Posted By: Jimbo_Jones Why doesn't it Work? - 10/26/00 08:37 PM
ok, is photoreading supposed to work for EVERYONE?..........and how long does it ususally take to get the hang of it.......?
i've been trying it for a couple of days now and still cannot master the technique, is there something special that you have to do in order to achieve such phenominal comprehension and speed?

Posted By: Hesham Re: Why doesn't it Work? - 10/27/00 11:02 AM
Man, tell me about it! I've been trying with it for almost a month now but without any results. I do ALL the steps the book instructs, I even see that "blip page"...But it comes to the exams and quizzes, I can't recall anything even though I religously followed the steps! Maybe what I saw was NOT the blip page...Who knows! :-P

Posted By: Michael Saikali Re: Why doesn't it Work? - 10/27/00 01:16 PM
Hello all,

The question of does it work? I have no comprehension are all common experiences that one goes thru especially during the early stages.

You may recall in the book the levels one will go thru to obtain mastery ... there wer e four levels ... I remember it tooks me at least a few months to gain level two. Secret is to stick with the program .. the effort will pay big and I mean big dividends in the end!

Does it work? My earliest recollection of the system working was when I went thru the course and was practicing rapid reading on the PR book ... I blasted thru the book in under 20 minutes with comprehension beyond belief!

Keep practicing and visiting this forum for support ... we'll get ya there, that's a promise!


Michael Saikali

Posted By: weight39doug Re: Why doesn't it Work? - 10/27/00 03:55 PM
When I first started out I found that Rapid reading after the photofocus step gave me just as good of comprehension as regular reading. The big difference was that I was able to motor through the books much more quickly. That alone was worthwhile.

Posted By: Jeabp Re: Why doesn't it Work? - 10/28/00 04:40 PM
I perfectly agree with weight39doug. I am just a beginner and my eksperience from the limited amount of books I've photoread is that even though I don't remember anything after the PR step, speadreading and dipping the text afterwards, gives really great understanding. My eksperience is also that it doesn't give me bad conscience to leave out sections in this way.

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: Why doesn't it Work? - 10/30/00 01:09 PM
Hesham - When you fully activate a book, you will be able to recall the information for any test to the same degree, if not better, that you would experience after reading the material.

Fully activating a book means spending time with the material. For the beginning PhotoReader, about 1/3 the time you would have spent reading it regular.

Plus, you will improve with time.

For insight, read the "Works on all material" article in the PhotoReading section of our website.

Posted By: ckerins Re: Why doesn't it Work? - 10/30/00 02:47 PM
I think that it is important to understand that the PhotoReading whole mind system speeds the absorption and comprehension of written materials, but that study of materials for tests might still be required. The _PhotoReading_ book has a section devoted to studying with your whole mind that is well worth looking at and using if you are a student.

The claims of Learning Strategies is that you will comprehend a book just as well, if not better, than if you regular read the book, and that you will understand it in a fraction of the time. I fully agree with this claim. This does not, however, mean that you will gain instant omniscience of the material in the book by simply PhotoReading it once. If it takes the average person 30 hours to assimilate the materials of a reasonably difficult text, a beginning PhotoReader should expect to be able to absorb that same material with equal comprehension in about 10 hours. An expert PhotoReader in about 2 hours, perhaps.

PhotoReading is an incredibly powerful mind technology, but it is not magic. It will helpl you to achieve all of your reading needs, but I think the wrong time to try to learn and apply it is when you are under the gun for tests, etc. Give it time to become a part of you. Integration of the system into your daily reading habits takes about three weeks (I remember hearing somewhere that it takes about that long to establish or break a habit). The PhotoReading system works best, in my opinion, when it has become habit and you are not conscious of asking yourself "am I doing this right", but are instead simply doing it. Also, the system will evolve differently for each person - some things will work for one person that will not work for another. The bare-bones of the system, as delineated in the book, course and seminar are just that - bare-bones. They can (and, I think, should) be added to and personalized to help create a powerful learning system that fits the individual PhotoReader.

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