Is it good to have expectations and analyse deeply the table of contents (visualize and guess things, etc...)?

I can imagine that doing this can be helpful to memorize the major structure of the book, but I don't know if this expectations can have a negative influence
on later understanding (maybe they can make us jump to conclusions).
What do you thing about it?

And build your comprehension in layers.

Of you PhotoRead the book you've already started processing the information.

Our expectations influence us... Always.

Our expectations are part of who we are. Our experiences, our likes and dislikes. That's why two people can read the same book and draw different conclusions. It's another point of view.

Thanks for the answer.

I didn't understand.
Is it good to have expectations and analyse deeply the table of contents (visualize and guess things, etc...)?
Or its better just a quickly read of the table of contents and move on to the photoreading step?
You tell me is it good for you?

I find analysing a table of content a waste of time. That gives you the concepts of the book. And you cover that in a 30 second preview.

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