
I just recently got interested in all this because I want to improve my life. Deep down I am hoping all this works like photo reading like they say it does. I am really hoping these things really work because I want to be better. Unfortunately there is a lot of programs that are BS and garbage and we could end up wasting a lot of money. I am sorry if I am offending anyone with my skepticism. But I think I am just tired of seeing all the people not get it.

I will say one thing. Generally or almost always there is two sides to every argument. I remember when I worked at State Farm Insurance, I took a Franklin Planner class. One thing they said was that 95% of the people that buy tapes and coures never end up opening it up or using. I remember Tony Robbins saying about how most people never get past a few pages. I have heard about people who buy real estate home study courses and just let it get dust. So, the developers have points that they can defend themselves on unfortunately in most cases.

I am seeing on the web about photoreading. On Amazon.com you have your fair share of people who said they liked the book on Photoreading and others who hated it and there were those that gave it good or Ok and said there were good things about it but you are not going to be able to just flip pages and remember everything and you wont read be able to read 25,000 words a minute. I see people on the internet and this discussion form have trouble after buying the course. So, a lot of people do not grasp photoreading right away. Maybe it works but they have not totally mastered it so it does not work quickly?

I see people asking questions regarding this so may be it makes think that photo reading works but it is not easy at all?

I heard there is a good dissatisfaction rate for people who have tried the Ideal Weight Paraliminal from one of the posts I have read or a number of people returned that tape. There was one that was trying to get the memory optimizer to work after one month of listening to it and one was having trouble with the prosperity tape.

I remember reading about affirmations. Few books would go into why affirmations may not end up working. I heard you have to believe that it will work. 2. you can't look to see if it is working, you have to know it is working. 3. I heard that you have to be in a relaxed state of mind. 4. One book says you have to concentrate on the affirmations.

So, what would you guys say that is required for success in Photo reading, paraliminal tapes and all your programs? What would you guys say is the reason that people do not get results or go far in photo reading or in any of your programs? Is it that it takes like 60 to 90 days for change to take place or for the results to come by?

I realize there are people with gym club memberships that end up not using it. This is absolutely true. So, you guys could end up using that as a point.

So, I am thinking these paraliminals and photoreading is not as easy as it sounds. I remember reading in the reviews on amazon.com about people who could not get it after the seminar and home study course.

If this works so well, why isn't it being taught in every single area in the United States. How come there is not a photoreading center in my area? HOw come all the experts have not started to advocate and teach it in all schools?

30 day money back guarantee seems to be the standard with all the products. Hmm... I am thinking I saw somewhere on this web site that the guarantee could be extended up to 6 months.

If I knew these paraliminal tapes such as prosperity really produced the results. I would order them right now.

I was wondering if I may ask what percentage of people end up returning the course and the paraliminal tapes. Which paraliminal tapes and courses have the highest satisfcation rate and which ones have the lowest?

Have their been studies to prove that Photoreading, Natural Brilliance, Genius code and that Paraliminal tapes really do work?

I am thinking there are a lot of successful people who have lost weight, have good jobs, doing great in school, good personalities, become physically fit, and have good relationships that dont read self improvement books or listen to self improvement tapes. I am thinking if I were to talk to a lot of successful people most would not really be reading self improvement books or tapes or write down their goals? I have heard about people doing visualization and not succeeding.

Now I am not trying to be pessimistic or antagonistic here. But maybe the people at Learning Strategies and people who have used the course can address some of the issuess or give a good answer about these tapes and courses.

I will have to admit I do sometimes think how do I know this company is not just after my money. Or if this is real or bona fide company why are they charging hundreds of dollars to close a thousand dollars for their course.

If I really new these tapes really worked I would be making the orders right now. I would get the other home study course right after I finished the prosperity tape or sales tape.:-)LOL.. That is probably the first tape I will get.

I am going to read and maybe buy the Photoreading book. But maybe I am thinking I probably wont get the techniques down because I would really need a photo reading expert to work with me.

For the seminars, are there any discounts with the repeats? are there any free repeats for the seminars?

