Do you think it is advisable to rely fully on direct learning instead of the usual manual activation procedures when studying textbooks? It seems like the posts appearing in the search engine say that direct learning is more appropriate for behavioral or skills based books, and manual activation is more advisable for textbooks.

Is it also necessary to buy the Natural Brilliance book to master Direct Learning? Right now I have the PRWMS book and Genius Code course manual(only). Are these two enough?



No; i don't think it is advisable because you need to consciously know the material. I don't think you can just photoread the material do direct learning and then expect to pass examinations. You need to consciously activate the material.
I don't recommend doing it, but I won't say it is impossible. I've taken tests after only Photoreading the textbooks and activating the material during the tests, but I was already an NLP Practitioner with a lot of independent study and had the right mindset to make it work.
It's not a short cut. For direct learning to work you need to activate it somehow. Be it actually applying what you learned in the field or manually activate.

People who have used Direct Learning successfully in exams usually did so on multiple choice questions and true or false questions. When it comes to essays you run into trouble because the nonconsious mind has a lot of information but no connections or triggers to answer the question. There is no guarantee that the essay question is the right one that will trigger spontaneous activation.

That's what you are really hoping for with Direct Learning. Spontaneous activation. For that there are no guarantees until you built that body mind connection and are able to trust your "guesses".


I was able to do it with short answer ans essay questions, but they were on subjects I was already familiar with (my major) and I already could communicate with my unconscious from my previous training.

Even then, I did run into a problem the first time by the way I phrased the question. All I did was ask my unconscious to give me correct answers to the question and it did, but I should have asked for answers that were correct in the professor's model of the world. That is also a good idea when you are working on essay questions anyway.

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