a left brain point of view. Guess I'm in need of a big paradigm shift . I haven't gotten up the courage to tackle the "Dreamscape" cd. Well believe it or not I guess I'm just plain "chicken". Afraid of what type of imagery I might muster up for myself :P

Posted By: Flowerchild Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 07:46 PM
What an awesome thread! I'm getting out my HB CD's and dusting them off. I have a different prespective now and maybe I will be able to reach a higher level.

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 08:46 PM

Welcome to the "PARTY"

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/23/06 08:50 PM

We must give thanks to Coldrayne for gettin this party started!!!!


Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/24/06 06:26 AM
Hey, enough with the flattery! Thanks for brightening my day though.

Everything I posted here (with the exception of a few opinions here and there) is on the 4 explaination cd's that come with the foundation set. I emailed them and called them a couple times too but there's nothing they said that wasn't on the CD's. Hearing someone explain it through their experience was cool though. I've listened to those 4 cds probably 10 times and each time I hear something I didn't hear before. I don't know why but I could listen to it again right now and be blown away by it. They are truely amazing.

I need to try Dreamscape after hearing all of you talk about it. I fall asleep everytime I listen to it and wake up here and there and hear strange music and talking. In the past 2 months I've only tried it about 20 times and each time I zonk out right after the relaxation part. I honestly don't even know what's on the cd. It's definately a cure for insomnia, for me anyway.

3DLifestyle:[Where were you three year ago when this new system of meditation was released? I sure could've used your explaination, understanding & insight on this magnificent meditation method back then. Could you imagine how far along I would be if someone could have explained it the way you have?]

I just got a flyer in the mail in December of 05 about the Handbook of the Navigator and I've been on every mailing list for self-development stuff (like Nightingale-Conant, Tony Robbins, Self-Realization Fellowship, Ken Roberts, Wayne Dyer,etc.) since 1990 and I just found out about this 3 months ago. I wish I would have found out about it sooner but when I think about it, I don't know if I would have been ready for it. They say everything happens for a reason and maybe I did stumble upon Higher Balance before but was just too busy to "see" it. At the end of last year I had pretty much given up on tons of stuff I had been working on and I was just ready to pop. I was dying for something new, something I had never seen before and then wham, something falls in my lap like this. There are thousands of guru's and programs and companies selling stuff. The odds of finding something like this at the same time that you have the extra money for it and are willing to give it a shot are not very good, if you think about it.

I've known about QiGong for years but never had the money till last year and LS ran a sale and I guess the time was just right. It was that course that got me to look at "the force" as a reality and not just some fairy tale in a movie. That brings me to this question: I think 3Dlifestyle said this

[Its obvious that a big part of your problem is the fact that you are "not a believer". While clearly you would like to be a believer, you just cant visualize what you dont believe to be true or even possible. I think your trying to overcome a life time of thinking <a certain way> all at once when maybe you should be taking baby steps. Maybe by concentrating on visualizing prana one day, then when you get comfortable with that work on bringing it in through the first chakra, then so on and work your way up to the goal so it isnt so overwhelming all at once. It seems like you are waiting for the Universe to "prove" something to you first, before you believe, but I think it needs to be the other way around: you need to believe certain things are possible before you are able to experience them. (??)]

Here is my take on "BELIEFS." This is only my opinion and it's based on everything that I know at this time. This could change as I learn more:

Beliefs don't really matter too much, but practically everyone who teaches any method of self-development talks about how they are either the be all end all, OR they are fairy tales for the lazy. The examples usually given are regarding religious beliefs. We've also been told that "if we believe we can or believe we can't, we're right." I say that beliefs don't really matter. What matters is WANTs. Here's what I mean: I believe that being an electrician is a great career choice that makes alot of money. I believe that buying houses and fixing them up and reselling them is a great way to make money. But I don't do either of those things. Why? Because I don't want to do it. So does believing in them or not believing in them even matter? No. What does matter? What matters is that I DO WHAT I WANT with my time. A want is a desire. A desire is really a form of what we would call "love." The emotion of love is the highest vibration of energy that exists. When you tone it down enough you filter it down to petty desires. The two are really related to each other. If you do what you want, you do what you love. If you believe something, you do it because you want to believe it. Your wants deturmine your beliefs but still then your beliefs don't really matter because most of them you ignore 99% of the time and what you spend your time with is the 1% that really matter to you and those are the one's relating to what you want to do with your time.

What do YOU want? I mean, why live? Really think about it. Why live? What's the point? I can't answer that but what I can say so far is I'm nothing like I was a year ago. When I look at pictures of myself from years ago I can't believe that I actually wasted my time doing what I was doing. In other words, I changed. And I recognize that I did and I like it and I want more of it, more change that is. I'm here in this body and I have to do certain things to survive but here's where the split happens between me and everyone else I know. I want less of "me" and more of something higher. I want to know more about what I don't know about. Some things fascinate me and I want to know more about them. So what do I do? The answer is, I explore what I want to know about. And as a result, "I" change to the point where I don't recognize myself from year to year and sometimes it's even month to month. This is the best I can do right now.