I am sorry if I am offending this company or anyone. But I want to only get something that really produces the results in my life. I dont want to waste time any money. I am hoping all this stuff works like they say it does. I would like to be able to go through books and remember everything on the page and stuff like that like they say they do. I would like to have great concentration and be more intuitive and be good at problem solving.

I am still on a search for personal development. I would end up probably buying the Anthony Robbins tape Get the edge if it really worked. It says it can help you change in seven days. I heard with these paraliminal tapes it could be a day.


I'm not going to defend the LSC. And I'm willing the bet that LSC staff aren't going to respond to ALL of you requests. Your's is not the first post of skepticism I've seen.

Why don't people get the systems right-away? If I knew that, and how to teach them how to get it quickly then I'd won't need the prosperity tape. I have some idea why, and they are in the threads throughout the forum.

Does it work. I believe it does. The word believe is readily interpreted to mean that I don't have it working to my expectations (yet).

I will say that I have read books that would have taken me 20 to 30 hours in about an hour or two. Now my recall is not as good as if I had spent 20 to 30 hours. However, for these books I feel I have all the information that the books have to offer me.

My advice to anyone that is skeptical is by the book. Since I suspect, as you've noted, that most people who don't get the systems to work for them don't put enough effort into them. This way if you are going to put the effort into it, then the little extra effort of reading the book as opposed to listening to the tapes is trivial. If you aren't going to put the effort into it then you've waste a much smaller amount of money.

Why do the systems cost so much? Well they are running a business, and they have their own needs and goals. I've never heard anyone say that all the people at LSC are independently wealthy and altruistic. I've also not (well hardly ever) heard LSC accused of beind dumb. These people understand business, and if they felt they could sell enough of the system for less (and probably make more money) then they word.

I know this isn't satisfying, but well I doubt there is an answer that will satisfy you. It's not you personally, it's just the nature of the problem.

Oh where's Michael, he'd have a good quote at the tip of his tongue. How's this. The universe rewards action with a reaction. Okay too cryptic. More Michael like... the fullness of life is experienced in the adventure of meeting challenge, and without challenge life is dull (see Beyond Human forum for a better version).

My experience:

If you do not think you are worth it, you can start on as many new projects you want ... and be optimistic about it too ... but sooner or later that deep-down program that says you cannot succeed because you just arenīt good enough ( or any similar programs) will kick in ... and you will fail. NO MATTER how well the new project is!

-again and again-
while others succeed.

If you keep feeling you are being conned ... step back into yourself and ask why this happens to you.

What is your worldview? Is there a difference on how you want it to be and how it is?? Ask yourself what kind of inner program might produce such a difference.
Maybe you will find the answer within, instead of on the "outside" ...

Again; this is my experience; my own worldview, so maybe it does not apply to anyone else.

But I find it empowering to know it might only be *me* that is in the way, instead of being busy blaming the programs. Because I can do something about *me*

And I might discover I have chosen the wrong program for myself just to put myself up to failing. ( Or I do not follow the instructions for the same reason.)

With a better self-worth and belief-system
(whatever) I find it is easier to pick what is right for myself.

Lately I have chosen much more wisely than in the old days.

Sometimes I follow a program because I like the challenge ( or for kicks ) and it gives an opportunity to exchange info with likeminded, other times I follow my own heart.

But I do not feel I *need* the programs/tapes/books anymore


Every self help techniques works to the degree you want it to. If you're looking for a magic pill then you'll never find the system that works for you.

You really need to feel right about a course before you even try it. If you harbour as many doubts as you do about the effectiveness of courses and tapes offered by LSC and other reputable companies then save your money. It helps if you at least really want to try the tapes to see if they work for you. If you want guarantees that they will work for you without a doubt... sorry that's not possible... the only guarantees that comes with life is that the will eventually be death (and taxes) Other than that it's what you decide to do how might time you want to spend on the elusive hunt for the perfect technique to get to were you want to go.

Or if you've decided you've had enough hunting for the one perfect answer and are willing to take up some of these companies on their guarantees and start testing to see what works for you and what doesn't. Like taking the first swim in summer the water is usually a bit cool... can sit on the sidelines watching everyone else take a splash (some will come out quickly cause the waters too cold for them) or you can test it for yourself.

