Posted By: sam988 What the Hell! - 07/12/07 03:00 PM
I tried the whole PR proccess in a book about a subject i have little to no knowledge of.

You guys say one of the main points in PR proccess is stating a goal for what you want out of the book. Well i want everything! How am i going to state goals about getting to know certain topics if i dont know which topics will be covered in the damn book?!

And you say "make certain questions about the book and about what you want to know". WELL I WOULD HAVE TO MAKE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ENTIRE BOOK THEN. Not only certain topics, because i want to have a good understanding about ALL that its inside the book!

So i would have to "super read" and dip into everything, so, read all the book, then it would take as much time as i normally take to read a normal book lol.

So i dont understand all of this, i made a whole PR proccess with a book and only got a bit of information after doing all of the steps, like previewing, then PRing and waiting OVERNIGHT (so it couldnt be that it didnt have enough time to incubate), and activating by super reading and dipping. I also did all the "enter accelerative learning state" thing the right way, and had the goal to "get the most out of the book and improve my knowledge about it" (what else could i have stated as goal when i dont know what to come and when i want all whats inside the book and not just some parts of it?).

I didnt even bother to do the mind map because i had so little knowledge of the book after all the steps, as much as i would have if i just skimmed through a book.

So what am i missing about the PR whole proccess?
Posted By: sam988 Re: What the Hell! - 07/13/07 02:51 AM
You guys know which part of the PR whole mind proccess i like the most? Rapid Reading, the last part of it, since its there when i actually can get all the information i need, lol, it only takes 2 hours...

This deluxe course got me completely disappointed so far (their wonderful marketing hype got me dreaming), i'm considering sending it back. The Photo Reading doesnt seem to be working, after all the normal steps of it (this is the 3rd book i did the whole PR proccess), i have very few information about the book, as much as if i had just skimmed through it. Only when i do the last step, which is rapid reading, i get results, then i can FINALLY get the feeling that i know enough about the book (this step takes about 2.5 hours), as if i had read it the "old fashioned way" (which seems to still be better than PR so far). So in the end, i lose as much time on PR proccess than i would lose on just reading it normally.

I gotta love this forum, such high traffic of ppl ...

Anyways, if there is any soul on this desert wasteland, i would still like to know what am i missing on PR proccess, i'm putting a lot of time and effort into it, so i really want this to work out, but so far havent been getting many results, and i havent had ANY clue yet that the Photo Focus actually works.
Posted By: paint Re: What the Hell! - 07/13/07 03:24 AM
So let me get this straight...

You complaining that someone else got through a book at 2.5 hours? That isn't that long for some books so you don't know whether thats a long time.

You problem is that your not layering your activation. You need to pace your self. Your purpose can never be I want to get all the information in the book. You need to get trigger words and actively super read and dip. Rapid reading is optional and i know i can speak for myself when i say it is rarely needed. Try starting a mind map as early as you can and build it.
sorry if i forgot anything.

P.S. I know how you feel bout not getting replies quickly...
Posted By: matthat Re: What the Hell! - 07/13/07 07:35 AM

Having read your numerous comments on the various posts, I've gotta say this:

You're right.

I just don't think that Photoreading is for you. It seems to me that your need for answers for unconscious processes is just going to get in your way and no amount of forum posts are going to satisfy you.

You've asked lots of questions that, to be honest, I don't really feel like answering for you specifically because I think that they are already covered on the forum.

I had many of your doubts, as indeed did others that I know, and when we overcame those doubts we began to see the results that I now get everyday, and it's a great place to be. I accept that not everyone can abandon their traditional ways of thinking and succeed with something like photoreading. Indeed I put my course away twice, despondant, before it finally clicked for me and I started getting wow moments.

So perhaps you should send your Deluxe Course back for a refund and look for a method such as conventional speed reading.

Or put it on the shelf and go read some books about the unconscious mind that would help you understand what is going on that supports photoreading.

And regarding your comments about the speed answers on the forum, please bear in mind that apart from Alex who works with Learning Strat, everyone else is here voluntarily to talk about PR and help others along.

Hmmm I don't like being so negative, yet I can't see how I can really help further. Sorry.

Posted By: sam988 Re: What the Hell! - 07/13/07 04:53 PM
Oh matthat congrats, you got my learning style; goes something like this: I try to learn (PR a few books), if it doesnt work i get frustrated/pissed and decide to make some posts complaining about it so i feel better, after some time when im more calm i go back to the material and try to learn it once again, and this proccess will continue until i learn it -and i will eventually, im not the quitter type, even though i might appear like one with these posts-, so today and tomorrow i'll do the PR proccess in 4 books, using 4 slightly different PR strategies to see if it makes any difference.
Posted By: sam988 Re: What the Hell! - 07/13/07 04:57 PM

So let me get this straight...

