Hello. I'm new to this forum
I just found out about photoreading and willing to give it a try, but I have a question..
I use English in school but it's not native language.
So sometimes I need to look up meanings of the words that I don't know..
I wonder if I can photoread a book and remember some words I don't know (So I can look it up later).

After you learn how to PhotoRead I suggest you PhotoRead the translation dictionary a few times. You'll probably find you understand the meaning or words more and need to look them up less..

I agree with you. I also think he should play the dictionary game in the course. It helps to open your mind up to so much more. Plus, I think when you are finding terms like you do it helps in building the initial confidence that is sometimes lacking in beginning PhotoReaders.

The dictionary game is a game. A lot of people forget that. For many it also quickly becomes boring.

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