I think that this forum alone is evidence that LSC stands behind the products they sell. You get to see the highs and the lows that people experience and you also see that there is considerable support to help you over the hurdles... if you are skeptical about their products - excellent. Now you are free to test them yourself from your point of view if you are willing to risk some effort on your part to let them work for you.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited December 20, 2002).]

I thought I should add. I've been burned by companies that offered 30 day guarantees on their product. LSC does mail out your order the next business day at the latest and I have always received my airmail packages within 10 days. (that says a lot I assure you) Since they usually start from the purchase date by the time it arrives I've been lucky if I even had a day or 2 left for the guarantee period. So it a very hit or miss thing when buying stuff from overseas. (I'm in Australia).

What finally sold me on the Photoreading course was the fact that
1. they had been around for 20 years
2. Photoreading has been taught by them since 1987
3. I could check up on them on the better business bureau.

I didn't at the time but it was a little more reassuring.

In the end I just trusted my gut decided its only money afterall.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited December 20, 2002).]

Hi. I was just looking through your website.

From sjaykum1's website:
I heard of Toastmaster's during my first or second year of college. I was interested in public speaking. I took two public speaking classes in college. For one semester I did participate in Toastmaster's International.

A lot of successful people like Harvey Mackay seem to recommend it highly. There are a lot of success coaches and business professionals that recommend it.

Well, Harvey Mackay said something about photoreading as well.

From the back cover of the Photoreading book (3rd edition):


If time is money, and reading takes time, then I heartily recommend saving money and time with this brilliant guide. For those of us in the fast lane, the PhotoReading Whole Mind System isn't a luxury, it's a necessity."

Harvey Mackay, best selling author of Swim with the Sharks without being Eaten Alive and Beware of the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt


[This message has been edited by KWLee (edited December 20, 2002).]

I understand where you are coming from. caveat emptor.

I have found PR to be an effective studying tool for my purposes. But if you don't use your discipline and perseverance to learn the system fully, it won't help you. It would be nice to pull out a credit card and order a box full of Brand X that will solve all your problems but alas, life is not that way. You have to put in work to see results.

I have a feeling that the 90% of people who don't make the system work for them also don't put in their full effort for an extended period of time. I myself didn't get the system to work until the 7th month but it works fine for me now.

Don't worry about how popular PR is or how many 'experts' endorse it. It doesn't matter if PR works for them if it doesn't work for you. And they can't decide that for you anyway.

Edward deBono, Tony Buzan, JeanMarie Stine, Shiela Ostrander, Wim Wenger, and other mindscience experts all teach similar techniques to what Paul Scheele outlines in PR and Natural Brilliance. If you're dead set against buying PR but still want to learn to access your brainpower, keyword search these authors and find what you can on the net for free.

30 day money back guarantee is pretty much standard with many products and I see nothing wrong with LSC offering that. They could give PR away but then Paul would go broke. Mass producing materials is expensive. And Paul did spend 20+ years of his life learning what he shares with us, plus he really is onto something powerful, so he's due some form of compensation.

KWLee, I cant disagree with the Toastmasters thing. I created that web site from beginning web development class. Are you in Toastmasters?

X, you seem to understand. So, from your reply it seems it takes a long time to master or learn photo reading? It takes constant and consistant practice? Did you by any chance go to the seminar for photo reading? I am thinking if I do get more interested in photo reading that I would definately go to the seminar just to see if it would speed up the learning process.

I am definately going to keep an open mind for an opportunity to get better.


To me it does work!
i had a hard time in the first month, because I learned by the book ( Second edition in Portuguese-Brasil), so itīs harder.
But After that month I started having pretty good fun with it. Itīs worderfull to read a lot of things that before you hadnīt time but now you can read all, and more.
I Always had a problem in reading textbooks,magazines and book.
And after Photored it I can understand it very well.
If you buy the course, donīt give up by simple failures but learn with then.
I remenber the difficult to get the blip-page, a thing that is quite easy, but in the book wasnīt so clear about it.
But with the book(or the course) and the forum you can develop and solve the problems with the PRing.
Hope it helped

So, Komplicado, you did not get the tape course or go to the seminar?