So for me, what do "beliefs" mean? I say who cares. So what? I believe everything. Why not? Since what I want out of life is to explore (Navigate) what fascinates me, beliefs really have no place, except to mark where I've been at any given time. That's all.

When I first started learning Photoreading, I wanted it to work because of the possibilities of it. Although I didn't get it to "work" right away, I WANTED it to work so bad that I couldn't get it out of my head. If I was a belief type person, I would have stopped right there and measured results, thought about it with my rational mind, shrugged my shoulders and just went on to something else. But I wanted it. Why? I guess you could say that because I wanted to learn everything I can about what fascinates me, I chose to believe it and then WHAM, it worked. I wanted something so I made a choice about what was real and what to believe in and as a result, I got what I wanted and it gave me more of other things I wanted.

People that are full of B.S. want to see everything as being a load of B.S. I figure that if the universe can make trillions times trillions times trillions times infinity and beyond times trillions of galaxies containing billions and billions of stars and solar systems which spawn billions upon billions of lifeforms working in perfect harmony with each other, then I can pretty much pull off anything I want also. I mean, why not? What else am I going to do? The only other alternative is to mope around like everyone else.

If everyone started using solar power for energy, would that make the sun run out of energy faster? No. Guy Finley once said that a tree throws off thousands if not millions of seeds every year. Out of all of them only two or three seeds actually become another tree. All the other seeds that don't grow become FOOD for those that do. That's nature. That's reality. I think about that whenever I take in LifeForce from the universe. If you think about it, all of this energy is mostly being "wasted" - not used. It's got to be dying to be used. I think it wants to be used. I seriously think that. Now if I want to use and it knows that I want to use it what do you think it's going to do?

These are the things I think about now that the Superbowl is over. Once the olympics is over, I wonder what else I'll think about, hehe.

Posted By: baquai Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/24/06 10:06 AM
This is all jibing perfectly with what I have been getting from Abraham-Hicks.You WANT then you align with that feeling and feel as good as possible,being appreciative of where you are and what you already have.It is not believe,then you will get it.You want then mold your energy around that.I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks through this forum from Tore's posts(Thanks!)I have had results from this.This last year I got this Laptop and I spent 4 months in Thailand.I was resistant to ABE-Hicks initialy because its channeled material.I just couldnt by it.But this name kept turning up and decided to suspend judgement(a belief) and just give it a try.I have not looked back.I dont care anymore if Abraham is real or its just that Esther Hicks is very clever.It WORKS.I should be getting the foundation cds today or tomorrow.I am looking forward to it!.thanks again.

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/25/06 06:30 AM
I just got off the phone with HB because I wanted to buy "Manifestation" and the woman on the phone actually discouraged me from getting it yet. She said that I should get "Dissecting the Matrix" first because it deals with understanding reality. She said that reality is like a grey scale. On one side it's color is total black and on the other side the color is total white and all along in between it's a shade of grey. There is no "right" color or "wrong" color. There is no "real" color or "unreal" color. The Matrix is your frequency of reality at your present level of understanding. When you learn more and experience more you naturally raise your frequency of what you know and "reality" changes for you. What is a fantasy today to me is a reality tomorrow.

She also said that EVERYTHING is a contradiction. Since every color exists right here, right now but we only can think in opposites, then it seems as if both sides of every opposite is true and that's exactly right. Which is right, up or down? Which is right, you are an animal or you are a spirit? They both are, we are both at the same time. Which is right, we are going to die, or we are immortal? Both are right. Everything it true. There is no point in arguing that one this is true and another is untrue. Most religions tell you this but they don't really know how to communicate it in a way where people can understand. It seems as if they just lay out there beliefs and you either take them or you go away. We can't really blame them either, I can't communicate it that well either. We can't know about something that isn't real. If it weren't real, we just wouldn't know about it. Humans created the opposites of reality and fantasy because that's how organic thought works. It's a survival instinct. It's a function of the programming of the pineal gland. Everything is live or die to this "dragon" brain, this lizard brain. You either put the berry in your mouth or you don't. You either light the fire or you freeze to death. Things are right or wrong to this organism, but that's the animal world. If you move up the grey scale of reality you have to drop this way of thinking. Things aren't right or wrong, they're just either useful to you at this time or they aren't. If they aren't, drop them on the ground so someone else can use them, if that's where they're at.

Most philosophies and religions argue about what's real and not real, what's possible and not possible, what you should do and not do. Where I'm at on the grey scale, yes, there are things that are possible and not possible, real and not real. I can take a stand and define reality and be absolutely 100% correct. I can live in a city and a state and a country filled with people that all agree with me too. But what if I go up the grey scale, up a frequency of two? All of the sudden there are new things I didn't know before, different laws of physics and nature, different games etc.

Which one of these is real and not real? I say both. That is my belief. Everything is real.

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited February 24, 2006).]

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/24/06 08:38 PM
Hello again to coldrayne, chrisp, 3Dlifestyle, & welcome baquai and welcome back to HB flowerchild.
I just finished listening to Higher Balance's (HB's) Reverse Engineering the Self. It is interesting, but might end your honeymoon with HB should you be having one.

