Can photoreading be used for studying technical material ?


Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/04/05 01:51 AM
Yep. Anything that can be read can be PhotoRead.


Posted By: nishant Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/04/05 12:02 PM
Even medical books? :P
Posted By: ckerins Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/04/05 01:42 PM
I used PhotoReading back in graduate school for graduate level courses in electromagnetics, quantum mechanics and mathematical methods of physics and classical mechanics - yes, PhotoReading does work on technical material. I also experienced spontaneous activation with this material - if you go through the archives, you should be able to find my posting on the experience.
Posted By: nishant Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/04/05 04:34 PM
Does Photoreading really work for everyone? I'll be getting my hands on the system soon and I really want it to work. I think it'll be one of those life-changing things you go through every once in a very long while. I really want it to work... very badly.
Posted By: photoread4me Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 07:06 AM
No photoreading does not work for everyone. People who program themselves for failure. By that i mean people who say there is no way this can work so the mind simply complies & it becomes a self-fulling prophecy yes you are right it can't work you say so so the mind cooperates with you and agrees it can't work your mind proved you right. On the another end of the spectrum you can use your mind as your ally & do the reverse by using affirmations such as i will do whatever it takes to master this or my mind is powerful & capable of learning anything or others have learned this i can as well.
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 07:10 AM
I love the positive programming

I really want it to work... very badly.

That's exactly how it will work for you; Very Badly.

Have you considered just becoming an explorer and asking what if, it is possible how long would it take me to learn?


Posted By: photoread4me Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 07:19 AM
Alex; i don't think he means that he wants it to work badly. I think what he means is that he really wants it to work & he has very strong feelings about desiring it to work for him. I don't think he meant at all for it to work badly.
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 07:27 AM
That's my point the mind is very literal... you say you want something badly, you get it badly.

The words that you speak and write are an affirmation too. Whatever you say with strong emotions just once impacts your mind nonconsciously. The stronger the emotions you feel the more the mind will pay attention. When you are experiencing powerful emotions that is the time you much make sure the words you say speak and write are in the direction you want to go and if not change them pronto to be clear on what you want for an outcome.

It is clear that nishant has negative expectations about PhotoReading and affirmations like that won't help him.


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited November 05, 2005).]

Posted By: photoread4me Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 07:51 AM
I see what you are saying but let me ask you this. Do you think a affirmation like" My mind is very powerful and i can learn anything i want" will help him. I understand now what you are saying about being very careful with your choice of words & how the mind takes words literally and using the word badly is not a good choice but do you think the affirmation my mind is very powerful and i can learn anything i want would help him.
Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 08:13 AM
That would be a great stride in the belief factor. Possible it would help him yet, an affirmation opposite to what one already believe and know does not always work.

However asking what if... what if it works, what if it is possible for me the mind would look to see what one would need to do to find out what if. It will also look for other things that it has learned in the past.

What if I can...

Opens the door to at least giving it a go with an open mind and allows the skeptic to suspend skepticism enough to try it with an open mind. It also releases you from the emotional entanglement of fear of failure. It is also the opposite of What if I cannot.

Can means able to. When you are saying "I can" you saying, "I am able to".

When you say cannot.. When yo say "I cannot:. You are saying, "I am able to not"

Whether you can or cannot is a choice you make when others have demonstrated that it is within the realm of possiblity.


Posted By: photoread4me Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 08:21 AM
Thanks Alex.
Posted By: nishant Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/05/05 09:52 AM
Alex, thank you so much for your insight. Never really thought of it that way. But believe me, I am really willing to do whatever it takes to have this work for me. I do dream about the possiblities of what if this really works for me and what it would mean in terms of affecting me. I really consider this as something that may very well be life-changing in a positive way. But I am curious as to how long it'll take for me to get a hang of photoreading.

Thanks again for the insight Alex. Really appreciate it. We all learn.


[This message has been edited by nishant (edited November 05, 2005).]

Posted By: JoeBlogs Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/06/05 07:10 AM
To be truthful... it will probably take yourself like 6-12 months at least to reverse your previous beliefs and to experiment with accepting other possibilities. And with this committment comes the ability to 'see' NOT READ any written material and be able to RECALL it accurately. Like anything it depends on the individual as to hether it will work or not. Some people don't have what is necessary to do what is required to make photoreading work. For some, today is not the right time but 5 yrs from now they will give it another go when there belief system is willing to accept a fundamental change as to what is possible and what is not.

When I say this I don't mean their won't be any noticeable effect. You will according to LSC claims be able to finish your reading material in half the time.

Yes, the system is working for me, especially the part where I have allowed myself to wait for the information to pop into my mind where I am able to verbally communicate it with others or write it down.

Essentially what the system is trying to do is break your old habit of having to subvocalise when reading by getting you look at the words with concentration and not having to then repeat the words in your mind.

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/08/05 08:30 AM
It doesn't have to take months to learn and make the system your own. Once you learn it you use it consistently and you naturally develop your skill.

People learn it in a weekend at a live seminar.The can then easily get through one or more book a week. That's more reading than most people do.

If you think your belief is going to hinder you consider the Belief Paraliminal.

How long it takes you to feel comfortable with the process is up to you. It can happen with the work through of the course or it can happen with a couple of weeks persistence or a couple of months. No one can tell you how long you are going to take to learn it. We don't know you the way you know yourself.


Posted By: harry_d7 Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/08/05 02:04 PM
JoeBlogs one thing you say is so close to my experience with learning to PhotoRead. I got the audio course in 2003, went through the first few CDs and then didn't go on to learn how to activate! My fears and beliefs stopped me there. Two years later (!) I thought "I've paid so much for this, I better give it a fair trial"... and I started from scratch, suspending all my (dis)beliefs. (it was actually a free PhotoReading CD/DVD that I received through the post that reminded me I had the course!)