You complaining that someone else got through a book at 2.5 hours? That isn't that long for some books so you don't know whether thats a long time.

You problem is that your not layering your activation. You need to pace your self. Your purpose can never be I want to get all the information in the book. You need to get trigger words and actively super read and dip. Rapid reading is optional and i know i can speak for myself when i say it is rarely needed. Try starting a mind map as early as you can and build it.
sorry if i forgot anything.

P.S. I know how you feel bout not getting replies quickly...

The thing here is that i want to learn more than just "a few parts" of the book. I feel like i'm getting 100% of comprehension of 10% of the book (the 10% to which my trigger words apply). On the other hand, if i read the entire book the old fashioned way, i get like 75%-80% of comprehension of 100% of the book, since i read it all. Thats why i still feel like i have much less information by PR than by normal reading.
Posted By: paint Re: What the Hell! - 07/13/07 07:47 PM
I think you need a real expert to help you. Call their coaching services if you must. Try emailing first, though.
Posted By: Drew Re: What the Hell! - 07/14/07 07:28 PM

How many books have you gone through the whole process on since the post? You said this was your 3rd book.Since this is one of your first 10 books or so, put it away. Do the process on books where a do or bust isn't a requirement.

If you read a book on a subject that you know no nothing about in a normal fashion, how much of the subject will you know after one reading?

If you don't know what is in the book, how did you decide to pick up the book? Is your first question not, what is the book about? Not so much the detailed content of the book. Mind map the table on contents, what appeals to you.

If you need to make questions about the whole book to know everything, why haven't you?

Maybe the first time you super read and dip through the book, yes it may take you as long to go through the book, yet your finished mind map, if that is how you are activating will be far deeper and more coherent that with ordinary reading. You said you didn't mind map your activation. Depending on the book subject, is a write form of activation the most appropriate?

You mention that your purpose was get the most out of the book and improve my knowledge about it ? How, what etc. specifically? That is quite general as a purpose.

If you want success you'll need to practice more than on 4 books. If you don't get immediate results, you quit. So I take it you can't talk properly, don't walk, can't write etc.?

Happy Travels

Posted By: sam988 Re: What the Hell! - 07/15/07 03:27 AM

If you want success you'll need to practice more than on 4 books. If you don't get immediate results, you quit. So I take it you can't talk properly, don't walk, can't write etc.?

Yea thanks for the tip. I must stop being so harsh on the system and on myself.

I still plan on learning it, even if it takes a lot of practice. But until i learn it, you guys on forum wont get rid of me

I'll also play more with the system, i've realized that trying to do the step-by-step perfectly wont help me much because everyone is different, so i might take some different approaches to the system, and that's what im planning to do from now on.

Thanks for the help of all you guys. After a week or two i'll be back posting the results. Bye, for now.
Posted By: raleigh199 Re: What the Hell! - 07/16/07 07:36 PM
You are doing fine Sam.

I am sorry I have been away from this forum , due
to the promotions and increased job responsibilities,
I am enjoying, due to my increased competencies
that I attribute to Photoreading, Natural Brilliance,
the Sedona Method, and maybe a little of
Mother Marie Diamond's Feng Shui ( see the Beyond
Human forum here).

Anyway, I was frustarted like you , when I first began.
The purpose you may want to start with, when you
are so overwhelmed by the material, as I was
when I had to study four years of graduate work
in 3 months to pass a certification exam in
my field of work, was to just have
" I want to PR this material to understand what
are the most important themes in this textbook."

That is LAYER ONE.. I incubate it overnight

Than I skitter, dip, supperread, and mindmap
what I have.
Now this will lead me to more specific questions and
I will PR again but now I have a better idea what themes
I need to explore.

That is LAYER TWO. I incubate it overnight.

Now I skitter, dip, supperread again and
usually I have so many questions I will
just for (excuse the expression) the helluvit,
Here is where the SEDONA METHOD comes in, where
I release worrying about grades, outcomes, time constraints,
and just Notice , Observe, Play with the material,
Stay with the material)-- called NOPS in Paul Scheele's
Natural Brilliance Course. Believe me, at this point,
I am gaining quite a BIT OF CONFIDENCE and
COMPREHENSION of what had seemed like Greek to me,
just days ago.

At this point you will have a good foothold and can really
apply the advice that the other people gave you earlier
with great skill and confidence.

Let us know how you make out with this.
I hope this was helpful.

Good luck.

Oh BTW; Everyone thinks I am an
employee from Learning Strategies Corporation.
That is not true. I really gained much from Paul's
course and feel an attitude of gratitude and the need to give back
to others who now are wher I used to be.
Posted By: raleigh199 Re: What the Hell! - 07/16/07 07:50 PM

I have been away so long,
I failed to notice there is
a new Feng Shui forum here,
called Dowsing Diamond. It looks like it
just started in May.