I didnīt take the home course or the seminar I learned by the book and the forum.
But I think that in the home course or the seminar you will learn same tricks that will help you.
I very satisfied.
First of all because of the textbooks. When I have to study I just Pred it and do the other steps. But I just dip once, because in my school we have tests in the tuesday,thursday and fryday so there arenīt much subjects.
But before I had to read it again, again and again.
Other thing that I noticed was that I can keep the information for more time than usual.
I think that you should buy the course or go to the seminar. And if you really want it, but if you are having a hard time with it, search for a NPL professional, maybe you have a belief that puts a limit in you.
But with NPL you can change this belief.
So FOR ME PRing let me very satisfaed.
And with the forum there are people that will always help you.
Hope it helped
Sorry for my English

Good on you komplicado - pleased to know you're getting the system to work for you.


[This message has been edited by AlexK (edited December 22, 2002).]

I can only add this, i bought the tape set and i never finished it becasue i didnt get it and got discouraged. all throughtout the books and here at the forum, was mention of mind mapping. I dont know how to mind map and i didnt want to learn a whole new techinque on top of photoreading. All in all i am disappointed in the system and myself. my confidence is at all time low and this failure just helped to add to my list of failures. what is was hoping for was a way to read all my books and truly understand everyword and rememer everything perfectly. But it was not the case with this system.I dont know how to mind map and i dont have the time or money to have someone show me how. Also, 99% of the books that i have to read and know perfectlya re computer books. I cant even begin to understand how to mind map those books. Also, if i wanted to mindmpa , why did i buy this system instead of the mind map books?? I am sorry if this is not what you want to hear but this system requires alot of work, but if you are able to work hard at this system then you really dont need this sytem do you??

You didn't finish the tapes? Ironically the basics of mind mapping is taught on the tape. Bare bones of mind mapping is all that is required as a means of noticing what you've learnt from the system. I don't mind map every book only those that I feel like mind mapping. Naturally if I had applied Mind mapping to books that I had regular read I would have a better memory of them but I don't really care for mind mapping myself and greatly modified the technique.

It's a pitty you gave up before completing the tape course because it really does pull together putting all the ideas given in the preceding tapes together as a functioning whole.

I can understand your disappointment and at the same time notice that you have a somewhat unrelistic goal "what is was hoping for was a way to read all my books and truly understand everyword and rememer everything perfectly" with that goal you cannot even meet the course part way. To have as much comprehension from a book in 1/3 the time it takes you to regular read the book. So I can fully understand why you gave up. Your goals and the inital aim of the PR course where mis-matched. You probably need to redefine your goal however I cannot see you as having failed because you opted to quit under the circumstances - like I said your goal was mis-matched and the only logical thing to do if you're not headed towards your defined goal is quit doing what is not working.


Alex, I understand what you are saying but if you look at the advertised materials and the website information for PR, my goals were not unrealistic. Yes , I understand the the website says that one can photoread and not read 25,000+ words in a minute but that is misleading. If i wanted just minimal recall and comprehension then i could do just as well by regular reading methods.

Only unrealistic to attain without going once through the course. If you're happy to spend the time you are now spending in regular reading for minimal comprehension that's fine. If you were to spend the same amount of time in the photoreading system then your goal can truely be attainable. However the main focus of the photoreading system is to obtain the information you need in the shortest possible time.

In all I find that I have better comprehension of the material than regular reading, the recall of the information even astounds me. I honestly couldn't imagine regular reading for minimal comprehension to me that's a gross waste of time (and I have plenty of time on my hands) I prefer minimal time spent to gain maximum comprehension anyday Having Photoread a book and found the information that I was seeking within 3 minutes... that served my purpose at the time.

I know that I could spend the time I used to spend on the books memorising it more... that might become a goal in the future it might not.