3Dlifestyle, I thought (as a non expert) I would say this to your prana visualization-maybe it will help-maybe not: To envision silver, I think of silver as the color of water drops from a waterfall -sparkling, glistening, reflecting in the sunlight all the colors of a prism, dancing in motion, so alive. Then I imagine the air around me being charged with this type of particle-electric-vibrant-(and it really is if we could see it as we sometimes do when the conditions such as light, etc are just right). Sometimes I imagine this light as being tinged in the most beautiful colors of light blue. Then I imagine myself as being illuminated and becoming more illuminated by these particles (prana-Godforce) or another way of saying-think of yourself as a light bulb and instead of radiating light out, it is radiating in to you -all over your body. In a book I read, Jesus was quoted as saying, ye are Gods. You could think of this as a way of being aware of & honoring the God part of you-(I too have a protestant background -& I too have not found a particular church or doctrine that I believe in). Anyway, 3DLifestyle, you name says it all-I bet you can teach us how to visualize. Sometimes I visualize prana in a manner that chrisp mentioned in one of the previous posts. Make the visualization yours with your truth, make them powerful, awesome, spectacular, gentle, beautiful, or whatever you need them to be-then go into the mediation with no expectations-just let it be. I do not think you have to visualize to do the meditation, but I think it helps by the focus that others have mentioned in the posts. And if all that visualization talk is too much for you, just relax and take it as it comes. Sincerely, Khalah

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/24/06 09:40 PM
Here's the link for all of HB's expansion modules

Each one has a short description and can point you to any area of interest that you may have. The Foundation Set is the "foundation" you need for anything you may want to do. It's not an end in itself unless all you want is to master the art of meditation.

I only have a couple of these expansion modules so far but I plan on getting all of them. There's not one thing here that I don't want to know about. I've only been using HB materials for going on 3 months and they've been the most interesting 3 months of my life so far. If you think I know something that you don't know, I think you're mistaken. I think you're VERY mistaken. You just haven't learned what I have so far. I've been listening to audio programs for 16 years now and the only ones that have really helped me have been Learning Strategies courses, Guy Finley and Vernon Howards lectures and these Higher Balance modules. Everything else I've bought has been very dissappointing. If nothing else I hope that everyone here gets what they're looking for and doesn't waste any time or money on programs that don't help you. There are hundreds of companies and guru's and philosophies and IMO Higher Balance's have been very well worth it in going "Beyond Human."

I can't wait to hear about your furthure experiences. I know no one where I live that cares about this stuff. The internet is all I have to connect me to like minded people working on the same stuff. It's refreshing to know that I'm not the only one searching and working. I hope that you all will post here about your breakthroughs.

Posted By: Faune Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/27/06 04:46 PM
I have been following this thread and have been convinced that I should purchase HB foundation course and the Navigator so I have just ordered them now.
I have been doing SFQ for 2 years and still have had problems with meditation and not getting to the stillness. Recently I have experienced a big eye looking at me when meditating and when I am awake I feel very aware and am seeing everything as though it is a cardboard cut out with a light blue edge round it .
Has anyone else had this sort of experience?
I hope that HB can get me on track or explain my experiences.
Love and light

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited February 27, 2006).]

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/28/06 03:29 PM
What's SFQ?

Have you ever noticed that one day you can get still without even trying and other days you can't get still no matter what you do?

My definition of what meditation is has change probably 200 times over tha past 15 years. One day I'm perfectly still and that's meditation. The other day I'm visualizing traveling around the universe and that's meditation. I hate it when people say they've tried this and that for years and have gotten nowhere because you aren't perfectly "still" or something. Believe me, if you've been at least TRYING something you've come along way. Most people won't do anything and don't care. So what if you aren't perfectly still. And how do you know anyway? Stillness is something you can only achieve for a few minutes anyway. If you've studied NLP or anything like that you'll know that the body naturally resets itself every 15 seconds anyway so if you can stay still for 15 seconds, you win.

I think that the Hindu way of meditation is so strict that most people can't even do it and for some reason everyone thinks they have to live up to this standard or they have gotten nowhere and there is no in between.

Let me tell you something. Stillness is moving at the speed of your surrounding environment. If you try to sit still on a boat out in the ocean where there are waves bouncing you around, you are RESISTING. But if you "go with the flow" and move with everything around you, you are becomming still. Stillness is not some rigid quality that you must have all the time no matter what is going on around you. Some days you wake up all jumpy and some days you wake up and you can't even get up and none of it's your fault and there's nothing you have to do to "correct" it, just go with it.

I remember this one football game I went to in Buffalo. It was years ago and the Bills were kicking the heck out of this other team and I just wasn't in the mood. I only went because my brothers wanted me to go and it was like my only day off work in a month and I just wanted to rest but I got dragged there. Since I was one of the only people not jumping up and down and screaming I felt this incredible resistance in me. I actually thought about how I was anchored in reality and they weren't and I was "still" and they weren't. But if I was still, why did I feel not still? So just for the heck of it I started jumping up and down and screaming like everyone else and all of my stuck feelings just went away. I started moving at the speed of my environment and guess what? I finally felt "still". I felt alright. The energy was finally moving through me instead of hitting me all over. This is probably not the best example of not resisting life but for me it's the most obvious.

