Posted By: Christopher Day light savings time - 03/18/07 08:48 PM
I was wondering if my meditation time needs to change along with day light savings time. For example, if I usually start a half hour meditation at 12:30 AM and now start at 1:30AM would it still be the same for the front and back channels coming together at that time? I kinda think it would, but if anyone has more information about this I sure would appreciate it. Thank You!
Posted By: Zakyrus Re: Day light savings time - 03/27/07 07:03 AM
If you are going to sleep at a "new" time, I would think that you would want to shift your meditatation time also. Because of the biological clock, I would think. That's at least my input. I hope it is most helpful.
Posted By: swingkid Re: Day light savings time - 04/18/07 10:47 PM
I'm actually taking a class in meridian theory, and the topic came up about the movement of qi through the channels. If we need to do acupuncture in a certain channel, if it is practical, it is best to wait until the qi is greatest in that channel. I actually asked the instructor if we need to correct for daylight savings, and apparently when these theories were developed, there was no daylight savings. Energy apparently moves in the body according to the movement of the earth in relation to the heavenly bodies, especially the sun and the moon.

The bottom line is that If we are using daylight savings time, we need to correct for it. The way I interpret this is that instead of having the optimal meditation times being 11pm - 1am, and 11am - 1pm, they move to 12mid - 2am and 12noon - 2pm.

As for your question, if you usually meditate from 12:30 am to 1:00 am, then it seems like you shouldn't have to change anything because that would still be within the first 2 hour period of the day.
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