Posted By: Dragha What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 12:30 AM
I've been reading these comments for weeks now and I begin to wonder. Who needs to cram a lot more useless info into our already cluttered brains. How many of us even have jobs to utilize this knowlege? Heck I cant evewn utilize what I've learned from snail reading. Like who can use image streaming,NLP, psychocybernetics in the real world anyway. Maybe it would be better to learn to do carpentry, or roofing, something more productive than esoteric, unproven shortcuts to nowhere. I guess I sometimes get tired of being on the yellow brick road.

Posted By: youngprer Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 01:19 AM
Believe what you wish.

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 01:39 AM
I'm curious as to why you are reading the posts on this forum if you feel the way you do?

What you consider to be cramming perhaps others consider it to be personal growth.

What exactly is the real world? Is it a world devoid of incredible possibilities? For students, all of this stuff is so helpful. For people like me, it's just most interesting. I'm following my interests in life. What kind of a hound dog are you?

Posted By: youngprer Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 01:47 AM
Yeah, listen to Margaret.

Posted By: James 1 Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 01:57 AM
Photoreading does work. It took me eight or nine months to learn this, because I started doughting it would work because I had no results and I didn't practies much and stupidly followed clear instructions wrong. Even after all that I can finally photoread and it was worth all the time I put into it.

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 02:03 AM
How many of us even have jobs to utilize this knowlege?

You say you are a psychologist. How could you not be using NLP in your job? All of the LS home study courses could be of significant value to you.

One thing comes to mind & this is why i'm posting again. It's about your post & that particular sentence i've quoted. To be really successful in this stuff, this cutting edge stuff, people are in it for the excitement of it. They're looking at success and self esteem. It feels great to be maximizing your potential. The workplace and the job are not satisfying motivations.

YET, look at the companies that LS has worked w/. They are all the leading companies in this country. What does that say about using their products in the workplace.

Do it for yourself and your job will take care of itself. Do it for your job & you may lose interest quickly.

Posted By: Meurphy Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 03:16 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dragha:
Who needs to cram a lot more useless info into our already cluttered brains. How many of us even have jobs to utilize this knowledge? Dragha, I am not even a full fledged photo reader but no one should have this attitude towards learning! I am a student and I feel that once I master photo reading that I will obtain the results I need and acquire the information that I need to be successful in school, my job , my goals and ULTIMATLY MY LIFE. Now everyone has his/her goals in life unless he is depressed. Knowledge is power. Why wouldn't anyone want power? Do you live your life without meaning? Of course not! You have goals. Just imagine what you can do if can photo read. Absorb the information that interests you and achieve your dreams! Obviously you have hopes because you are looking at the posts on the forum, you just want to be guided, right?

Listen to the experienced and they will guide you if you have the proper attitude. The Optimistic attitude!

That's my motto

- Meurphy

Posted By: darkblood Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 05:01 AM
You know learning can be fun, until you HAVE to learn it. I remember the teacher FORCING us to read Romeo & Juliet and it was only fun when everyone started screwing around with it.

Or do you remember the animal group listing hierarchy?

King - kingdom
Phillip - Phylum
Came - Class
Over - Order
For - Family
George's - Genus
Sword - Species

That's not fun to learn until you substitute the mnemonic words with something dirty.

Posted By: MarkP4 Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 04:35 PM


I am surrounding your extrapersonal self with positive electromatrons.

You have constipated the genie of the lamp, prepare for the consequences!

Your post made my day.

I'm also sick of the yellow brick road and that's a freaking funny way of putting it. I think it was Wayne Dyer that said "We don't need to work on our memories. We need to work on our forgetteries."

We don't need more, we need less.

All the books that I want to read require multiple passes at slow speeds in order to understand them. Which is better... one sentence full of meaning or a thousand books full of no meaning?

[This message has been edited because I was practicing the placement of the smilies in order to block all noxious energy fields.]

[This message has been edited by MarkP4 (edited September 12, 2002).]

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 08:38 PM

We don't need more, we need less.

This is a very misleading thought given to all kinds of misinterpretations as in the first post.

