Posted By: youngprer Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/21/02 01:48 AM
Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART II:Reading Genius
The Debate of PhotoReading Against Reading Genius
by youngprer

In Episode II:Attack of the Clones, we see more of the Jedi and the entire interpretation of the "dark side." Now, while my original "Can Jedi PhotoRead?" topic was about that specific question, this topic will mostly more talk about the comparison of PhotoReading to the infamous speed reading course Reading Genius.

PhotoReading can be considered the Jedi, from my point of view, and Reading Genius the Sith. Throughout films such as The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Attack of the Clones, we see the way a particular character: Yoda describes and proves what the dark side is. It claims to be more powerful, but in reality is merely quicker, seductive, and the easier path.

Reading Genius is the QUICKER, EASIER path!

Now, I would like to ask all experienced Jedi here, to read this entire page, and then take either the Advanced or Super Challenge tests. Watch as the dark side is crushed, and how you "discover" just how much Reading Genius would benefit you.

Throughout the site, Ed Strachar's picture is displayed with what looks like a third of a smile. He looks evil.

Back to the point! In their comparison of Reading Genius to PhotoReading, they remarkably state several things that simply are not true. (

"When you need to remember and use what you read, you are supposed to go deep in your unconscious and find it. Ugh??? That’s where this system breaks down for the average or even above average’s not very pragmatic."


"Few people master at it and your average student or professional needs real results right away...not abstract ideas that may kick in later. PhotoReading also has a very strong New Age slant that puts off many people, even those who are generally open to new ideas."

PhotoReading is not one bit New Age, as everyone here knows. Abstract ideas are non-existent, and if anything the knowledge obtained from PhotoReading and activating material kicks in heavier and sooner than anything else!

"Founder Paul Sheele's style is such that it can sometimes conflict with people who want pragmatic results and straight forward answers without having to get into abstract terms like 'connect with your closing your eyes and relaxing and see yourself learn faster while listening to low budget spacy music!'"

Okay, two things! Paul has NEVER said that. Ask him! lol And another thing:it's not abstract to even say something that's related to that topic the way we talk about it here. We give true, intelligent, and proven explanations and many scientists, experts, and people in general can relate to. Straight foward answers are ALL PhotoReading offers. If anything, Reading Genius gives abstract impressions with their "accelerative learning music," which only serves as a crutch.

"The use of music , mind mapping and brain states shows the developers of the system understand accelerated learning to a certain degree but something is lost in the delivery and implementation."

PLEASE! You people over there with Eddy boy probably don't even know what that something that is supposedly missing IS! Is that accelerative music and that incredibly intelligent physical exertion the thing that's missing?

"Trainers on photoreading courses often have only taken a home study course or are classed as 'certified trainers' after completing a 2 week course. This can cause quality of trainers to vary significantly. Relative amateurs can give the illusion of knowing what they are talking about when in reality they are usually a lot less confidence in both themselves and the course."

HA! There's a reason they're known as CERTIFIED TRAINERS. And FYI: the experienced PhotoReaders, the instructors, and coaches all have full confiences in ourselves and the course. We know that it works.

"The right music can both facilitate the right brainwaves, balance the left and right brain and make the environment more enjoyable. The wrong music can cause distraction and/or get the brain in the wrong rhythm even though it may sound good. "

Okay, this may be true, but just how are we doing to use this?! It's ridiculous. And many people who have used both Reading Genius, and PhotoReading report that RG is almost a copy of PhotoReading, with minor;uneccesary changes.

And this genius Ed Strachar - showing 5-8 books and saying "read all these within a week!" Yeah?! I read around 15-20 books a week with PhotoReading, how do you like that?!

"Here's a quick and fun way to discover just how much Reading Genius can help you improve your reading speed, comprehension and recall."

PhotoReaders:don't waste much time with those tests. You'll ace them easily, as I did!

In an earlier topic, also note that this great man:Ed Strachar fails to share about how he attended a PhotoReading seminar himself! Search for the topic where Dana talks about this.

Many users of this course say that its methods are ridiculous and completely ineffecient.

Ed Strachar, in my eyes, is the evil Darth Sidious. (The Emperor.) His students are the dark lords of the Sith. PhotoReaders, the real reading genius's, even more credit going to Paul Scheele, and Pete Bissonette.

Throughout many skims of topics, Reading Genius has appeared with people asking questions about the two courses. Well now, I plan to settle this with this topic!

Thank you,

(For more information on Reading Genius, look at, its official website.)

[This message has been edited by youngprer (edited May 20, 2002).]

Posted By: AlexK Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/21/02 05:37 AM
LOL you forgot to mention santa only paid the price of the book for you to learn PhotoReading...


A little tension youngprer?

Yeah, there's a LITTLE tension. It's just sickening to see Eddy boy makin' money off that thing.

And yeah, I learned all from the book.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/21/02 01:52 PM
Relax Youngprer,

Think about it, he says he's the only one that can teach it... well when you think about it how useless is that? Normally to be able to teach something you need to be able to learn it well enough first. Here he is saying no one else, but he, is capable of teaching it. Therefore it must be impossible to learn well enough to teach right? Therefore it must be hard to learn reading genuis it is definately impossible to learn to the level where you could teach it. From what he says

Just my 2 cents

Another excellent point. And here they are:

"Reading Genius only has one teacher, hence the quality is always high."

That's a quote on them comparing Eddy boy to the PR instructors.