[Recently I have experienced a big eye looking at me when meditating and when I am awake I feel very aware and am seeing everything as though it is a cardboard cut out with a light blue edge round it .
Has anyone else had this sort of experience?]

I think you're just seeing things 2 dimensionally temporarily and also seeing auras. The eye thing is a reflection of your own eye. During OBE's you project a probe of yourself (or a satelite) and in your case you've chosen the eye and I think you're just getting a glimpse of it.

Posted By: Faune Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/28/06 03:58 PM
Hi Coldrayne,

Thanks for your helpful reply.
'What Is SFQ?'
SFQ is Spring Forest Qigong - Master Chunyi Lins version of medical Qigong from Learning Strategies.
It is an extremely good programme which really works on all levels and I cannot recommend it enough. I started it to get rid of pain which it did and I am progressing towards consciousness and hopefully enlightenment.
Love & light'

[This message has been edited by Faune (edited March 01, 2006).]

Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/28/06 04:30 PM
In regards to "Reverse Engineering the Self":
What was it like and what prompted you to purchase that one...or is it the next logical step after the Foundation Set?
For what reason(s) do you dislike it?

I just finished reading Ask and it is Given.
LOVED it. I was wondering if you had read their latest book and how does it expand on the first.

Posted By: baquai Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/28/06 08:50 PM
Chrisp:"The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent".I have read 3/4 of it.It expands a little
on ask and it is given.There are no new processes.But it has more "hands on" exercizes.It seems more polished than "Ask and it is Given".I got more of a charge out of "Ask~".I have read it 4 times now and always get something more out of it each read.I just started with Higher Balance.I have found everything Eric Pepin talks about in the foundation cd's complements ABE and "vice versa."

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 02/28/06 10:11 PM
Originally posted by chrisp:
In regards to "Reverse Engineering the Self":
What was it like and what prompted you to purchase that one...or is it the next logical step after the Foundation Set?
For what reason(s) do you dislike it?

I just finished reading Ask and it is Given.
LOVED it. I was wondering if you had read their latest book and how does it expand on the first.

I am going to read the above book also. Thanks for info Baquai. Chrisp, I purchased Reverse Engineering the Self after listening to Eric's audio session on "Surrender" per recommendations in that session. I did not have Reverse Engineering the Self or Discovering the One. I had the other 2 sets that he recommended. (These audio sessions are archived by Higher Balance, and you can listen to them by going to Higher Balance's website.) Discovering the One is really something-you listen to hear your own sounds or frequency. I heard sounds, several times, but could not maintain them. It says practice is needed by most. Quite interesting! Back to Reverse Engineering the Self-What did I not like about it? Maybe if I understood what was happening I would like it-most parts I do like. As soon as I get back to the states I will call HB and ask Matthew for an explanation. I "think" he and the girl I have talked with were both Eric's students in that cd-of course, maybe not. I have talked with Matthew more than the others-all have been very helpful and very kind. I think Matthew has the kindest voice I have ever heard-and feel that he will give me a truthful explanation about the cd (2nd of 2 cd set). The cd is probably not what it appears to me from my first and only listening to it. For that reason, I will not state in this forum my thoughts about Eric's comments as he changes states of consciousness (I think that is what has happened.) I will let you know what I find out. Love and Blessings, khalah

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/01/06 06:12 AM

I got LS's Spring Forest QiGong the summer of 2005 (levels 1 and 2) and think it's wonderful. It actually changed my whole spiritual direction in life toward studying LifeForce. SFQ is the reason I got involved with Higher Balance in the first place. I searched all over the net for months on end looking for someone who could explain the scientific reasons we could move the force around and into our bodies like that and it wasn't until 6 months later I got a flier in the mail from Higher Balance.

[I have been doing SFQ for 2 years and still have had problems with meditation and not getting to the stillness]

My favorite exercise on level one of SFQ is moving yin and yang up and down your spine. Just a couple minutes of doing that is enough to still me. I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

Years ago I "failed" to attain stillness using Kriya Yoga, a path that worked for so many other people for many years. The Kriya Technique is to move the lifeforce up the spine to your head and back down again with your mind only, no hand movements. I couldn't get it to do anything. Once I tried Chunyi Lin's hand movements I got it to work right away. The point is, I think you just gotta find something that works for you and who knows what that will be and who knows where you will find it.

Guy Finley sells a tape program called "The Meditative Life" that may help you.

His explaination of what meditation is for is quite different than everyone elses, even Eric Pepin's. I do Guy's version of meditation after I do Eric's. Sometimes I also do Wayne Dyers Meditation for Manifesting which is where you say the "ah" sound and vibrate at that frequency and focus on what you want to manifest in your life. I really can't say that I like one version over another. I like them all and do them all. I also like the Zen techniques which are available anywhere in any book but I like Osho's and Alan Watts' more than other Zen stuff.