What is a more to one person may be a less to another. Jose Silva said ask for not more than you need but also do not ask for less than what you need. Then he said the most interesting thing

What you need will depend on the size of pants a man wears
So, some people have big pants and they'll need more. And, that more is just right for them.

People who are jealous of those who are aspiring for all kinds of success will often use that statement to drag them down.

Who is Dyer or anyone to say we need less and not more. The pendulum swings and keeps swinging throughout life. The key is to find the MIDDLE PATH (Chinese). This will not mean to be less all the time. Flexibility is where it's at. Sometimes we need more and other times less. It's not written in stone, i.e., our lives and the constant flux of life is not written in stone.

But, anyone who is thinking about the truth of needing less, should take a look at their lives, i.e., look at their personal life duties. Somehow they are over booked. THEY are over booked, not someone who appears to them to be doing too much.

Maybe 5 cars is just right for me, but 5 cars for you would be too much. If 1 car is just right for me, who am i to say that the rest of the world should only have 1 car? The moment i say something like that, i turn into a JUDGE and make judgments. That's not where it's at.

In the end there is no less or more <<< really, there's just me and even this me is a me w/o a body. What do we take w/ us? Our good name? Our character? Is it not possible for me to have 5 cars and 10 homes and still have a good name and love and kindness and forgiveness?

Listen that poor man who is attached to his simple stick is someone who is in trouble as compared to someone who has 5 cars and is not attached to them in the least.

Posted By: Kaiden Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/12/02 11:15 PM
"What you need will depend on the size of pants a man wears"

Would that make PhotoReaders ravers?

Posted By: Dragha Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/13/02 02:41 AM
Thanks for your comments. My left brain sometimes comes out unexpectedly and clouds my confidence in myself and when that happens so goes everything else. As the old Christian adage goes "Don't lose in the darkness what you gained in the light" Actually I have great faith in NLP and Psychocybernetics and it's derivatives such as Silva Mind Control. In time I'll probably feel the same toward Photo Reading. I keep coming back to it, so that means I already value it. I appologize for my negativism and I appreciate all the responses toward my post. Sincerely, Dragha

Posted By: Neo-Matrix Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/13/02 03:36 AM
you cant cram information into a 10% used brain learn a new profession, get more money, use PR and NLP to learn it and accel in it.

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/13/02 04:17 AM
What is it about PhRing that interests you?

How do you plan to use it in your life?

What is it about PhRing that makes you fearful?

Why do you feel you need to learn it?

Posted By: razordu30 Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/13/02 05:22 AM
Just had to say:

Mark - Nice work with the smilies and "constipated" line. 10 points.


Posted By: MarkP4 Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/13/02 04:33 PM
Thanks for the points! Can I redeem them for something?

Anyone that has 5 cars really needs to be run over by one of them.

There was this one episode of "Wings" where the girl was looking for a sign from god as to whether or not she should pursue her music career, I think she played the cello or something. Then her plane wrecks in the ocean as she's on her way to an audition and she's floating around in a life raft (her cello sank with the plane) and she's like, "I got my answer. God doesn't want me to waste any more time with music." and just then her cello in the case popped up out of the water and she screamed NOOOOOOOO! and shot it and blew it apart with the flare gun she had. All along she didn't want to waste away in her phoney dream world of being a musician but she just couldn't drop it without all the dramatics.

When someone starts to wake up from a dream there are all sorts of people just waiting to bark the positive Tony Robbins phrases at them to bring them back down because if someone leaves our dream, then dang it, I'm not affirmed!!!

Dragha, WAKE UP !!! Quit perpetuating the dream! Your initial instincts are correct. You're tired of the yellow brick road, remember?

"Bored people with empty lives will fall for any product or program, no matter how idiotic." 10 points to whoever comes up with the author of that.

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/13/02 08:26 PM
"Bored people with empty lives will fall for any product or program, no matter how idiotic."