I can appreciate the disappointment. I did the Mega Speed Reading course 3 years ago (I completed the course). My comprehension went down and in the end my regular reading speed deteriorated, I don't believe that the is any such thing as one size fits all. And at the same time not everyone gets the hang of riding a bike at the same rate as everyone else. It's the same for photoreading.

Toaster and Alex K and everyone:

It seems like whether to learn from a book, a course or seminar or all three or two, is a matter of preference and what works best for you I guess. I am thinking about if I could afford it and I read enough of photoreading that I would consider the seminar. I wonder if coaching comes with the book. I am also thinking the course may not be a bad investment.

I heard that the Silva Mind Control class and the Dale Carnegie class have free repeats for a lifetime. Now dont quote me on this. this is just what I heard from someone else. I mean if Learning Strategies gives unlimited free repeats with their course or close to unlimited than it really is worth considering for me. I am thinking my learning preference is to be taught personally and directly and one on one would be ideal with an expert though. I understand some of you have learned on your own. I am thinking if I am commited and willing to spend a long time I could pick up photoreading but I am also thinking with the seminar after reading the book and trying out maybe the learning could end up going faster. This could be a way to meet others who are into the same thing and meet different different instructors who can each give you a distinction. I realize $750 is a lot of money. I do have relatives near Bethesda so I wont have to worry about lodging. A lot of people have done it without the course and seminar. But I am thinking maybe the seminar will be stimulating and help me learn faster. But on the other hand I am thinking even with the seminar I will still need constant practice. Who knows I might end up meeting someone in my area that has perfected it and could help me. But I am still thinking the seminar is definately worth considering. What do you guys think? I am thinking maybe the course or audio tape has practice materials?

My other question is probably how much practice is recommended or suggested to grow or constantly improve or excel in photo reading?


The book does not come with coaching. The tape set does. The book contains a more general overview, explaining how to do it but the tape set goes into more detail.

As for practice, there is none required, you just use it. Do not go into it expecting this or that, rather, play with it expecting nothing.

Reading through this discussion thread, I noticed that many of us who say that PR hasn't worked or at least hasn't worked according to expectations don't have in place a way to measure their success in terms that are meaningful to us.

Many of us have the expectation that PR will give us a photographic memory of what we read. We are expecting to quote verbatim paragraph 6 on page 117. What PR seems to develop is the skill to absorb, and assimilate concepts and ideas at a rapid rate. The greater the number of passes, the more granular the detail we can absorb. However, for many of us to become skilled with PR, we have to make a shift in way that we internally validate our understanding. It is similar to the shift required to understand a relational database when you are accustomed to working with a linear database.

I agree with you there. From what I understand and have experienced (I fairly a beginner myself), rather than remembering what we gleaned from the book, or what page 10 said, we actually assimilate the information with the information about the topic we already had. So we might have a greater knowledge of a subject which we PR, but not really know where it came from.

Although I've beenv visiting the forum many times in recent days, I've been trying to avoid this topic, but I guess it has reeled me in.

It is correct that your way of thinking does likely become different when you want to master and practice PhotoReading.

No, you don't have to practice all the time, and in fact this one of Paul's powerful facts about PhotoReading. It does not require practice, but practicing does help you master the system. Just like any skill, practicing builds, and reinforces stronger neuropathways, allowing the brain and the body to carry out the skill easier, since it has already made a routine of the subject. Bottom line:no it doesn't require practice, but the more you practice, the faster you'll naturally become.

I am 14 years old, learned PhotoReading about a year ago, from the book, and have been flying ever since.

I can see why the staff themself may not respond to this topic, because I myself almost didn't respond to it. PhotoReading has only been the beginning for me, and I've been lead further and further into tons of other subjects relating to the power of the human brain. The subconscious has the ability to process up to 20,000 pieces of information at a time. You can, in fact, implant printed information into your long term memory at 25,000WPM quite easily. I can see how you would think that the statements on the site can be misleading.

I first discovered PhotoReading when I was staying up until 3:00AM on a school night, and saw the infomercial. Believe it or not, some things of fantasy are possible! That night, and then that Christmas that I got the book proved it.