I hope I'm not confusing you. The point is, I think you'll eventually find what you need if you just keep trying things.

Posted By: Stevie Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/01/06 06:42 AM

Life for me is very simple and the only mistakes you can make is to overcomplicate it. I am also skeptical of a particular doctrine or of almost any one's personal ideas.


Posted By: Faune Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/01/06 01:55 PM
Hi Coldrayne,
Thanks for the explanation.
The reason I have difficulty getting to the stillness in SFQ exercise is that I have a big rush of energy coming up from the balls of my feet - feels a bit like the way you feel when a plane is taking off! - not compatible with peace and stillness.
On the SFQ forum I was advised that I was lucky to be feeling so much energy and I do accept that and I know I should be grateful for it but I can't help thinking(and thinking is what gets you into trouble) that it would be great just to feel the stillness but I haven't managed it yet.
Thanks again for the suggestions and links.
Love & light

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/01/06 04:00 PM

What was the last thing that skepticism ever built? Did Paul Sheele build Learning Strategies with skepticism? Skepticism is a human emotion that is the result of having something denied to you enough times that the memory alone is now powerful enough to make you not even try something in the future.

If you are here, you are not skeptical. Skeptical people don't try to figure things out. They try to bring other people down. You aren't doing that and you're here on this forum looking for new ways to figure things out for yourself.

Some people believe no matter what and some people are skeptics no matter what. You are what you are. I've tried to be skeptical and analytical about things and I just can't do it. I don't belong in the science field. If I was an engineer I'd make the space shuttle just cruise the mall parking lot and be happy with it

Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/02/06 12:39 AM
Hi Faune;

I saw your earlier post mentioning the eyeball looking at you during meditation.

The way I had heard it described by someone else was that the eyeball was blocking their path.

The resolution was to say " I now allow myself to move to the next level" the eyeball will move away and you are free to go on.

Hope that helps.

Great post on Higher Balance. Thanks.

Posted By: Faune Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/03/06 06:25 AM
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the suggestion . I will try thanking the eye and asking it to move on.
I initially thought that it might be a sign to work on opening the Third Eye but now I'm not so sure. So I will keep on with Qigong ( try and stop me!) and try out the Eric Pepin CDs and Navigator when they arrive.
Love and gratitude

Posted By: jeffdengr Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/03/06 02:01 AM
Hi Faune;

The Eye seems to show up for many people at that stage of developement, I don't know why.

You must give yourself permission to move to the next level. Talking to the eye and asking it to move doesn't seem to do much.

At the time I met it I tried to go around it, over it, nothing. So I visualized a bright sword in my hand and sliced it in half then I went on.Muttering something like "what an a--hole"

This wasn't the best choice as I later found out but it worked for me.



Posted By: chrisp Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/04/06 01:53 PM
I have tried Higher Balance's website for the archived audio, but cannot seem to grt there. I see where it says "Free Audio" (or listen free) at the top lefthand corner of the page but when I click on it it just sends me back to the home page. Help?

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/04/06 05:10 PM

Posted By: Faune Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/04/06 05:36 PM
Hi Jeff,
That certainly seems to be a very severe
method of getting the eye to move but as I am still seeing it I will try the sword!
Love & gratitude

Posted By: babayada Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/04/06 07:48 PM
Skepticism has never built anything?

On the contrary, it has helped build just about every aspect involved in your daily life. It has helped make available the foods that sustain you. It makes it possible for you to travel across the continent and from continent to continent at great speeds. It has helped make it so that a cold will not kill you or a minor infection does not become a major health risk.

This is because the scientific method is based on skepticism and not belief. If a hypothesis can be proved or disproved based on measurable evidence, and it has survived rigorous testing, then it can become a theory.

Reality is what persists despite your beliefs, fears, hopes, and desires.

Being critical and skeptical is not being negative. It is not dismissing things out of hand. It is, rather, being open to doubt, being open to inquiry, and being willing to test your hypotheses rather than simply believing in them.

Believing in something has its merits, because there are advantages to belief. Beliefs open up channels to us and can limit self-conflict and self-doubt. But those same "enabling" beliefs can also hinder and constrain us.

Skepticism and criticism are important. Glibly throwing them to the side is a big mistake.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited March 04, 2006).]

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/05/06 07:52 AM
I looked up the definition of skepticism and it said- "The philosophical doctrined that absolute knowledge is impossible and that inquiry must be a process of doubting in order to acquire approximate or relative certainty." If someone actually does something and gets a result, they don't have approximate certainty- they know. They are not skeptical either. That's all I'm saying.

[Being critical and skeptical is not being negative. It is not dismissing things out of hand. It is, rather, being open to doubt, being open to inquiry, and being willing to test your hypotheses rather than simply believing in them.]

If that's your definition of skepticism, I think it falls right in the middle of what I call skepticism and belief. What I was talking about are these people that say something isn't a possibility without even trying to find out whether it is true or not.