This time, I was ready to learn and notice what happens... I was curious to see how it would work for me and in how many ways. My beliefs had changed, as I had already practiced with the Silva method, Holosync, NLP and had some great results with Paraliminals - I was now ready.

I finished the course easily (that was less than a month ago). Now, I use PhotoReading every day, at every opportunity, and I keep getting better at it.

My first big success with it was when I went through the "photoread your own book" CD of the course. I selected a 155 page book about “the 7 secrets of millionaires” (a book with structure & non-fiction). I had the book given to me as a gift, but had never read it. So I used this one. I photoread the book, took a 40min break and activated it the same day (I usually activate the next day, but this time I could not wait!). I mind-mapped the book in less than 20mins and was shocked at my level of understanding of the contents.

I decided to try a test: I told my mother and my girlfriend that I'd like to tell them about this book. I told them that I have only looked at the book for no more than 30mins in total and would like to test my comprehension by giving them a “talk” about the book’s ideas. (they both knew I was doing some crazy PhotoReading audio course – probably thinking I’ve wasted my money on yet another course that promises but doesn’t deliver… but they agreed to listen as the book subject intrigued them!)

Before going to bed I photoread the book again. I listened to the Memory Supercharger Paraliminal and in the morning to the Self-Esteem supercharger. Later I astounded myself be giving a 35mins “lecture” on how to become a millionaire. (I gave a talk which was longer in duration than the time it took me to read the actual book!) I was relaxed, looked at my mind-map of the book and started talking about it. The amazing thing was that, not only was I able to explain to them all the book’s key concepts (which I had consciously understood and mind-mapped), but I was also able to give many examples for each concept – the examples just popped into my head at the time! I had ideas came to me while I was speaking – a kind of spontaneous activation of things I had not consciously activated.

After this, they both thought that this PhotoReading thing must be a good thing and it seems to work. They wanted to know more and my girlfriend has now started learning how to PhotoRead.

Yes, nishant, even medical books. I’ve used it with books on neurobiology and psychiatry. Soon I want to try Syntopic Learning by PhotoReading 6-7 books on Bipolar Disorder treatments. I’ve ordered 3 mainstream books that promote the idea of medication and that it’s a genetic disorder, and 3-4 books that look at alternative treatments (nutrition, psychotherapy, brief therapy, etc.) and disagree with the use of medication or even think it is extremely dangerous (e.g. “Toxic Psychiatry” book). Would be an interesting experiment as the books are divided into to opposing camps, from one extreme to the other (in a sense, bipolar!)

Posted By: GIMMY Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/09/05 12:26 PM
Firstly, thanks to everyone who replied.

Secondly, I completely fail to see how this would work. I mean, I can't imagine zipping thru a Calculus book or a computer science book (w/ theory + source code) in about 5 min approx.

Conscious Brain would have to process each formula or line of code one at a time. It would be a slow and tedious process.

Any logical explanations ?

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/09/05 01:44 PM
The logical explaination is it's not done consciously. You let the nonscousious mind handle it. The nonconscious mind can take in the data in the 5 short minutes.

What slows you down is the fact that the conscious mind can only handle 5 plus or minus 2 bits of information at a time. the nonconscious mind can visually handle 10,000,000 bits of information a second.
Anyone who has visited my blog recently knows that research now shows visual information
is processed nonconscious mind.

Having allowed the non-conscious mind to process the instructions for the formulas and codes activation is playing with the formulas and codes.

An experience I had with a technical book might help.

I was unable to run windows 98 it simply refused to boot. Yet I had some data on the computer that I had not yet backed up that was important to me. I could see the only way to get to that data was through dos commands however I never studied dos and knew nothing about it other than the fact that it is possible to get to the fils on the computer and use a couple of commands to copy it to disk.

The last time something like this happened was well before PhotoReading. I spend 3 or 4 days trying to access the computer to save the data to no avail. I had bought a book on dos and just didn't find the information I needed. My breaks away from the computer were spent reading.

This time I knew PhotoReading and and a friend of mine left behind a How to Dos book.

So I PhotoRead the book with my need in mind how to get to the data and how to copy it to disk. I PhotoRead half the book and knew I covered the answer activated and had the information I needed in 3 minutes. I then spent an hour copying about 30 meg of data to floppy disk.

In summary, Purpose had a lot to do with it.


Posted By: Daniel Holley Re: TECHNICAL PHOTOREADING - 11/13/05 08:46 PM
Gimmy, On of the biggest bottlenecks to reading is the fact that the sub-consious mind interprets the visual data, then by reading the material "aloud" in your mind, you force your consious mind to take over. So you are limited by the speed of your consious mind. This is why some "speedreading" cources teach you to not say the words in your mind, that alone speeds up your reading. But by photoreading you skip the consious mind all together. The sub-consious mind interprets the visual data, orginizes it, then sends what is needed back to the consious mind. Almost everybody has experianced the following, if you have ever heard something say a week ago, then you are talking to someone and they say something, maybe tring to figure out a problem, and you remember what was said a week ago, combine it with the current problem, and solve it. Then you have used your sub-consious mind to do the exact same thing that photoreading does, taking information in your mind and making connection between that information. There is nothing cryptic about what goes on in the sub-consious mind, it is just not as understud as most people would like. Hope this clears some of the confusion. Daniel

[This message has been edited by Daniel Holley (edited November 13, 2005).]

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