Posted By: ckerins The Genius Zone - 02/17/01 11:52 PM
For those who might be interested - I just came across a program called "The Genius Zone", by Ed Stracher. The concepts contained in it are relevant to PhotoReading (centering, acheiving the alpha state, the four states of being, etc.). I am aware that he has a competing product to PhotoReading ("Reading Genius", which my understanding is not in the same league with PhotoReading), but this particular tape course ("The Genius Zone") seems to have some practical applications. Has anyone else on this board played with the system?

In a similar vein - Mr, Bissonette, if you are reading this - is there any news on the progress of the "Genius Code" that Mr. Scheele and Dr. Wenger are collaborating on? Thank you

Posted By: Pete Bissonette Re: The Genius Zone - 02/19/01 11:45 PM
I listened to Genius Zone a year or two ago, but I don't remember much about it. I'll dig it out. If I get any insights, I'll post a follow-up.

Paul and Win are nearly finished with the scripts for The Genius Code--I reviewed them two weeks ago. Win has a new course out from Nightingale-Conant, and we are listening to it to make sure our course is significantly different. I think folks will like both courses--ours will be more intense and definitely better for people who are familiar with our programs.

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