Posted By: Arthur Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/08/03 02:52 PM
First let me encourage you to` continue your PR'ing journey!

Next let me say that I am still experimenting (and thinking) about advancing PR'ing, using ImageStreaming, freenoting, predictive images, windtunneling, NLP, etc.

I think that it is entirely possible to just PR the book--no activaion--and understand it to the degree we want using all the above techniques to output the information.

What we must realize is--whether it is conscious or not--we already have the whole entire book in our unconscious--it is just a matter of bringing it to conscious awareness which can be done with those techniques.

Anyone one who has done HTT will know what I mean when I say that we already have the book in our subconscious--HTT is even less believable, I mean you pick a random question and don't look at it--but we already know it subconsciously!

We just need to improve the communication between the unconscious and the conscious which can be done with PR'ing and ImageStreaming--and output the information.

Now please--I haven't perfected this yet, so I don't know everything. Please don't go off on me for bagging PR'ing or for leaving out the steps--at some point in time SOMEONE is going to have to do that to get more advanced PR'ing.

The way things improve is by changing and experimenting with something.

Posted By: Kristoff Olafsson Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/08/03 08:33 PM
You might also try using Lucid Dreams as the medium for activation. Theoretically, that should put you in an ideal state for unconcscious activation and access. I know this will be difficult, but it is at least on my list of things to try.

Posted By: Arthur Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/09/03 04:21 AM
I agree--it will be difficult. Never quite got it working myself, but I plan too. ImageStreaming seems more practical, and easier to achieve...

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/09/03 01:23 PM

I've read through the steps on imagestreaming on project renaissance and it seems kinda complicated, but you indicated that it's quite easy. How is that so?

Posted By: Arthur Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/09/03 02:14 PM
First, I meant that it is a lot easier than lucid dreaming, which takes time, willpower, and perseverance--it doesn't happen overnight. ImageStreaming, on the other hand, can be done whenever you want and takes no willpower or perseverance, just time--like 15 minutes.

ImageStreaming, once you have practiced it for a couple of hours, is really simple. Even to begin with, it isn't that difficult. Just quickly describe the "dickens" out of whatever you see, using all five senses.

If you want to discover the meaning of the images, or are answering a question, you just get three sets of ImageStreams, maybe one for 10 minutes, one for 3 minutes, and one for two minutes.

In your ImageStream if you see anything out of place, simply ask the object "What are you doing here as a part of my answer/message?" and notice if it changes.

Then, lastly justlook for the similar things--colors, shapes, etc. between the three sets of images. Try to think of what they may mean.

That's it.

Now, please, don't be like I was and just take all this in and don't do anything. JUST DO IT!

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/09/03 04:38 PM

I don't see how after photoreading a book say on "military history", you imagestream and you flashes of light and splashes of colors, then periodic periods of total darkness, nothing, and that will help in activating this book??????

Posted By: Xehupatl Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/10/03 05:31 AM
It amazes me that so many people seem to think that you have to actually see something in front of your eyelids with image streaming.
3DLifestyle, it's all in your mind (ie 'imagination'), not on the back of your eyelids!

Posted By: 3DLifestyle Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/09/03 06:24 PM
I would really love to learn imagestreaming but I guess it just doesn't make sense to me

Posted By: Chang Liu Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/09/03 07:35 PM
I imagestream yesterday, the day before my AP test. I wonder what appealed to me as impoortant in history. I saw FDR making a speech and I saw Abe Lincoln's face on the Penny. Today, the essay topics were... DBQ about FDR and New Deal. 2 Essays on Lincoln and slavery from 1820-1850. Then 1860-1900. :-) sweetness!

Posted By: astrowill Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/11/03 12:21 AM
Haha, DBQ's! I got a 2 on that exam, D in the class. When I signed up for AP US I was all like, "wooho, with photoreading this will be easy!" Unfortunately I was lazy and didn't activate at all. Oops.

Posted By: Chang Liu Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/11/03 01:20 AM
And you are proud of this achievement? Why did you develope a bad PRing habbit?

Posted By: Arthur Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/11/03 02:17 PM
Yesterday, I was PR'ing a fiction book. As I was PR'ing it--even though I was relaxed, I was thinking about my friend's mom who is only 28 or 29. I casually dismissed the thought and tried to focus again.

I then started Rapid Reading the book, and--lo, and behold, on the third page it describes a 28 year-old woman.

Then, I took a break and I thought it would be cool to see a movie of the book (like IS'ing but no describing). I saw a really short movie with two things steps and a fire and a person running to put out the fire.

A few pages later, sure enough, there is a fire under the train. This does work!

Keep going everyone, because THIS DOES WORK!

Posted By: astrowill Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/11/03 06:11 PM
Cool story Arthur. Chang my story goes to show that PR is a study method like any other--being too lazy to read normally yields the same results as being too lazy to read at lightning speed.

Posted By: razordu30 Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/11/03 08:56 PM
I've said this before, but I figure it's appropriate to restate.

PRing is a tool like any other tool. It helps you read more efficiently. How you use it depends on your habits.

Unfortunately, a large portion of people enticed by PRing are procrastinators (I know I am.) Procrastinators, of course, are going to be turned on to the idea of a program that lets them rip through books, because we all remember a time where we had to study or read something at the last minute.

The habit of procrastination in the realm of photoreading would go something like this: If you procrastinated before PRing, you probably studied the night before a final. If you procrastinate after PRing, you'll study hours before; in fact, because PRing works better when you're relaxed, the stress of "the final hour" will most likely screw you up big time.

I procrastinate as bad as the next guy, because I have bad study habits (at least when it comes to school).

I would recommend using the "Get to It" paralminal, although as sad as this is, I've bought it, tried it, it worked, and then I've procrastinated on using it again.

That's right, I'm procrastinating on my procrastination paraliminal tape.

It did help when I used it, though, last year; I retook one class I failed in the year before and got an A last semester in the same class.

Anyway, I guess my point is that if you procrastinate, PRing isn't the solution, it's still just a tool. How you use it depends on your study habits.


PS - I hope that doesn't sound preachy; like I said, I'm a horrible procrastinator myself. I'm not critiquing anybody, just figured I'd mention it again because the thread seemed appropriate.

Posted By: nickuk Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/11/03 10:26 PM
Had this thought on procrastination the other day:
I would never put work off if it gave to someone else the amount of hassle and stress it gives to me.

So go on, be nice to yourself and work hard!

Posted By: Chang Liu Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/12/03 01:10 AM
My ideology is that there was too much wasted, thus I cannot afford to lose anymore.

Posted By: astrowill Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/12/03 04:53 AM
Back to image streaming: The problem I have is that once I know what a book is about, it's hard to get an unbiased image stream. I'll see things that I know are in the book just from previewing and then try to make up stuff around that. How do you combat that Arthur? Freenoting would have the same problem, though I haven't tried.

Posted By: AlexK Re: Onward HO to Better PR'ing! - 05/12/03 05:08 AM
Try skipping the preview altogether and attempt an image stream before the postview.

Notice also any feelings that the book provokes in you. This can help to kick start the image stream.


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