Posted By: AlexM photoflip - 10/19/02 08:32 AM
I was browsing through the topics in the photoreading discussion from the archives (at and I noticed that there was a topic called photofilp. But this message says that it was taken out of the first edition of the book since it is not mentioned the personal learning course. However, I have trouble turning the pages and I have noticed that when I read a paperback book, it is very easy to maintain the blip page while just flipping the pages with my right thumb and curling the right side of the book back away from me. Since I can maintain the photofocus state while doing this so easily, I was wondering where I can get instruction on using the photoflip process. Also, since it was removed from the book, I was wondering if there was a good reason (like it doesn't work so I should stop wasting my time) or anyother pitfalls that I may encounter while trying to use this method of page turning. And my last question is: I can turn pages at a much faster rate while doing this, so what is the best speed that I can use this method and still have my inner mind capture the page.
Thanks for any help or suggestions,
Alex McClain

Posted By: AlexK Re: photoflip - 10/19/02 01:52 PM
The most recent discussion/ explaination of how to photoflip was here.


Posted By: AlexM Re: photoflip - 10/23/02 04:29 AM
Has anyone who has tried photoflip noticed any difference in the way you activate the material (both for normal activation and direct learning)? For example, is it harder or easier or the same?

I guess what I'm asking is how effective is photoflip?

Alex McClain

Posted By: AlexK Re: photoflip - 10/23/02 10:27 AM
Mostly suggested that you reserve photoflipping until you are successful with your activations. Then you can try it and see.

I photoflip in bookshops and small books and find it useful even though I often notice that the information near the gutter is sometimes missing. Small paperbacks prove easier to flip a couple of times than turn page by page. Once you have success with activation it seems to work just as well.


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