Posted By: fritz10000000 Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/15/03 10:53 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how people when they see something outside their realm of experience, specifiacally Photoreading, they tell you it's impossible. My Boss just gave me a hard time for Photoreading. Has anyone else had a negative feedback about PRing? It seems that it is just absolute contempt prior to investigation that will keep them in ignorance.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 01:27 AM
No-one has given me a hard time. However, you can see skepticism in the eyes of most of the people to whom you explain PRing. Some are interested, some willing to accept it as a possiblity, but many are just polite and let the topic drop.

That's fine with me. There are all sorts of trance's out there. It's not my business it's their business to decide what they will believe.

At this stage of my life, I just put these ideas and experiences out there and if people want more I give them more. A greedy part of me says, "Good, one less person with this skil". The nicer side of me says, "I've given them a glimpse and they know I'm available if they want more information.". Many times you're just planting a seed. You have to give it time to grow. Sometimes you plant it in soil that's ready for it and it seems to magically jump to life, and other times the seed needs to await the arrival of other nutrients.

Ten years ago I would have been one of those politely knodding people, when I heard about PRing, meditation, and Qigong. What can I say, I've been fertalized a lot in those 10 years.

You are perfection,

Posted By: Kaiden Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 02:48 AM
PhotoRead Burke's "The Day the Universe Changed." All our expectations are based on an overall concept of the universe. When that concept changes, so does our universe. Although the modern roots of PhotoReading are over a century old (and the practice itself may be ancient), what makes PhotoReading superior to other methods arising from the same roots is the paradigm of preconcious, rather than subliminal, processing.

Posted By: photoread4me Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 05:44 AM
fritz10000000; let me share a experience i had.i was at a photoreading seminar and a guy could not believe it was possible for the human brain to do some of the things that were being said could be done by the human this situation his wife really believed in photoreading and was going to use it for studying since she was going to learn to be a nurse.i think this guy just came along for the ride and did not really believe in photoreading.if i rememember correctly i was trying to tell this guy if you had told somebody in the 1700's or 1800's that one day somebody was going to build a machine and fly that machine to the moon and men would walk on the moon they would have thought you were absolutely nuts. this guy reacted with a lot of hostility. you can't change what people will choose to believe in unless they are open and come up to you and express a desire to learn.this situation also reminds me of another situtation where a guy was open to trying to learn photoreading but had a hard time accepting that the brain could photoread 2 pages a second. sincerely, photoread4me.

Posted By: Dosetsu Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 09:38 AM
I don't have any problems with this. I just tell people I speed read which is true considering that my main methods of activation, supereading an dipping and rapid reading are types of speed reading. Most people I know, even college graduates, don't read and most of the ones that do read only fiction. People seem to think that education must be formal and there is no reason to read anything outside of school and when they graduate they are finished with reading. For them it is more that the skill is useless in their minds than that it is impossible.

Posted By: Kaiden Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 02:10 PM
One thing to consider is the very real difficulties of speed-reading. Perhaps they would be more likely to believe you PhotoRead.

Speed-Reading is, if I understand it correctly, the art of figuring what the read and what not to read, in order to use your time the best. The problem with it, as most people see it, is that in writtian communication every word has meaning and structure, and it's hard to tell what is important and what is not. PhotoReading bypasses this objection by first reading the entire text preconsciously. "Understanding" isn't important at this level, but you are "seeing" each and every word, and seeing it in the context that relates it to the text as a whole. When you activate, then, you know which words to look at and which ones to gloss over because you've already seen them all preconsciously.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 02:22 PM
Speed Reading isn't an art of picking which words to read and which not to read. It feels that way as you start to learn it. It's that sub-vocalization habit that's hard to give up.

I'm sure that LSC could develop a very good speed reading course if they wanted. Most of the accelerated learning techniques used in PWMS would be very useful if applied to learning speed reading.

If you were to teach people to read without sub-vocalization. You would find all of the anxieties (belief issues) you see when people try to learn speed reading or PR. If you haven't experienced reading without sub-vocalization you have a hard time believing that's reading is occurring.

Oooops I'm rambling and the thread is straying.