Feng Shui can actually be helpful
in setting up a study space that
maximizes getting into the
Accelerated Learning State, which is
so important for the various stages of

Like matthat was saying, in the earlier
response to your post,
there is so much subconscious process
that is important, which traditional education
has not yet tapped into as a powerful tool.

A few books on Feng Shui and
books on subcoonscious processing,
the reticular activating system, and subliminal
processing would be helpful books
for all to photoread.

Posted By: sam988 Re: What the Hell! - 07/19/07 06:28 AM
Thanks for the insights and support, raleigh199

Here's my progress in the PR proccess:

1. I've used just the PhotoRead step of the proccess in about 50 books, or 10 books per day on average.

2. I've activated 11 books, or 2 books per day on average.

3. I've activated mostly books on finances/business/investing, so they are not new for me (only 2 of these 11 books had nothing to do with this kind of subject).

Here's how i'm doing it:

- First, i create a purpose for reading the book, usually something like "I want to increase my knowledge of X, so i can know better how to do Y" (I won't mention the purpose again, but i'm keeping it in mind throughout all the next processes). Then, i survey the book, this takes around 5 minutes. Then i PhotoRead the book, which takes around 3 minutes. Then i postview it, which takes around 10 minutes (formulating questions included in this step, i formulate 10 per average per book, i have mostly used the chapter titles for question formulation, since i've not been able to "find trigger/center words every 20 pages or so"). Then i let it incubate for 24 hours on average.

-Now to the activation: Now i read all the questions again, and go to the step of superreading/dipping, which i ended up mixing with rapid reading, because i wasnt getting any feeling as to where in the page to dip. I had actually no idea where to deep, and when i felt i had some drive to go to a sentence, i mostly found it made no sense and didnt help me to get the bigger picture or to get some answer to my goal. So this process took on average 45 minutes.

-Now i mind map it; this takes around 10 minutes on average. I don't do the "colorful kindergarten mindmap" stuff; i just use my bic pen to do it.

Conclusion: I can now read a book in 1h10min average, which is 4 times as fast as i used to read.

Questions i still have:

1. Are my comprehension levels still the same as when i used to read books using normal reading? Probably not, but i'm sure they are pretty similar, because after i read a book i really know a lot about it, even feels as i know as much as when i used to normal read, but i'm not sure.

2. Whats the deal with dipping? I still don't have this feeling or "urge" to dip into sentences.

3. Do you guys do a colorful mind map? Is it really worth it? Does it activate much more information than when doing a one-color mindmap?

4. I'm still not sure wether the PhotoReading step really works or is just bogus (i know that no matter what you guys say can convince me, i gotta figure it for myself, i know i know =P). The point here is that there is still doubt because i havent been able to get any "feeling" or "urge" to dip into sentences, what i do is i do a rapid reading/skimming through the many parts/chapters of the book until i feel i have the core concepts/content of it. I still don't know if PhotoReading plays any part on it.

Thats it for now, ill be making updates about my progress throughout the next days/weeks.
Posted By: matthat Re: What the Hell! - 07/19/07 04:00 PM
Hey Sam988 congrats on your progress!!

1. I think you've answered your own question... the more you use the process the more efficiently you will activate the book

2. Until I mentioned it here, were you aware of the feeling of your big toes? Does that mean they weren't there? Your unconscious mind sends you information all of the time, so I wonder, is the urge there and you're not paying attention?

3. Your mind has parts which process lines, words, colour, images, relationships, rhythms, etc. etc. The more elaborate and interesting the map, what do you think happens to the amount of mind power used in activating?

4. "even feels as i know as much as when i used to normal read"... feelings come from your unconscious mind... the bit that photoreads. I know I've finished with a book when I feel like it's empty, dried out if you like.

Hope they help... and well done!

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: What the Hell! - 07/25/07 05:31 PM

You say you formulate 10 questions per book on average.

If you're doing that right from the start... overkill, mate. You're missing opportunities. Think of yourself as a reporter. You're asking this authority on a topic some questions to suit your purpose (whatever that might be.) 3 questions and your purpose in mind should be enough to get you interacting.

So you got this expert in front of you they answer your first question. What happens next? Usually you get insights that lead to other questions. They are probably better formed than if you had a list of ten questions.You're having a conversation with an author and your job is to fulfil your purpose. Everything else this person knows is redundant for now. However finding out how informed this person is might give you another purpose or two.

You're approaching the books with a limited channel. Allow yourself to be more flexible and please. Do more activation layer so the book fully gels.

It's would be good if you fully activated those 11 books however I think you're stopping short. How do you know when you're done with a book? Same as when you found your glasses. They are in the last place you look once you have it you cannot look any further because you've got it. If you haven't got it with the book yet. Do another activation pass or 4.

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