Posted By: Andy030 Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/24/01 06:12 AM
I did something recently and I can't believe the results of it. My experiment was completed yesterday-thanksgiving.

I wanted to test the Direct Learning Technique (as outlined on page 137 of the PR book) but I really couldn't think of anything I wanted to "learn" other than to not pig out and gain weight every holiday season like I always do. It seems like every single year I gain 10 "holiday" pounds and have to lose it as my new years resolution. I don't feel like doing that this year so I figured I'd try something.

A couple days ago I dug out my old diet books (that I usually follow but not during the holidays) and I sat down and Photoread all of them back to back. All of them dealt with the low carb or cyclical carb diets: Atkins, Protein Power, Anabolic Diet, Natural Hormonal Enhancement and The Warrior Diet. They're the only diets I could even follow for any length of time or that even worked for me. My problem was I would always go off of them during the holidays.

Step one is know what new behavior you desire. I wanted to WANT to eat healthy this holiday season. I wanted to WANT the meat and vegetables and not want the cookies, pie and things like that. So my purpose was to create new desires and destroy old ones. I also wanted to feel satisfied and not deprived.

Step 2 is to PR the books so I did that. I also did that very last exercise from the PR course tapes where you visualize a future vision. I've done it before but not with dieting as my goal. I was going to use my Perfect Weight Paraliminal yesterday too but I forgot.

Anyway, dinner time arrived and I sit down and I had the weirdest feeling. I didn't eat anything all day (usually don't- war diet) and I should have been hungry but wasn't. I ate one plate of food and had to force myself to eat a second. I have NEVER eaten that little in my life and it's usually the time where I don't care and really load up. It was totally weird. Last year I ate and drank all day long and hung around for leftovers too. Heck, my wife ate more than me and she's never done that before.

I just think this was kinda interesting.

Every year where I work everyone that wants to lose weight participates in a diet contest Jan 1st and pays $5 and whoever loses the most weight wins it all so I'm thinking about doing this again. Last year I came in second to a guy that did the Atkins diet, I was doing Natural Hormonal Enhancement. I beat him in bodyfat% lost and he beat me in weight so technically I was better off because I didn't lose muscle. I'll do this whole process again plus combine NHE with the War diet and see how I do.

Posted By: Ann7822 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/23/01 09:08 PM
How neat! Thanks for your post ~
You've just given me a really great topic to become "curious" about ... therefore it should really really work. Right??!
Think I'll try your plan from now until Jan 1. Maybe we could start a contest here!


Posted By: ThomasK Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/23/01 11:48 PM
What are your experiences to the "The Warrior Diet"? How is it in relation to the "Natural Hormonal Enhancement" book? I found the NHE book very enjoying.

Posted By: Andy030 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/24/01 06:24 AM
NHE works great but I didn't care for the "eat 4 times a day" part. I thought it was funny that he said there are 2 ways to get this one "good" hormone to secrete and it was 1)eat protein or 2) eat nothing, so he varified some of the hormonal info in the Warrior Diet. I think both diets work better when you combine them because they don't interfere with each other. War focuses alot on keeping your homones in a swing on a daily basis and NHE has you doing it over the course of a few days and playing with the carb depleting/loading just makes the whole thing work faster. I feel terrific going most of the day on nothing but it was really hard to adjust to. Once you're used to it there ain't no going back.

If you want to read a real eye opener, read the first few pages of the book "The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet." The author describes how she "stumbled" on her diet. For a couple days she was forced to eat only one meal late at night and found she was dropping weight- the complete opposite of what everyone was told. She basically was on the warrior diet but then she added meals and made the diet 10 times slower.

Posted By: Andy030 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/24/01 06:41 AM
Ann, A contest is a good idea but instead of tracking weight, track how you feel towards food.

I think it's interesting that those books I read are books I already slow read but never Photoread with THAT particular purpose. I was asking the info to impact how I felt without having to think about it.

I was craving fruit today for some reason. Something's clicking.

Posted By: Rogin Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/30/01 05:46 PM
o_O! God! Is that possible? to stay all the day without eating a thing until dinner and not getting ill?


Posted By: Andy030 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 12/01/01 06:17 AM
I only eat at night anymore. I wake up, mess around all day, once I get hungry I eat fruit, get hungry again then I eat raw veggies, then I eat mostly extremely high fat foods (low carb) all night long and then a few times a week I'll eat whatever I want. It's a very old diet and the guy selling it now is not even convincing in his arguements. He's talking about it being the ROman warrior diet but my Grandmother (who was 1/2 indian) said that REAL Indians ate this way all their lives. Hunt all day eat at night, repeat. This "small meals all day long" is TOTAL B***SH** and is a modern way of eating that leads to - well, look at everyone.