I say bored people w/ empty lives will fall for any product or program, no matter how idiotic..........and probably get bored w/ it

You know the saying: YOU WANT SOMETHING TO GET DONE....GIVE IT TO A BUSY PERSON. I know that's how it is at work. Those people sitting around never get around to doing much of anything!

Full people w/ energetic lives can transform any product or program into their next step to success.

at you all the way to the ocean

Posted By: youngprer Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/14/02 12:52 AM
*Shakes head.* If you don't think it works, then quit wasting your time. OF COURSE you've come back to it, and OF COURSE you value it. PLEASE be sure you don't like it - and toss it away next time? Don't come here ranting unless you're sure.

You obviously wanted to be proven wrong about your judgement.


Posted By: MarkP4 Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/14/02 03:36 PM
You are a little ball of light dancing on the ocean, I know.

Full people w/ energetic lives can transform any product or program into their next step to success?

How about

Capitalistic people with enough marketing can transorm anything into a product or program.

So far I've seen no proof here that I'm wrong. A zillion people once thought the world was flat and they killed those that disagreed with them. At least now instead of killing we just [Submit Reply]

"You don't need to rant and rave here."

"This is not the forum you're looking for."

Posted By: Meurphy Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/15/02 05:31 AM
Mark, you should have your say on any topic here and feel free to rant and rave. Say whatever comes to mind. You are not just a member of the forum you also bought the photo reading system. You should have a voice no matter what.

Posted By: youngprer Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/15/02 07:13 AM
Originally posted by MarkP4:

So far I've seen no proof here that I'm wrong. A zillion people once thought the world was flat and they killed those that disagreed with them. At least now instead of killing we just [Submit Reply]

"You don't need to rant and rave here."

"This is not the forum you're looking for."

Well if they're going to kill you, then why don't you just leave? No one's forcing you to stay and be killed by those who want you to believe the world is flat.

Just a thought.

Posted By: Dragha Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 03:06 AM
Good point Old Chap,why should I a Psychologist,literally a "student of the soul" care about the opinions of a bunch of anonymous forumsters(sp?) At least i know I'm a two faced "isn't everyone" confused tranced-out comsumer of the last 3 or 4 fads. I have no choice but to fill the vapid emptyness of what passes for a soul with at least the hope of finding redemption from the next guru and his "gospel of liberation" from the consumer gulags. Go for it. Ready for the next gaggle of crucifixions. So I'm nuts, who isn't.

Posted By: P. Brain Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Dragha:
Good point Old Chap,why should I a Psychologist,literally a "student of the soul" care about the opinions of a bunch of anonymous forumsters(sp?) At least i know I'm a two faced "isn't everyone" confused tranced-out comsumer of the last 3 or 4 fads. I have no choice but to fill the vapid emptyness of what passes for a soul with at least the hope of finding redemption from the next guru and his "gospel of liberation" from the consumer gulags. Go for it. Ready for the next gaggle of crucifixions. So I'm nuts, who isn't.

Sometimes people call it schizophrenia...

How come you posted at this forum in the first place?

Posted By: Dragha Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 09:09 PM
God directed me to this forum,but now he's sure He made a mistake. He told me I could use this as a learning experience,however. Henceforth I'll be posting under a different name/identity. Obviously my name is mud around here. I'm wiping the dust from this forum off my feet. Ichabod "The glory hath departed"

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 09:37 PM
3 beers for the first one to figure out Dragh's new df name

youngprer---you are NOT included---3 sodas to you

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 10:43 PM
Dragha, you are a psychologist in need of a psychologist. I feel for you. You have a "victim" mentality that will be ever ready to drag you down.

Taming Your Inner Gremlin is the book for you Good Luck.

Posted By: Dragha Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 11:08 PM
Beleef me it vunt be that easy. Someone accused me of ranting but I didn't use capital letters, so that accusation was inaccurate. Also the reason I PR is that I trust my limbic system (innacurately known as the subconscious or the right brain). Hint: My new personna will be very supportive of everything pertaining to LS and I will be very critical of Dragha and his ilk.

Posted By: Margaret Re: What difference does it make??? - 09/17/02 11:45 PM
Dragha--- ok! Pick a name.

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