I would have to say that I'm very biased toward this whole topic anyway. When I think of a skeptical person I also think of a miserable person who doesn't do anything with his life because "it won't work anyway." I don't think of someone in a lab doing experiments applying the scientific method who is properly applying skepticism to achieve a measureable result.

Edison wasn't skeptical. He believed he would eventually find the right combination of materials put together in the right way to create a light that would burn without burning up. Why did he believe? No logical reason at all. No scientific evidence at all. In fact, all the scientific evidence clearly proved it couldn't be done so why didn't he just say heck with it? But you could also say he WAS skeptical. He was skeptical about the "fact" that he was going to have to sit around in the dark all the time So I guess you're right too! Doesn't the very meaning of the word depend on your point of view? We can make Edison into a believer or make him into a skeptic.

I'm glad you brought this topic up. When I'm openening up to the possibility of a new reality, I guess I'm also being skeptical at the same time that what I know is "all there is" and I never really looked at it that way before.

[This message has been edited by Coldrayne (edited March 05, 2006).]

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/05/06 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Coldrayne:

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/05/06 03:29 PM

Sorry about that. On the HBIDynamics website, click on "RadioSeminar Podcasts" and you'll be able to listen to a couple free conference calls done by Eric.

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/06/06 03:21 PM
Coldrayne, Thanks for giving info on how to access Higher Balance Institutes's archived audio sessions (radio seminar podcasts). I might add while listening to Eric's healing audio session-I did have healing occur. (arm wound-brown recluse spider bite from several years ago) Some say it takes faith for it to happen-I was focusing on it for healing, but totally shocked when it did happen! Maybe others experienced healings also-I will let you know if I find out anything. Khalah

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/07/06 04:53 AM
With as much as I blab about HB, I have yet to listen to that one

Is there really a difference betwen faith and focus? Hmm.

Posted By: khalah Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/09/06 11:05 PM
That is an interesting question. I will have to think about it.

Posted By: Chrismc Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/16/06 06:37 AM
Hi! I starting reading your threads after I read the Handbook of the Navigator (twice now). I have dabbled in meditation and hatha yoga over the years, but never seriously other than doing the Tibetian 5 rites every morning and yoga stretches and shoulder stands. In January of this year I started doing meditation/biofeedback via the Wild Divine software and I am enjoying that very much. I have been doing some of the different breathing techniques and sending out love and compassion to the planet and all living things on a daily basis and feeling more positive about myself.
I ordered the HB Foundation Series and received it yesterday. I listened to the first CD in the series and then fell asleep listening to Dreamscape. I normally get up at 5 AM, but I found it interesting that I woke up at 3:30 AM with no grogginess but was able to go back to sleep also. And today at work I was able to redefine my whole work area by cleaning all the old paperwork off my desk that had been piling up for several months. Maybe the HB CDs are working already!
I have also been taking the Magneural-6S for a couple weeks. Has anyone else tried that and had any specific experiences with it? I have been chatting mentally with the deer at my local state park and twice one stopped to look at me for several minutes before walking away slowly instead of bolting. I did find that interesting! I plan to keep reading about your experiences and plan to have some of my own soon to post also. Thanks!

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/16/06 06:01 AM
Lots of weird things will begin to happen to you that you can't explain and that if you told anyone, they wouldn't believe it.

I don't know if it came with the Foundation Set, but there's a handout called "Assimilation" that will probably explain the whole deer thing. I don't know how deer think but he didn't think you were a predator, that's for sure. Humans have killed deer for so long that the cell memory of the deer species is programmed to run from humans. He didn't see you as a "human."

I was thinking about getting Wild Divine. Is it fun?

Since you're noticing an increase in energy and sleeping less why don't you try to have Lucid Dreams. I don't feel like going to bed, ever really, so what I've been doing is visualize myself flying around- like in an out of body experience so when I do go to sleep I'm automatically in a flying dream. Works every time.

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/17/06 08:46 PM

Have you tried any of the Silva techniques??


Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 03/18/06 03:25 AM
Back in the early 90's I was in sales and read some silva books and got some of their tapes to help with that. I also got the nightingaleconant silva course when it came out. I think it was one of my first attempts at esp. I really can't comment on it because I honestly don't remember much about it other than once you get to alpha you're supposed to have all the experiences they talk about.

The Silva method has been so ripped off by everyone else that you can't read anything about esp or paranormal development without comming across breakthroughs that Jose Silva didn't find first. He was a pioneer in the field (when no one else was doing it) and definately raised everyone's consciousness to what was possible. I personally think he helped NLP become what it was and introduced "anchors" even though he didn't use the term. He was using brainwave technology years before it was "cool" and since then - just look around you at all the brainwave stuff out there.

Silva, NLP and peak performance stuff was written mostly for the American market and appeals to those who want to keep a foot in the "practical" world. I'm not bent that way so after learning all I could there at the time I turned to Hinduism, Taoism, Buddism and all the eastern arts and found that they were doing things that are just unbelieveable so I went in that direction. But that was a long time ago.

