Posted By: The Ultimate Warrior Imaginary X - 11/14/02 08:23 PM
I have been experimenting with PR for sometime now and I have yet to see the imaginary X. I have visualized the blip page however, but no X. I find that most people say that the X is better and more productive with the photfocus state than the blip page so I would like to achieve the same amount of success that they have achieve.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Imaginary X - 11/14/02 08:39 PM
The imaginary X you don't actually see an X It just represents the four focal points of the open book when you photoread. If you were to draw an X on the open book. You would draw it starting top left hand page to the bottom right hand page. Top right hand page to the bottom left hand page. Where the line would intersect that is where you look and at the same time the corners of the open book would also be in your vison. You gaze at the page with a soft focus. If you are already seeing the blip the don't be surprised if it shows up when you use this technique. Remember the X is imaginary (you will never see it in reality).

If you have been using the blip method to photread then you already that the photofocus step underway. The next step its to activate the book. Trust that the information has gone in. It's really only a matter of pulling it from your inner mind to your conscious mind.


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