Posted By: tracey something to remember - 05/22/02 06:06 PM
I've been reading the posts on this forum for quite awhile, and I don't post often. I've not mastered photoreading because I don't put the time & effort into it.

I see a lot of posts about x, y and z and why they don't work, or how to make them work, etc etc. The archives are full of these posts. I decided to re-read the PhotoReading book yesterday and I came across this section and as always, it hits home.

"What You Have to Give Up" (page 17)

"To master photoreading you must give up:

- low self-esteeem as a learner
- self-defeating habits like procrastination and self-doubt
- perfectionism, "all or none" thinking that dwells on failure rather than feedback and learning
- distrust in the other-than-conscious mind and intuitive abilities
- the need to know everything right away
- performance anxiety
- a stressful sense of urgency

More than anything you must give up negative attitudes that get in the way of your success."

If I were to check off each of those items which I do on a regular basis, I would end up checking them all off. I've not been willing to give them up, so I don't PhotoRead. I think it's a wonderful thing and I've read the PR book dozens of times and I've listened to tapes, etc etc. I just don't put the daily effort into it that it requires.

The reason to post this is that if you are struggling, do a self-check .. are any of those items getting in your way? If they are, you might try leaving them at the door when you PR.


Posted By: Michael Saikali Re: something to remember - 05/22/02 07:46 PM

I believe that checklist can be applied to any area in life!

Posted By: youngprer Re: something to remember - 05/23/02 03:23 AM
I absolutely agree. That checklist is something that will allow you to learn/live better even without PhotoReading.

Posted By: Gapman Re: something to remember - 06/03/02 07:19 AM
Hello Tracey,
I also already have the course, but do not post often. What you posted struck such a resonant chord in me that I feel as if you must have read my mind.
Concerning the checklist, the one that I have a big problem with is procrastination. This is preventing me from completing my PR course. I have battled this problem all of my life. I have purchased the 'Get Around To It' Paraliminal, and I achieve phenomenal success with it, but only when I stick with the tape. What a Catch-22.
Maybe the real reason that I am posting is to see how many others struggle with procrastination, and whether others think that another study course such as Consistent Achievement might also help.

Posted By: zeus Re: something to remember - 06/03/02 08:20 AM
If you want to overcome procrastination I'd really recommend Tony Robbins' "Personal Power II", it's very good (not only for procrastination though, it deals with lots of areas of your life).

Posted By: tracey Re: something to remember - 06/03/02 04:28 PM
Ahhh .. I should change my name to "Master Procrastinator" :/

It is to easy to procrastinate, I think it's a curse of a curious mind. There are so many things I want to do and learn that I try to do it all at once and I burn out quick. It's just a mess!

For example, on my reading pile, are books on aromatherapy (home study course), Anthony Robbins books, Silva Mind Control, photoreading, books for work (programming & os's), books on motorcycles .. and the list goes on and on.

It's quite overwhelming at times. I know that if I mastered PR'ing FIRST then I'd be able to use it to do all the other things. You'd think it would be pretty easy if that's my goal, but it's not!

I was doing some of the exercises in "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins and it really got me thinking about my life and how I move through it. I'm really good at saying I want something, but I don't have the leverage to do it.

This all ties into procrastination, I have so many good ideas and wishes and I never do anything about them. If I eliminate my serious issue of procrastination, imagine what I could do with my life!

I've not been willing to give up my self-defeating habits, I've not been willing to do the work it takes to get things done.


Posted By: AlexK Re: something to remember - 06/04/02 06:31 AM
Isn't if funny.. we procastinate on everything but procastionation? Need to train our mind to say... no I'll procastinate later right now the 2 minutes are better spent doing this....

Procastination is really needless postponement and is only a disadvantage when we put off quality activities.

One reason for procastination is self doubt... when you are second guessing, hesitating or worrying.. or fearing the unknown.

Another reason is for procastination is Discomfort Dodging. To see if you've fallen into the discomfort trap. Listen if you're saying stuff to yourself like;
* Delaying... 'I don't want to do this right now'
* Awfulizing... 'inconvenience is horrible'
* Whimpering... 'Poor me. I can't take the pressure'

With this information you could identify your procastionation style and work with the New Behaviour Generator paraliminal or the Belief paralininal.

EG pick something that you're procastinating on, find out what style of procastionation your using (worried about failing?)/ (dodging discomfort?). Decide if you would like to behave differently and if so how would you like to behave. Then use the a paraliminal to work with it. By my reckoning there are at least 4 that would help. If you discover your procastinating on something you don't need to do get rid of it. Dump it, eg. if you're procastinating on reading a particular book cause a friend recommended it but your not really that interested. Dump it, you're not procastinating when you make a conscious decision not to do something.

Just some ideas.

Posted By: acsimmons Re: something to remember - 06/06/02 07:08 PM
I find I procrastinate the most when I have no set goals. This only makes sense -- if you have nothing you have set out to accomplish, then you would only accomplish it by mere coicidence! I find that when I really want to break the procrastination habit, all I have to do is make a list of things to do for the day. And not a very long list, but have two or three major things that I want very much to accomplish in that day. What I find is, in addition to finishing those items, I usually do a lot more productive things as well (and still have time to play like I did if I would have just procrastinated in the first place). In short, you CAN have your cake and eat it too

It just takes a little planning....

[This message has been edited by acsimmons (edited June 06, 2002).]

Posted By: Gapman Re: something to remember - 06/09/02 10:04 PM
Since I posted my response to Tracey's post, I have been using the 'Get Around To It' paraliminal tape again, with remarkable results once again. The paradox of procrastinating listening to the anti-procrastination tape is simply resolved by reasoning with yourself that listening to the tape is a priority. The idea in the tape about setting your priorities sounds like just plain common sense, but when actively used by me, I can get myself to listen to the tape, and then each successive listening gets easier to do because of the reinforcement on the tape.
Sorry for rambling on so long. Just had to report back that there is hope after all for us procrastinators.

Posted By: x Re: something to remember - 06/09/02 11:05 PM
I'm glad you posted this. I needed to see it.

I read a long time ago that the only way to stop procrastination is to do the thing you've put off. On that note, I have some activations to do. I think I'll do them right now!

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