I'm not a diet guru but I know that the average life expectancy of someone that doesn't work out or exercise is 73.4 years and we have health nuts dropping dead on the tennis courts at 45. I don't know about you but I think all the modern diet garbage is CAUSING all the problems we now have. Everyone has their opinion and mine is to eat truckloads of saturated fat right before bedtime.

I forgot to mention that my idea of eating bad is eating anything with sugar or flour in it. That's the behavior I wanted to knock out of me. I know a guy that eats raw bacon. He's my hero.

[This message has been edited by Andy030 (edited November 30, 2001).]

Posted By: Rogin Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 11/30/01 09:16 PM
This "small meals all day long" is TOTAL B***SH** and is a modern way of eating that leads to - well, look at everyone.

In my opinion the problem is what people eat and not how often.

I'm not a diet guru either . I took a look at Macrobiotics diet, a very small one to say the least. But since then I've reduced my consum of food with flour/yeast, I rarely take cow milk and I eat much more vegetables and cereals (complete when possible), and some fish/meat now and then. I chew several times every mouthful and I never eat to the limit of being too much full (80% or so at max).

Everyone has their opinion and mine is to eat truckloads of saturated fat right before bedtime.

I'll read that book, not that I'm wanting to do this diet :P, but I want to know a little more about it.

Bye and thanks.

[This message has been edited by Rogin (edited November 30, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Rogin (edited November 30, 2001).]

Posted By: Andy030 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 12/01/01 03:36 PM
Sounds like you'd do well on the holistic diets - Andrew Weil, DePock Chopra, Fit for Life, the Zone, etc. All those are healthy and balanced.

My diet is just for me, like a coat I found that no one else wanted that fits me perfect.

Dec 5th - Feb 5th is our diet contest at work. I'm testing out my new "Secret Diet of Evil" which is a combination between NHE Diet/Warrior Diet/Anabolic Diet/Catabolic Diet/Juiceman Diet/Wrestlers Diet on top of a Military/Wrestler/Martial Arts type workout.

I fattened myself up for it by following a Powerlifters workout and diet so if I lose muscle, it will just be what I recently put on.

Posted By: ahdy2000 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 12/01/01 08:09 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA>AAAA>..andy, i think you may be the only person in this world that's ever FATTENED UP before hand in order to win a diet contest!!!! hahhahahahahahahhaha...

Posted By: razordu30 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 12/01/01 10:22 PM
I say cram batteries, dumbbell plates, and various anvils into different pockets and socks on the initial weigh-in.

Then you'd be a shoe-in.


Posted By: Marian Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 12/02/01 03:36 AM
I'm very curious about this Warrior Diet. So far, the only thing that works for me is to write everything down. The calories, carbos, Protein, fat grams and fat calories and then make sure the I do at least 20 minutes of walking fast.

I have a problem with carbos and have to watch fat. I was on the Macrobiotics Diet back in the early 70s. Since I was also trying fasts around the same time, I can't say for certain if it was any good for me. All I know is that I ended up with hyperlipidemia and ended up having my gall bladder removed.

I'm interested in the idea that Andy has of using diet as a goal.

Need more info!! Need more info!!


Posted By: Andy030 Re: Direct Learning Experiment: Try it - 12/02/01 12:23 PM
I can CHEAT and win the thing no problem (chugging water, steel plates in shoes, I've done it before, I need a life) but THAT WOULD BE WONG. I want to see how fast you can drop fat while still keeping the muscle you have.

Fasts are alright if you keep them under 4 days I think and if you do it for cleansing purposes and don't do it for weight loss. The Fit for Life book had you doing it every day and so does the War Diet.

I have genetics on my side too so I wouldn't do anything without "consulting your physician" (who's probably unhealthier than you because they live on coffee, hospital food and Domino's).

The War diet is very good info backed by the worst evidence I've ever seen. He tells us it's the way Roman Warriors used to eat. Who cares about Romans? Hunters/Gatherers were running around long before freekin Romans. If anything the War diet is the INDIAN diet... hunt all day, eat at night. All day long graze on fresh fruits and veggies and eat your cooked food at night once your done with your running around during the day. Maybe the Gladiators ate that way too because they had to train all day but historically speaking there's just not alot that made sense (about the ROmans) but who cares, I think it's a kick a** way to eat. I actually eat 2 meals a day but that's just because I don't want to weigh 150 lbs.

Go to the bookstore and PR all the diet books and see if the Direct learning works. The War diet is over on but you can search the net and read about the basics of it for free. Animalbolics is the original diet of this type but they never wrote a book about it. The War book has the complete picture of the diet- all the info on the net is just partial at best.

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