Posted By: chuckiecow Just a thought - 12/26/06 09:19 AM
So I was walking around the lake by my house today, and thinking about random stuff, and a revelation came to me that shed some light on why products like photo-reading and genius code might not work for some people.

I think it is beyond any contention that products by LSC such as genius code have a heavy emphasis on tapping into the vast resources of our subconciousness to improve our lives.

Yet, the problem is that there are many issues and problems that have been buried deeply down in the subconciousness of our mind. Many of these issues became issues as a result of experiences we had in life. In the worst case, the issues exist because of traumatic experiences that one had as a very young child. Or if you are a believer of past lives, perhaps issues from your previous life times still lingered in your subconciousness.

The point is that by using products like Genius Code, we are tapping into our subconciousness. Yet, by tapping into our subconciousness, we are also accessing the issues and problems that have resided there for most of our lives that we have never conciously realized. If we do not realize that the issues even existed in the first place, then when we use LSC products, we will be so unready at a psychological level for the information that we are accessing from our subconciousness that our ego immediately steps in to put a stop sign. Thus, we give up using LSC product, choosing to believe that LSC products are bogus, and science fiction rather than admitting that perhaps we have issues that first need to be resolved.

The implication is huge. LSC may have all these incredible products. But before the bottleneck described above is solve first, these products may only be able to benefit some people while the millions of people out there will never be able to experience what its like to be able to tap into the wealth of resources of our subconciousness.
Posted By: orelindel Re: Just a thought - 12/26/06 01:48 PM
Hi ChuckieCow,

I read your post with great interest. When I received my home study course, I wondered why they included the book Natural Brilliance. As I read it, I understood why.

I don't believe in past lives, but I do believe that children can be traumatized by the formal education process and lose touch with their true potential. It certainly happened to me.

So far, I'm not a photoreading success story. But I'm determined not to give up. Thanks so much for taking the time to reach out to people like me.

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Just a thought - 12/31/06 05:36 AM
Yes we do build a bit of a body mind connection. But it nothing weird like trying to channel a spirit guide. It's more like consciously using memory techniques to learn to remember so we don't have to rely on those memory techniques when we need to remember.

What you're saying is also true for taking test. You're trying to tap your non-conscious mind to remember, or pull up the answer that you were exposed to through, reading, watching or listening. Not everyone does great on the same test that everyone else in the classroom learned too. The ones that pass could be said to have a better strategy for remembering or they have a better connection to their non-conscious mind. True of any information you gathered with traditional reading too.

The system is a strategy for getting the reading done faster and yes there are opportunities to train your mind for getting the information out of your non-conscious levels faster with the Learning Strategies courses.

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