The reason there's only one teacher is because that one teacher has to keep the secret that the course is total B.S.!

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/21/02 10:37 PM
You must quiet your spirit. Release your anger my young Padiwon.

Much anger I sense in you. Relax, watch as I, Yoda, make battle with lightsaber. How bouncy I am, you see? Strong my power is!

Don't worry about Crazy Eddie. There's a lot of PR knock-offs, and to be fair, PR has been called a knock-off by others as well. It's how it works, and these things have a way of balancing out - those who get taken lose cash, those who find something that works get just that. It stinks, but it's our economy for you.

I do love how he compares his system with photoreading, then says his is "better" because his has:
1) The use of brainwave technology
2) Left/Right brain technology
3) Music
4) Mindmapping

all things in the PRing sounds like they took the PRing system then repackaged it. If I was LSC, I'd be calling a lawyer right now.

You're not the first one to be upset about it, and with good cause. Ed fails to mention he attended a PRing seminar in Singapore a couple years before making his course. I remember reading this somewhere, and checked the archives...lo and behold:

I think Paul had an official comment on Reading Genius, but I'd have to find that, too.

Anyway, my young Jedi friend, don't let it bug you. There are many a con out there, and Ed's balance with the dark side will come full circle.

May the force be with you.

-Ramon ("Also, feel free to discuss anything Star Wars with are looking at a HUGE SW fanboy. HUGE.)

Originally posted by Iam2:
You must quiet your spirit. Release your anger my young Padiwon.

Okay, dude. First off - I'm fine. It is Eddy Boy/Crazy Eddie<---Hehe. Ramon!) who will be consumed by the darkside. Not I.

Second - Padiwon is really spelt like this:


Originally posted by razordu30:
[B]Much anger I sense in you. Relax, watch as I, Yoda, make battle with lightsaber. How bouncy I am, you see? Strong my power is!

Don't worry about Crazy Eddie.

You're not the first one to be upset about it, and with good cause. Ed fails to mention he in Singapore a couple years before making his course. I remember reading this somewhere, and checked the archives...lo and behold:

Hehehehe. Yoda is so COOL with a lightsaber. The only thing I dislike the is amount of effort that went into creating his CG face, which makes him look too different from his puppet form.

I'm glad that you found that link. That's solid evidence, which I believe I remember talking about in the first post of this topic.

Unfortuanately, after much work with the archive name list, and writing many things here, I feel that I must depart. Exhausting all this typing is! (Yoda must be getting to me.)

Good luck to all. I've spent too much time here, I admit. This is definitely my favorite place on the internet.

Homework to do,

(Be back in about 10 mins. )

It's expensive!! I first thought it being cheaper, but at $297.00 (vs $245.00 PR course) is expensier. I don't know how successful it may be, but I think PR will remain king.

more expensive. Sorry, its a habbit

Posted By: AlexK Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/23/02 05:43 AM

Zing! =)


Posted By: Hel Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/23/02 01:30 PM

Poing! =)

oops, I cant spell, I just like using real words. Dang, dont I look like a pompous jerk.

Posted By: Hel Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/23/02 08:07 PM
Don't worry, we can't see you.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 05/24/02 06:00 AM
technically I make heaps of spelling mistakes... eg organise, spelling it with a z seems so 'zilly' to me. So I spell it Australian (note aussies only use one 'l' and it seems Americans spell it with 2 as I learnt from another post) We chat here from different parts of the world and thats what makes it interesting.

I'll sign off with a common aussie phrase (or should that be phraze? )

No Problem, she'll be right, mate.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that youngprer is just an obnoxious little ****e? And what the hell is all this Jedi crap he's always on about? Youngprer, go and find some teeny site to post on while the adults talk about serious stuff, OK?

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 10/21/03 01:28 PM
Glenski, if you don't like this thread why did you bring it back to life. It hasn't had a post in over a year.

I've watch youngprer post, probably since he first appeared on the forum. He has mature greatly in that time.

Your post however is full of negativity and doesn't contribute anything to the forum. Less than his whimsical comparison of rapid reading techniques to pop culture. It often suprising what value people can find within such whimsical flights. The dark side seldom provides information for growth.

If you disagree with his analysis then state your view point. If you feel it's not worth your bother, then don't bother. For the most part this is a mature and supportive forum.

However, you are perfection.


I have seen few people to contribute as much to this forum as youngprer. His website has many usefull and insightful tools about PR and many other facets of accelerative learning etc. I posted a while ago about contempt prior to investigation leads to ignorance. You seem to be fitting that bill. It would take a very mature person to learn/ master PR as well as youngprer has. I find his Jedi stuff quite fun. It keeps me humble knowing that he is half my age and has the PR system down cold.


"Reading Genius only has one teacher"

... Sounds like a cult to me

Posted By: john6 Re: Can Jedi PhotoRead? PART 2::Reading Genius - 10/27/03 02:59 PM
Well..beyond the candorous statements..I am familiar with both course and each deserve credit..they are quite different when you look inside..and I think everyone could benefit from both ..though of course one trainers style may appeal to you more..

I saw Ed speak in NYC in June /03 and demonstrate several things.. this guy is real .. and reading is not his only topic.. and beyond many of the "motivational" speakers who seem like bigmouths...

It seems that those who are lambasting him..don't know him or the reading genius method which only lowers the credibility of these harsh statements... Is that wise ?

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