You are perfection,

Posted By: Dosetsu Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 02:35 PM
Sub-vocalization does have its place. It is useful when reading hypnosis books when you want to somewhat experience the induction. Reading inductions or examples of language patterns out loud with the proper tonality is even better. This is a very specialized application though.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 03:11 PM
Hey, I haven't conquered sub-vocalization. I've experienced it. I know it do able. I still need to develop a greater trust in myself.

(Sparkling moment)

Thanks folks.

You are perfection,

P.S. to myself: Developing self trust is a belief, not a thing. Know it. Release doubt. Feel it. Experience it. Use it. Revel in it.

Thanks again all.

Posted By: fritz10000000 Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/16/03 03:20 PM
I appreciate the prompt feedback from everyone. I really like Iam2's response about one less person who will every PR. If everyone PRed it wouldn't be the great advantage that it is. Although it would certainly benefit society. I had told some of my family members about what my boss said and I was told "What did you expect from him!" He is a bit(heavy sarcasm) close minded.

Posted By: Ann7822 Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/17/03 12:54 PM
When I first got the PR course about 2 yrs back, I was so excited about first learning it and then sharing it with my sons who were then still in college. One in law school. Well ... to make a long story short, they didn't want anything to do with it. The one in law school said that he had enough to read without reading all that too. And the others basically said that they didn't need any help. Go figure ~

So, he complained about all the reading, and I set about learning PR - also reading everything here at the forum that I could. I practiced. I was getting the hang of it pretty well. But eventually all the skepticism, also from husband, got to me and I put it away around 5 months later. But the seeds were planted, and it incubated, and I still read here at the message board and practiced some, and now I am a student again myself and giving it (PR) a full shot. And yes, I am astounded by the results - plus I am using the tapes more this time. My memory has shown a marked (and I do mean observable) increase. I aced (100%) a recent memory-only test in crminal justice interviewing (no essay). Yet my family isn't impressed. Well, what can I say; we can pick our friends but we can't pick our relatives. So to speak.

Anyway, I was thinking when I was over at the library this week how interesting it would be to set up PRing at one of the tables there. A stack of books that I need/want to read and go through them!! Then, like what was said above, if anyone is interested I can tell them about this neat course they can get, and if they scoff (sp? - why isn't there a spell check here...) then I will take that as proof that I am ahead of the pack! Plus I can get over my shyness at expossing this new skill I am evermore aquiring. Why keep it in the dark?

I shall now go to my alpha level and program that in.

Note: It is a bit disheartening to know that something is good (PR) and not be able to convince those that .... what can I say - do not want to be convinced. *sigh*

*A* fellow traveler

[This message has been edited by Ann7822 (edited October 17, 2003).]

Posted By: AlexK Re: Contempt Prior to Investigation - 10/17/03 01:21 PM
I have photoread in the aisles of the local library, upside down and backwards mind maps and markers on the floor. No comments from anyone

I haven't really discussed photoreading in fact I avoid the subject with my family. I've been caught out though.

One evening my I was looking after my brothers kids, he caught me with the kid's encylopaedia brittanica. He asked me about photoreading and I used the books to explain the technique. He was surprised when I gave him a summary of every article in the book. He knew I could not have spent more than 15 minutes with the books cause his kids were still awake when he walked in.

On then with my mother, I photoread a book and she said. Now I have to read it to test you to see what you know about it. I could only grin cause wasn't the type of book she would understand. Recently she was showing me a book and I was photoflipping through the pages and I said wow now is an interesting book to read. single woman with a son and 2 suitors, set in the 1800s... she quickly took the book off me and said, 'how can you tell?' I said, 'I'm previewing the pages.' Now that's a book I'd like to activate. Though I don't think mum would lend it to me knowing what I did with the book that I read on the plane in an hour during my flight kangaroo flight to Minnesota from Australia. I threw it in the bin and bought another at Auckland airport.

They know it works but don't think it's something that will work for them. Even if I can teach them. So I save myself the trouble. If they really want to know they will come to me. Oh it looks like my brother is more likely to have people coming to me to learn it than learn it himself.


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