You're obviously already intrigued by the concept, otherwise you would not spend so much time poking it with a stick, seeing if it would bite. Just order the book or learning course, and if you have difficulties - come to the forum or e-mail Dana for help.

Ask for the extended money back garentee, if you wish. No, the system does not take long to master. It took me probably about a month or two, as far as I can remember.

Belief is a big factor, but often times, you'll find that if you believe you can't succeed, you won't. You'll be so fixated on the fact that "you can't succeed" that you'll not even begin to get the full extent of subject, often times.

If you do end up getting the book, on page 17 you'll see that the things you have to give up are quite easy to give up. These things are:

-low self-esteem as a learner
-self defeating habits like procrastination and self doubt
-perfectionism, "all or none" thinking that dwells on failure rather than feedback and learning
-distrust in other-than-conscious mind and intuitive abilities
-the need to know everything right away
-a stressful sense of urgency

Already, it seems like you may contain some of these things. There is no failure, only feedback.


Hey, I'm 15, I didn't know that people my age were into PR'ing. I agree with you youngprer.

I was 14 when I first learned about PhotoReading, back in 1987. That was years before the how-to book and self-study course was created.

It wasn't until 1992 in the middle of my first year in college that I could take the live seminar.

Within the first week of using PhotoReading, my study time was cut in half, and, when I went to class and we covered what I had PhotoRead and activated back at the dorm, the material came together so much easier.

By the end of that semester, on our toughest final exam on automotive electrical components/systems, I scored the 2nd highest in the class. And, I knew there were other kids in the class that knew the stuff better than I did. But, using PhotoReading, I was able to pull up more correct answers during the test.

So, in my opinion, with PhotoReading you have only to benefit from it.

I have 16 years and I can tell you that photreading, for studies are great.
For books and magazines also.
The best of it is that i can read the stuff only for pleasure, cos you are reading just what really interrests you.

I had this course for over two years now, but I had put it off until three months ago when I finally completed the course. It is true that it takes a determination and faith to work the system, and I've been trying to make the Photoreading System to work. However, I find that although I finished the course, I really don't know how to apply the course. I would love to try it on my science and english courses, but I end up not using photoreading for preparing for tests and quizzes. I'm in AP Biology and I find activating my textbook very difficult. There is simply too much information and my teacher requires that I virtually know all of it. And since I'm practically a beginner in Photoreading, I simply resort to traditional reading and memorizing. And the same goes to my AP English class. The stories I'm assigned are not very long, but sometimes they are difficult and detailed. My teacher loves to give out quizzes that tests both our knowledge concerning the general concept and specific detail about the book. For example, this person from this book mentioned 5 names, name three of them. In addition, hectice school schedule, sports, and homework do not leave me with enough energy or time to continue working with Photoreading. As for me, this has been a source of trouble for me. I don't know if this had a point, but I simply wanted to see some feedback concerning what I could do or should do. Thanks.


I purchased PhotoReading because I was writing a book, and my yet-to-be-completed book has a chapter on Ontology. Because in Ontology one has to seperate what is real from what is not real, I knew I'd have to do massive amounts of studying on mathematics, philosophy, the psychology and neurology of perception, Platonic and Kabalistic mysticism, and perhaps on subjects I have not yet thought about.

I've discovered that PhotoReading works best when one reads for curiosity, rather than to become an expert at something. Curiosity may be satiated, or it may lead to confusion. Confusion can lead to further curiosity, which can be satiated in further activation. The need for experitise might also lead to confusion, but this confusion leads to fustration. Fustration happens when one NEEDS an outcome to occur, but that outcome does not happen. The 20th century English philosopher A. Crowley called this "lust for results," and spoke great ill of it.

The thing about PhotoReading is that you cannot get better at it by trying harder. You can only get better at it by trying softer.


I've slept for so long. Your posts awoke me. Sometime such truth stirs the sleeping.

I was once in your shoes. Hopeful and drooling over the possibilities.