If I were to try Silva now it would probably be a review for me. Dick Sutphen teaches how to get to the theta level before doing psychic stuff and it only makes sense that he probably learned how to get to alpha via the Silva method and then just kept going.

If your curious just get the course from LS. You can't go wrong with their guarantee. It may be too basic for you OR it will show you some basics you didn't know. I would never steer someone away from learning esp no matter who was the teacher.

Posted By: Chrismc Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/05/06 05:34 AM

Yes, I think the Wild Divine is fun. It is also complex enough to hold your interest. It teaches you certain yoga type breaths which you have to master to make doors open, etc. in the game. Toward the end of the first game ("The Passage"), there is a Heart Temple which I am partial to because it focuses on healing yourself and others. I also have received and started the 2nd series in the game ("Wisdom Quest"). There is a cool sound magician in this game that claims to take you to another dimension via certain sounds. It makes me shudder when I do it, almost like the feeling I get sometimes when doing the HB meditation CDs.

I have been doing the HB meditations for a little over 2 weeks now. I can't believe I have been able to carve an extra hour out of each day for this activity, but I do think it is worth it, as I feel happier, and I can tell by the way people are responding to me that it is making a difference!

By the way did you know that Eric Pepin has been doing monthly radio podcasts at He did a healing seminar and the last 10 minutes of it is a healing session he sends out to all on the airwaves. I talked them into making it a separate podcast, and it is called GuidedHealing.mp3. Check it out!


Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/05/06 05:21 AM
Thanks for the Wild Divine info I'm going to buy it when I have my HB Star Reach program paid for, I still have a couple months to pay for.

I've listened to all of the Podcasts and you're right- the end of the healing one is amazing. One thing I really like about him is he doesn't put down Reiki or anything and actually encourages us to go ahead and learn it, which I'm also doing right now.

I've been doing the HB meditation for 4 months now. I started with doing it once a day and I started this thread when I was doing that. For the past 2 months I moved up to doing it twice a day and also doing the longer meditations- track 3 on all the meditation CD's. This is honestly the first meditation that I've ever learned that I WANT to do before I do it. I've never stuck with one meditation technique ever in my life. All of the other ones I've tried (and I've tried them all) eventually stopped working for me but this one really gets deeper and deeper every time you do it. It feels as if you pick up where you left off before. I've done energizing meditations before- where you move energy around your body and even heal with it- but they all always stopped working. It really ticked me off when I'd invest so much time and money in something and then it stops doing anything. This is the first thing that really delivers long term and you don't even have to spend more than the initial $80.

I had a choice to make months ago- either go with Holosync for $2400 (all the levels at a discount) or HB for $1900 (that's the foundation set and the Star Reach program which gives you every expansion pack they have over the course of one year) and I just got better results with HB. You don't really even need any of the expansion packs so I could have gotten away with blowing just $80 but I really like those things when they come every month. I honestly don't even do anything other than the foundation meditation twice a day. It really accomplishes everything I want. All the rest is really just for fun.

This month I listened to "Dissecting the Matrix" about 10 times and there's really nothing you have to do with it, there's only something to see with it. You see the reality that everyone makes around you and if you're awake to it, your energy doesn't go to "fund" it, you get to keep it for yourself and you aren't effected by the reality around you and you can kinda do what you want. It reminds me of the Matrix movie where if you're plugged into the power plant running the matrix, all of your energy and everyone elses energy is used to create this reality but if you aren't "part" of the matrix, you can plug in and all of your energy is yours to use to do what you want and since you have more energy you can break the rules of the Matrix because you aren't bound by the rules because you are awake in it instead of asleep TO it. You are literally connected to reality differently than everyone else is. When you are asleep in the matrix you actually dream it into being, and that takes a tremendous amount of your energy to do this. If you snap out of the delusion you are no longer making the world but playing in a world that is already being created by everyone around you.

I'm pretty sure that Hinduism and Buddhism taught this too but the way they explained it was to wake up through adopting certain disciplines that are just not practical in THIS day and age anymore. I think the discipline is mental, like an understanding, not a physical act that leads to the eventual experiencing, although I think we've all accidentally done both in our lives before, we just didn't know how to describe it. Eric just describes it better, I think.

I think that's the reason all other forms of meditation just don't work. If you just meditate, you meditate IN the Matrix. You've really got to get out of the Matrix altogether. Since there really is no plug plugging us in, it's our attention that's doing it, we need a way to plug a different world into US and that accomplishes two things at one time. First we're plugging the spirit world into our chakras and second, that act disconnects us from this Matrix (this agreed upon or collective consciousness) and we get to experience this new energy taking us there. And then from there we step back into the Matrix and go to work and do stuff with our family etc. but we're FREE. We're now awake in it. I think that traditional meditation that does work for a while dissconnects us from this matrix but then we experience "nothingness" which is great but then when we stop we just plug back into the only reality we know again, and nothing is really changed. We just had a nice break. That's fine if that's all you want and I would never put anyone down for doing it and would never put any method of meditation down, it certainly served it's purpose for me over the years. But, there is something else out there, definately.

