Posted By: JJese Golf & question about forum etiquette - 08/24/07 10:46 PM
I hope there is no rule or etiquette against too many posts within a certain amount of time. If so, tell me.

Anyway, has photoreading helped anyone's golf game?

Posted By: raleigh199 Re: Golf & question about forum etiquette - 09/07/07 12:25 AM
To JJese

Only Alex can answer your etiquette question,
as she is the moderator , but in my opinion
one can post as much as needed, as long
as it all in the purpose of teaching
and learning Photoreading.

Re: your second question:
I am not a golfer, but I have used PR to improve
my performance in other sports. the improvements
have been dramatic in bicycle riding and
martial arts, which are two of my favorite

Try direct learning to improve your golf game.

No limit to the number of post. Only overwhelms some who are looking for answers as well. so it sometimes pays to slow down and wait for an answer.

© Forum for PhotoReading, Paraliminals, Spring Forest Qigong, and your quest for improvement