Posted By: Iam Speed Reading Too ? - 06/08/01 04:29 PM
Here's the deal. I've listened to and benefited from Jack Canfield for over 10 years. In the last 7-8 months I've been working hard and changing my head space and letting light in. I checked out some others on working towards your happiness. Not all of whom use NLP. Then I picked up the Unlimited Power tapes at a church rummage sale ($5). I had been reluctant about Anthony Robbinson, because a friend has said none to nice things about the book. Anyways he said much of the same thing I'd see before, but he phrased the goals setting in a slightly different way, and that was the trick for me.

So finally getting to the point (giving lots of background is a trait of mine) one of the goals I set for myself this year was "I will master speed reading". I had taken a couple of courses before and not stuck with it. So I had read the free material on the net and it covered everything I had taken in the seminars.

Ooops, did it again.
1)Does anyone speed read too?
2)Did anyone speed read before PR?
3)Did PR allow anyone to naturally develop speed reading skills?

So if some of the questions are answered in the course, but I'm still waiting. Once I get the material I'm disappear for a while. But for now all I can do is visit and search the forum. Just be happy I'm not answering all the 6 mo old threats I'm reading.

Posted By: mgrego2 Re: Speed Reading Too ? - 06/08/01 04:58 PM
Hi Iam,

1. I equate Speed Reading with Rapid Reading. From that perspective, yep I Speed Read.

2. I tried Speed Reading before PR. I used the Evelyn Wood book and the Tony Buzan. I just found them frustrating. My speed may have increased but it seemed like too much work and seemed to tire me out.

3. I have noticed a very marked increase in my reading speed since taking up PR. Even at the beginning, I found that I moved through books much more rapidly. This was true even of books (fiction) that I didn't PR first. Perhaps I had begun to integrate the tangerine technique and getting into state. I cannot, however, offer quantifiable data. I can only tell you subjectively that I was moving through books at a faster rate (and I wasn't looking for it to happen--I was surprised by it).

Posted By: Margaret Re: Speed Reading Too ? - 06/08/01 07:55 PM
I'm just not able to bother w/ speed reading anymore; it's too slow.

I was something of a slow, diligent reader who began at pg. 1.

Just using the preview techniques cuts out a lot of unnecessary reading. Stating my goal for reading cuts out more time. Determining how much time i want to commit at the time also cuts down on time spent.

Recently i've gone back to a number of books i had PhR for my workshop. NONE of them did i fully read. I developed a fear that i may be missing something. I was shocked to find nothing new to add.

One thing i also do is use the pencil highlighters from Levengers. These are terrific highlighters b/c they are pencils. I use a knife to sharpen them. Pencil sharpeners waste too much of the pencil & make the point too small. They come in 3 colors and i like the variety of the colors & use them to make relevant info stand out by combining them. Really they are a valuable tool for PhRing.

Posted By: Dana Hanson Re: Speed Reading Too ? - 06/08/01 11:02 PM
Also, remember the premise behind speed reading techniques. It's all about pushing your eyes faster across the page, trying to cram seven chunks of information into your memory bank, hoping something sticks. And with it the stress and tension emotional response, where you actually begin programming your mind to not get anything out of it.

The great part about the PhotoReading step is, you have the luxury of imprinting all the patterns of text directly into the greater processing capacities of your "other-than-conscious" mind at a page per second. Then, create new neuropathways with the Activation techniques, so your conscious mind can easily retrieve the information you want.

The one of the best things I've gotten from using PhotoReading is being able to approach written material with confidence, and choosing mastery over it. You can really take on most any book with PhotoReading and amaze yourself at what you can learn. Ya actually start to learn about how you learn as you use it.

Posted By: Pratibha Re: Speed Reading Too ? - 06/09/01 12:05 AM
Here's my take on speed reading.

Its one of the best things you can do for your mind. I don't know why everyone thinks speed reading is simply moving your eyes faster across the page. That's completely wrong. The training I've been exposed to involves developing the ability to process larger groups of words in a glance. Eventually a person can instantly comprehend an entire line of words in one eye fixation. With enough time and effort its possible to fully grasp a whole paragraph in one glance. A person's horizontal and vertical peripheral vision expand naturally to allow for such a feat.

The training is awesome for strengthening concentration and dramatically increases mental processing speed. I've tried my luck with various books but the best results have come from using a shareware speed reading program I downloaded. Its pretty intense!

If I can ask, why have you recieved threats?

Posted By: Jovo Re: Speed Reading Too ? - 06/09/01 06:27 AM
Could you tell us which speed reading program you found to be so useful? I'd like to try it.

Did you go to speed reading seminars or you are self-taught (books, Net, etc.). What's the best way to approach speed reading? Can you give me some key points to faster improvement? I'd appreciate it.

Posted By: Iam Re: Speed Reading Too ? - 06/09/01 02:01 PM
Thanks people. I was probing for a "No No you can speed read and PR that will ruin everything!".

Pratibha's descriptions is closer to my own understanding of speed reading. Where you visually take more and more text in. In the material I've read (I've also taken two seminar sessions) there's a period where you expose yourself to the material without trying to consciously being aware of the information. Then you start the see, hear, feel the material you read, not just hear the words in the text. In fact the ultimate goal in speed read sounds very similar to PR. Althought the top speed of SR seems the be the starting or PR.

The main difference to me seems to be that SR tries to drag your speed up, by pushing you beyond your conscious understading of the material (~= activation?). While PR seems to jump you off the deep end and you soar through text and learn to become consciously aware / understand the material.

I really see that advance forms of SR are the same as PR. Advanced SRers absorb a page per second. PRers all do two pages at a time. SRer are supposed to have immediate awareness of the material. Advanced PRers have full activations in minutes, and or spontaneous activation.

I really see this as using the same parts of the brain's capabilities just coming at it from different paths. You learn different things depending on the road you take. That's why my ultimate goal for PR is super-fast absorptions and immediate comprehension.

I've read a lot, in this forum, about other than conscious mind. I'm not sure I believe there is anything great and wonderous powers of this other mind. I don't like the implied difficulty to link the two minds, its man made separations. And just verbalizing the observations into two categories (minds) appears to be in itself a hinderance to fully using all the capabilities of your mind.

Okay, remember all I know about PR is from the forum, my material still isn't here.

Anyways those are some more ramblings, and thoughts that have been beating around in my head. I have other ideas and observations but I've rambled too much already.

Thanks to everyone for sharing.

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