
-- Was is it a great retreat in MN last fall! I learned alot and savored the energy that was built up during those days. I am looking forward to participarting again!

During that retreat:
-- I remember Master Lin showed us some extra exercises that was not in the manual. I am particularly referring to the one we move our hands in a horisontal circle in front of us while we visualize a wheel circling too, inside and around us at the abdomen level ( cut right through us ).

NOW; were the women to turn their hands clockwise or counterclockwise?

I seem to remember we are anti- but my hands want to go the other way ... and now I am wondering if I am seeing the anti- and the clockwise the wrong way...

Shawn; how was that exactly??

Hi Kjersti,
I actually just received the weight loss tape from That exercise is on the tape. For men we turn counter-clockwise, and for women, it is clockwise. Master Lin says that sometimes when we have trouble with weight, it is because we have trouble with the belt (dai) channel. This exercise apparently helps to remove blockages in that channel.


Thank you!

They have a tape? I did not know that. I keep reading women are counterclock and so I could not understand why my hands kept wanting to go clockwise. My body remembered what my mind questioned. ( Hehe.) I guess it is to balance that we go the opposite?

It is not so much about the weight, than finding the comfort zone. My body has been feeling out of whack lately ... Thought perhaps that exercise could help balance it. Your comment about removing blockages sounds about what I am looking for :-)

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