If I am photoreading text books over adn over for learning a language - i.e. witha mind to going throught he entire text books later ina conventional way, then won'tt hat count as activation? I mean, do I need to activate the photoreading way if I'm not just looking for specific information, but I intend to go through the whole text in detail anyway?
I photoread several books a day in Spanish, practice as much as possible with native speakers, and once in a while I'll say something I don't understand but is well received by the person I'm talking with. Once I researched for hours to find a phrase I had said.
I suppose that would be a photoreading event.

Anne N.

Either way it's activation. Activation means to get active with the book. Doesn't have to be superreading and dipping. If you intend to work toward conscious knowledge then you're activating the book.

Photoreading itself over and over isn't activating the text. It is providing repeated exposure for you other than conscious mind to work with the text.

You may photoread the text as often as you want. You may activate the book by whatever activation techniques you prefer.


Photoreading a text book over and over in a target language and then taking a class sounds like a good experiment with photoreading. I'll be very interested in hearing the results.
In fact, it could be a tool in a Language Learner's tool kit - photoread a book a couple of dozen times, then take a class.

Anne N.

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