Posted By: gerryvanrooyen Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/06/06 07:57 AM


Hi Coldrayne & everyone on this list,

Over the last month I have learned more by reading your posts than I have in over twenty years of self-study. I will be ever grateful for this forum and all you fantastic people who so unselfishly share you knowledge and wisdom so freely.

Posted By: keugen Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/06/06 09:03 PM
I just wonna to say that for me one important moment was reading the book Power of Now and listen to Wayne Dyer Being in the Moment.

It's such a joy being in the now, that now I wonna be there all the time, but I am not enough skilled in that. But that, for me, would be the moment where everything has changed, and everything had higher meaning.

Something like a signpost from nowhere which has a message that voyage is meaningful and need to be enjoyed.

A moment when you acknowledge that you are on a long way but it is worthy every step you make, and also that you because of that must enjoy every step.

I hope that you would understand me, because of my bad English, I just needed to say something about this very profound moment for me.

Foundation set meditation is suddenly much more meaningful and full of joy.

Enjoy the now

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/07/06 04:08 AM
[Over the last month I have learned more by reading your posts than I have in over twenty years of self-study. I will be ever grateful for this forum and all you fantastic people who so unselfishly share you knowledge and wisdom so freely.]

I've also learned more from this forum than I have from any other, including some of the ones you have to pay for, and I've done a couple of them over the years and they're an absolute waste of time.

I think you really need to thank Learning Strategies most of all because without this forum, how would we even communicate? How many companies have a forum where you can discuss OTHER companies products so freely? The answer is, just this one. If you go to other companies forums they will edit you. Not only that but I've noticed that LS allows people to openly bash there own products. It happens all the time on the Photoreading forum. It just shows you how confident LS is in there own products. There isn't one other company out there like this one.

Posted By: Ignacius Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/29/06 07:31 PM
I'm new in HB World, so i'm trying the meditations since 2 weeks... and i'm experimenting a lot of colours shining in my head during the meditations... and a profound happiness.
I wonder... it's normal to get vertigo during full meditation??
Sorry to all by my English, i'm Argentinian.
Be Happy!!!!!

Posted By: baquai Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 04/30/06 10:14 AM
I have been doing the foundation meditation for about 2 months now twice a day.I love it and really look forword to doing it.I just finished a session.I have have had "colors" also faces,some very weird non-human looking but not scary.I just let these come and go and keep breathing in prana and releasing.I like this method and over all I feel like I am making gradual progress. I am in no rush.I just got the Power of surrender module and listend to the first 2 cds.I like how he presents it.Where are you at Coldrayne?

Posted By: Coldrayne Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 05/01/06 04:46 AM
I just got the Power of Surrender also, so I'm guessing I'm right where you're at right about now ... relieved

I always thought surrender was giving up or giving up control or saying you don't care out of laziness but it's nothing like that. It's simple when you hear about it but then when you do it, it's like WHOOOAH, I gotta do this with everything. On the 4th cd he gets into how to do it with pretty much everything. I was digging up stuff I thought I didn't even care about and there it was, I was still holding on to it. These memories hold a tremendous amount of energy and when we let them go you actually feel lighter. This is impossible to prove to anyone, you just have to do it. It's practically impossible to even talk about it. There's nothing that I can say that can explain what happens. I've just been really happy lately and I think it's because when I surrender the pain of past events, one by one, I not only don't carry it all around anymore but I don't even fear the things that might happen in the future because I know it isn't going to effect me in the least, and if it does I can just surrender it. With all the "letting go" stuff out there I think people think they know what surrender means and they don't have a clue. I have at least 10 books on my shelf about letting go and none of it came close to this.

I never saw the lights you're talking about. I guess it's true what they say, everyone's experience is different. I focus more on the feeling of the lifeforce comming in and don't see anything out of the ordinary. I think you two are seeing the lifeforce being colored by your chakras. I'm just not there yet, but like you said, I ain't rushing anything. It will come.

I also got "Discovering the One" and have started the tone meditation. Between that and Surrender I've been pretty busy.

I went back and rewatched "WHat the bleep do we know?" and got the book that goes along with it and knowing what I know now it makes alot more sense. I thought I got it the first 7 times but man, I really didn't have a clue back then. I listened to "Dissecting the Matrix" then watched "What the bleep" and I was just blown away. You gotta try it sometime.

Posted By: baquai Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 05/01/06 09:18 AM
Disecting The Matrix is the next one on my list and iwas just thinking about "What the bleep-"
I think I'll watch it again now.I used to "see" images doing Monroe institute tapes and other theta wave type binaural cds.They tend just to flash across the screen.I have not listened to all the Surrender CDs yet but I have the next 3 days

Posted By: TheCoyote Re: Handbook of the Navigator - 05/01/06 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Ignacius:
I wonder... it's normal to get vertigo during full meditation??

I have been working with the Higher Balance material for a while and I would say that vertigo is a good thing. As you gain energy from meditation, your energy body begins to awaken and move around. Your biological body and brain is probably not use to this feeling (unless you have previously done Qi Gong, etc.) so your brain interprets this feeling as vertigo. Everyone interprets information from their sixth sense in a different way.

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