To make a long story short I used to Photoread all the time while thinking I was really reading. Unfortunately I was not really reading but only gathering 10-20 facts about a book while thinking I was reading. When push comes to shove in the real world the kill always goes to those with the most experience under fire- not those that "sorta hava hunch about the material", OKAY? Yes, I lost a few jobs to some slow readers. I was the dabbler (Tony Robbins) of 100 fields instead of the master of just one that would make money. Oh well.

Tracking back a bit, your questions indicate that you're WAY too intelligent to photoread. You can actually BE the author of your own product. If Learning Strategies can take Vera Birkenbeil and call her a memory expert overnight (in the light of no one having any memory of her name or what she does on top of the fact that it's all self proclaimed "made up" stuff anyway) then you can call yourself a consultant too and make some money.

You know, when Merlin was awoke for the second time he was less polite than the first time around. I honestly thought that all the drones were out buying the crap and talking about fertilizer methods and then sjaykum1 chimes in and wakes me up with a level of common sense I have not heard in, oh, 2 years on this forum? Yeah, I think it's about time.

By the way, photoreading's posterchild, Andy030 has rechanted his opinion of photoreading on epinions.com - you should check it out. In case you don't remember, he was the guy that actually helped me get Photoreading to work - only to figure out that speedreading is still faster and easier and just like PR- sucks alot at very high speeds. It's all a play on words. The reality for the customer doesn't change at all when the labels slapped on the products changes. Sorry.

sjaykum1, quit. Quit before you waste another microbreath. Don't become like me. Don't try everything only to spend 1 hour on a book only to know 16 isolated facts about the general idea of the main points of the core concepts of the theme of the basic idea of the book while calling that READING.

Reading is supposed to be a natural drawing, an inbreath (if you will) - something that is taken away and to another world by your natural and curious curiosity... not something reduced to TIME and SPACE and IDEAS and CONCEPTS and all that moronic stuff that speedreading gives you that photoreading can maybe give you 10% of even THAT! I mean really! Photoreading sucks worse than speedreading! It's just another word for the same worn out garbage that didn't sell for much in the first place so why in god's name did he allow PHOTOREADING to be spawned? Oh, god. I'm an athiest and I'm screaming to a GOD. GOD GOD GOD! GOd save yourself from this!

sjaykum1, I bow to you. Your level of inquisitiveness and pure question has AND in the tone of voice has kicked the **** out of what I used to believe was unique conversation and poise. I know, I know, first of all you must know that I'm not well liked here and if you ever want to make friends, bash me at once.

I just want you to know that your original post is... a classic that I will use as a model for years to come. I'm NOT kidding.

pure classic, right off the bone


I dont want to say I am too intelligent for this stuff. I am going to still keep an open mind and review the photoreading book. I have not finished the book yet.

I am still skeptical. MarkP4, you definately have a right to your opinion and I dont believe people should hate people because of differences of opinion.

I am glad that you found what works best for you.

I am thinking it is only fair that everyone gets heard.


Hey, guy, sort through what you got to sort through, but don't lash out and don't try to muddy the waters for other people. There is enough negative stuff in the world without trying to hurt people who are truly trying to improve themselves. (Robbins even endorses PhotoReading--he was trained directly by Paul.)

We'll put a neophyte PhotoReader up against an
experienced speed reader any day. I'm sorry you don't get it.

And Vera? She's sold millions of copies of her books in Germany. She is one of the world's premiere learning and memory experts. If you haven't heard of Vera before, whose fault is it?

Please do not visit here again until you lighten up.

Originally posted by Dana Hanson:
(Robbins even endorses PhotoReading--he was trained directly by Paul.)

Are you serious?! COOL!

Now, Mark. I understand you have had difficulties with the system, and I understand that you may be crippled beyond repair when it comes to being as successful as some of the other experienced PhotoReaders, but no...don't come here trying to bash what you've seen none of. You have not even ever began to see PhotoReading's true potential and capacity. You have not seen all sides of the debates/arguments. (Not to mention you were taking sTrAnGe advice from Crazy Eddy.)

I agree with Dana that you should lighten up.


Let me be specific.

