Posted By: Hudzon Question about PR - 01/23/06 06:08 AM
I am quite new to the topic of Photo Reading but I can say that I am very interested in it. Having a large stack of books that I haven't had an opportunity to read in months, I would love to learn to photo read.

I have a few question about it though.
Does reading comprehension with PR work the same as normal reading? Meaning that if I read a book with PR, will I remember the information just as good as if I read it normally?
And can this method be applied to textbooks, such as books about C++ programming, algebra and languages?

Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus Re: Question about PR - 01/24/06 09:05 PM
When you apply all the steps of PhotoReading you will have the same or better comprehension of the material that you get from traditional reading. Most people find that their long term memory is also better.

PhotoReading works on all text. I suggest you learn it on some easy non-fiction books first. Tackle textbooks once you understand and have experienced PhotoReading for yourself.


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