Posted By: jamie Questions with Level 2 SF Healing - 02/18/09 11:29 PM

I have been doing Sword Finger healing on a subject who does not want to sit in front of me. So I am doing the healing with intension and going through the motions just as if he was in the chair in front of me. I have not been doing any blockage detection because I haven't thought I was able to feel any energy other than energy coming out of my palm. Today I am realizing that the changes in temperature in my fingers is more than I have been acknowledging. My fingers aren't "just" getting cold, nor are they "just" feeling warm for no reason! \:\) It occurred to me that since I don't know where the blockages are, I just do all the major organs. If there is no blockage, perhaps that is when my fingers are either cold or just the normal temp. That if there is a blockage I'm trying to pull out, I can feel the warmth flow in between the space of my gathered fingers. Sometimes I could feel that the warmth no longer flowed into that space. So I assume that the blockage has been removed and I can move on in the healing process. Sometimes I can not pull out the blockage-there is always heat flowing into that space. So I guess my questions are: How long do I keep pulling? Is it because I need to spend more time breaking up the blockage with SF? Should I do more SF right then and after that do more pulling? Do I visualize the associated organ color when I do both SF and give energy or just when I give energy? If I am SF an area that has no blockage what affect does it have to that area?
I think that is all my questions! What a great feeling it was today when I opened myself up to allowing myself to interpert the "information" that has been there for quite awhile. It just wasn't in the form I was looking for! (Yes another way to cook a potato!! )
Thank you for any guidance,
Growing Peace
Posted By: gallen Re: Questions with Level 2 SF Healing - 02/20/09 09:09 PM
Hi Jamie,
Most of your questions are best answered in the experiential learning of doing level II healing. What you learn through/from experience is huge, relative to utilizing level II healing techniques. It sounds like you are having experience, and learning. That's good. Give it time and be patient.

Include scanning in your practice, whether someone is in front of you or not. Be the healer. Be the master. Just do it, no doubts. If nothing happens, nothing happens. Don't go a step farther in thought, or reaction to that. Just drop the thinking about it. When scanning comes up again, just do it again! like you know what you are doing. There is no interference on your part in this. It is better to scan like you know what you are doing, and be non reactive to the result, than to define yourself or ability in any limited way. Take your time, stay open, leave the door open to for increased ability to freely enter.

There is a difference between you looking for, or anticipating, or wanting a feeling in your hand, versus focusing on feeling something in your friend, in a focused state, in a more empty state, less conscious of whether or not your hand will pick something up. You are open, and feeling. You are open to feel the blockage in anyway it might come to you. You sort of face the energy in an open state to feel, as well as holding the integrety of your own energy.

Go with first impressions, move on. Very important...Keep it simple. Once you kick it around in your head, you can lose sight of the first impression.

Yes, you only use the specific organ system colors when giving energy.

You can't do harm clearing a organ or area that is clear. You have an intention behind the whole of what you are doing, and giving energy to many specifics. There is a connectedness within the whole of someone's energy. The whole of someone benefits from a complete healing session.

Include the spine as being as vital as the five organs. Always clear that too, first.

Posted By: jamie Re: Questions with Level 2 SF Healing - 02/22/09 07:05 PM

Many thanks gallen!
As I finished posting my questions I could see that if I am not practising the blockage detection how will I ever know whether or not I can sense it? I could see I was setting up my own road block! I have since let my self experience that process twice. I tried to remain as you suggested (still hard for me to not be in my head being critial). I feel very positive about the experiences and look forward to developing that awareness sensitivity.
Something that you have mentioned several times is "to take your time". I know that is an area I need to work on, being present, in the moment. For so many aspects in my life I can feel a need to rush to get to completion. Whether it's a road trip, doing something I don't like doing or even things I do enjoy doing let alone doing a healing or meditation. Where ever that feeling of needing to rush comes from, it will be benefical for me to work on staying in the moment whether it is doing SFQ or those other things in my life. I am happy to work on my focus of being in the moment. Thank you for interjecting that again.
I am pleased with my SFQ journey! I do feel that I am much more of a healer than I was 2 months ago. I see the journey as one that will continue to open up in front of me, and I look forward to all that continues to be around the next bend!!
Thank you again for your guidance and encouragement gallen. I appreciate and value your time and constant input into this forum.

Growing Peace
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