Posted By: SkipM SFQ and Peak Performance in Sport - 01/28/10 05:15 AM
SFQ practice enhances many of the areas that I have been working on to improve my performance in tennis. Specifically, I work on relaxation, visualization, confidence, and focus every time I do the SFQ active exercises and meditations. Are there any write-ups or discussions on how best to use SFQ to enhance peak performance? I am thinking of things such as energy flow visualizations, relaxation techniques, preparation before a big match, etc.

Posted By: remedios Re: SFQ and Peak Performance in Sport - 01/29/10 08:46 AM
Chunyi Lin touches on this subject a bit in his book, "Born a Healer." He even has a chapter on it. He doesn't really go into specifics, exactly, but he says that practicing Qi Gong could make you operate at your peak in whatever area of your life you choose. It's all where you focus your energy. For me, personally, as an artist always trying to create from a much greater place, I always connect with the Master's energy, the universe's energy before I work on a piece and have felt quite satisfied with the results. My suggestion would be to enhance your visualizations by connecting to the universe's energy beforehand as this directs this powerful energy into your performance and will will help you to relax deeply.

This is a great question, BTW, I also would like to know if there's any more info written in this area since I know the course focuses more on healing. I think in the later levels, though, levels three and four where you will be focusing more on opening the third eye which can only enhance your visualizations in a more profound way, it can be easier to see how to direct this energy towards peak performance.
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