If I read a book, and I ask myself mind-probing questions, I'll get those questions answered. If this means getting 10 or so isolated facts from a book, then so be it. When I read "The Moon by Whalelight," I wanted to know why people feared bats. (I've never been afraid of bats. When there were free-flying diurnal bats at the Brookfeild Zoo, I experienced such a sense of wonder even the memory of it brings wetness to my eyes).

And of COURSE no one has ever heard of Vera Birkenbiel. Her name is Vera Birkenbihl. Make sure your search engine settings allow for German results. Or, skip traditional search engines and go straight to www.amazon.de and take a look at her books.


Where is this "Brookfield Zoo" that you mentioned???

Originally posted by sjaykum1:
I heard that the Silva Mind Control class and the Dale Carnegie class have free repeats for a lifetime. Now dont quote me on this. this is just what I heard from someone else.

I have taken Silva Mind Control class in Norway; I payed their initial high fee because of their promise of free repeats ( you only pay a small administration fee; peanuts ). And I can repeat the course anywhere in the world, as many times as I want for the rest of my life.

This offer was essential for me, and I have repeated the two courses I have taken, several times. These sessions were very valuable, because I got to discuss my own progress with other graduates and share stories face to face. And I gained more insights, since as time went by, I understood the lecturer better and better.

And now Silva works for me...

A win/win situation for the course-givers and the participants, if you ask me.

The second best I have come across is this forum. Everyone is so *active*;- GREAT!!


Originally posted by 3DLifestyle:

Where is this "Brookfield Zoo" that you mentioned???

Chicago. Southern area, I believe. For some obscure reason, the Milwaukee County Zoo is in Brookfield WI, and the Brookfield Zoo is in Chicago, IL.

I suspect the work of the Illumitani

Oh! Oh! By the way, Mark. You want to know the easiest way to prove PhotoReading? LUCID DREAMING! Oh yes. Indeed.

Now you might ask, "Well can lucid dreaming be proved?!" And once again - "YES!"

Just a thought...just a thought.

I just had another experience which proves to me the ultimate benifits of PhotoReading. I was activating "Listen, Little Man!" by William Reich, when I noticed I was understanding the book in that same whole-mind way that convinced me to purchase the PhotoReading Whole Mind System in the first place. I went synesthetic to be able to capture the experience and discribe it. I noticed that regular reading and normal activation have a Point of Observation that is in front of the book. It is as if (and, indeed, is) you are looking down at the book from above. When I have Very Deep Understanding, it is as if I am inside the book looking up at me. When I have this level of understanding, I can understand exactly what the author wrote a book to communicate. Just as the book existed wordlessly in a complete form inside of the author's mind before he ever commited it to paper, (much like Michaelangelo's sculptures were in the stone before Michaelangelo ever picked up a chissle), the act of PhotoReading allows all of the book to assume that same form within my own mind.

Having this experience for a second time acted to abolish one of the beliefs I had about PhotoReading (and speed-reading), that somehow it was "cheating" to read at a very high rate, skipping over unimportant words or paragraphs, because the author had constructed the book with utmost care, including editing and revising. I realize now that I am actually doing the author a favor by PhotoReading, because I'm able to understand the impulse which created the book.

Very Deep Understanding is why I choose to PhotoRead. The time-saving is a side effect. Even after I return "Listen, Little Man!" to the library, I believe that I will have the book inside of me for the rest of my life. I couldn't reproduce it word for word, but the message Reich was trying to tell the Little Man has made a profound impact on me.

As a side note, I should mention that I used an experimental activation technique to engage more of my mind. I listened to "Enemy" by Days of the New just as soon as I woke up and recorded my dreams. This engaged my musical IQ and integrated it into the activation about to take place.

Originally posted by Kaiden:
Chicago. Southern area, I believe. For some obscure reason, the Milwaukee County Zoo is in Brookfield WI, and the Brookfield Zoo is in Chicago, IL.

I suspect the work of the Illumitani

Just wondering Kaiden that's all. I live about ten minutes from Brookfield Zoo, thats located in Brookfield ILL which is a western suburg of Chicago.

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