Posted By: Shidov Alternative Activation tecnique - 06/13/06 03:52 PM
Hi everybody!!

I'm italian, so please excuse my English..

This is a very nice place.. and I'm sure you can help me ;-))

I've started using Photoreading for improving my study method, with
activation by Buzan's mindmapping..

I find it work quite fine for me, but after read about Freenoting in
the Einstein Factor book, I'm curious about better tools for activation..

I ask this question because in the next two week I've 3exams that are
important for taking a degree in July..

I found that Photoreading is very great to me to put inside my brain
all the stuff I want.. the thing I'm searching for is for activation,
but if anyone here have a better whole study method, it will be also
well accepted!!

Thx for all, in the near future I will integrate in my life all
Project Renaissance's tecnique, but now I need urgent help!!

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Alternative Activation tecnique - 06/14/06 04:47 AM
A bad time to be looking for and experimenting with new techniques on an exams. Use what you already know works.

After the exams experiment with new techniques

Posted By: Shidov Re: Alternative Activation tecnique - 06/14/06 06:33 AM
Perhaps you're right.. ;-))

So maybe you can help me enhance my present tecnique of activation.

I think that the more I use my present tecnique, the more I'll get skilled in using it.

So.. maybe it's better for me continue working with my present activation and enhance it on my own..

I use Mind Probing, SuperReading and Dipping to find the answers.. but I have to work more to take the things I found in the book in a MindMap..

Perhaps I didn't go easy on myself in this step.. I have to mantain a child like approach..

A last thing.. What do you think in using memory techniques such as loci to retain and organize things? I'm not very skilled in using it but perhaps it will help me in organize informations..

The question is: Is Activation step itself, with mindmaps, enough to retain things well or a good memory tecnique will boost my retain level?

I keep trying to answer myself ;-)))

I found that my mind tells me that if I take activation step well, with comprehension in layers, I will find that my retain level it's good enough for me..

This will happen because the goal of memory tecniques is to put, in some way, things in the long term memory.. but the activation step, working with a lot of intelligences and both the CMind and OTCMind, will bring the same effect to me..

What do you think of my reflections?

Thx for all!!

Posted By: Shidov Re: Alternative Activation tecnique - 06/14/06 06:47 AM
I visited your site for photoreading in Australia and found it a good site where take information and more curiosity in the System!!!

Image streaming will help me with activation, right? I had image streaming sessions in the past.. not so many.. so perhaps if I take it for a bit in my day every day it will help me in activation??

Another question:

Is there anything in the Personal Learning Course that can help me in this moment with exams? For activation.. to go easy.. to take a good study method..

If you have any suggestions please post ;-)))

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Alternative Activation tecnique - 06/14/06 01:01 PM
Building in layers and mind mapping will increase your memory of the information. It starts with your questions. If they are your questions, for your purpose then it's easier to understand and remember.

Even memory techniques work faster with small blocks of time, incubation and layers.

Like painting a room. You start in one area quickly give each wall one light coat of paint. (first activation) Let it dry, (Incubate). Add another light coat of paint.(second activation) and continue until you have the walls painted to your satisfaction.

If you try to put the paint on thick the first time around. It takes too long to dry (incubation - takes longer to know what you don't know yet). It's flakes off and dies patchy (you forget what you learned faster) It usually takes longer to put on the thick coat than 2 or 3 thin coats. (time advantage.) And you often have to start over because the job isn't done well enough (more time on the job).

An Austrian saying my mother had for us. The lazy donkey carries everything at once and to his death. What she was telling us is ironically true in many areas of life including reading. Make more lighter trips. It goes a lot easier and a darned sight faster.

Sure you can use image streaming. Just remember Image Streams need to be decoded they are usually a metaphor rather than a crystal clear retelling of the text.

Try image streaming for a symbol that represents the answer when you have it. Do that before you PhotoRead. It's something we are encouraging people to do in the live seminars. To get in touch with their body mind. Start by saying give me a symbol that will let me know I've connected with what I'm looking for.

Time wise I wouldn't worry about what is in the home study course. The time you spend on that would be much better spent on reviewing and rehearsing a successful outcome to your exams.

Do PhotoRead your textbooks daily just before the exam. Also PhotoRead any notes. Review your notes and mind maps and refresh your memory on anything that seems forgotten. That is your priority right now

About my Australian website. Thank you it's nice to hear someone say that. It's makes it worthwhile. I updated it a month ago. It's the beginning of some major projects I'm working on right now. Today posted a new article on my blog which I am putting am also putting onto my website.

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