Posted By: Newtothis enlightenment - 12/03/08 02:43 AM
I've heard many who are into Chi Gong, Tai Chi and the like speak of enlightenment. They speak of it as if its the ultimate achievement of energy meditation. My question is.. What does it mean to be enlightened.. Is it a state of mind, is it viewing life at higher frequencies and seeing things that unenlightened people can't, is it a place, is it a destination. And how do you know when you've achieved it.. And what are the benefits of achieving it. Thanks I look forward to the answers...
Posted By: Kalohe Re: enlightenment - 12/03/08 09:24 AM
Enlightenment comes in many different flavors. It is not a physical body thing but of the mind and spirit. It is not a state that means you are Enlightened on everything, but it is more of what is happening in the moment. You "see" and understand something that you didn't the moment before. For a brief instant everything in the entire Universe makes sense, it's beautiful and full of love; and then you just go on with life. You chop wood and haul water just like before you experienced "Enlightenment" but maybe your load isn't so heavy as before.
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