Posted By: Ryan in China I need a little help... - 01/11/03 05:21 PM
(may be in the wrong forum, but hope you can take a look...)


My name is Ryan O'Connor. I'm currently in China finishing a teaching contract here, but I will be moving to Hong Kong in a week's time to teach and study there. I'm twenty years old. I have started the PR self-study course, and have a couple paraliminals. I am originally from Canada.

Here's my problem. I'm not sure if I've always been this way, or what, but I find that my short-term memory is just plain terrible. I think it's my very short-term memory that's the worst. I can forget about what I was doing half a second ago sometimes. When I try to clean my apartment, for example, I always get off track and end up doing about 350 things at once. When I realize I've done this, I get mad at myself, which isn't helpful I know. It's one of those things that's real frustrating, and I've noticed in how many ways it affects my life. I constantly lose my train of thought, and find myself saying "ummmmm..." a lot when talking to someone. I am planning on buying the Memory Optimizer Program in the future, but am not sure if that will help this issue.

Any thoughts? I can give more details if you'd like... I tend to analyze stuff like this a lot.

Searching for a solution,


Posted By: Michael Saikali Re: I need a little help... - 01/11/03 08:54 PM
Hmmmmmmm ...

I have two solutions for you ...

Meditation to calmmmm the mind.


Kids to keep you so busy you don't have time to think!

Time and age have a way of slowing things down in all respects.


Michael Saikali

Posted By: AlexK Re: I need a little help... - 01/12/03 05:57 AM
Use the Memory Supercharger that came with the PR course. Just tell yourself that you have excellent short and long term memory when you put the tape on.


Posted By: Ryan in China Re: I need a little help... - 01/12/03 06:22 AM
Awesome, thanks guys...

I feel I should add one thing...
The last few years I have smoke a lot of weed with my friends, and am aware that this can have varying effects on different people, especially when it comes to short-term memory. I feel that smoking wed has allowed me to see the world in a different light and is one of the reasons why I was open-minded enough to teach in China in the first place. I haven't smoked once since I've been here (6 months), and haven't desired to. I would love to get to the bottom of the problem at some point...

I will use the techniques provided above, as they seem fairly logical and as long as I blieve in and want change, it can happen.

By the way, Michael, I plan to attend a 10-day vipassana mediation getaway in Hong Kong on the 29th of this month, and I do teach young children, so I am around them all the time and it does help somewhat when I'm with them... I think we're on the same wavelength here...

Thanks again, Mike and Alex...

Bye for now...

Posted By: Joetrevis Re: I need a little help... - 01/12/03 04:21 PM
Also get one of Harry Loranyne memory books. I know a lawyer that loves the books so much he gives them away to his friends and clients free.

Good news you can get many of his books in a good library.

You life will never be the same when you learn his easy system that may help anyone.

I hope I helped

Posted By: bbarclay6 Re: I need a little help... - 01/13/03 06:20 AM
Smile. This always helps you relax. Try hard to smile all the time. I know your having a difficult time and are having a memory laps, but try to try hard to smile. This will help your memory I promise. It will also help you thoughout the day. People will see you as a happier person. You will feel better and will remember more. I can send you this document if you send me your email address. Alexk sent it to me. It's a great document and is very insightful on why we lose are memory. If you have the photoreading tapes. One thing they tell you is to relax and smile.Smiling I beleive relaxes the mind. Which in this document that I'll send you explains why taking the stress off will help you remember.

Posted By: AlexK Re: I need a little help... - 01/12/03 07:40 PM
The Memory loss article and the other two that I wrote are available to anyone who would like a copy. Just drop me an email which ones you would like.

Memory Loss During Exams.
Asking questions
Note Making


Posted By: Ryan in China Re: I need a little help... - 01/13/03 01:14 AM
Thanks again, guys...

I really do appreciate the feedback you've given me.

Thanks,Joetreveis. I will definately look into Harry Loranyne's books and tapes...

Thanks,bbarclay6. I fully understand why it's so important to smile and stay positive. And that's one thing that I do all the time. I'm a very positive person - always trying to find the bright side of things - and it has helped me in so many ways, but unfortunately not with my memory.

And thanks, AlexK. I would love to have all three articles you've written. I'll send you an e-mail.

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