Posted By: KEVEDS Cancer - 12/27/10 05:00 PM
I m battling Stage IV cancer. Had the tumor on the colon surgically removed, but it had already spread to the liver and both lungs. I would love to hear stories from those that haved used Qigong to battle cancer. Especially, how many hours a day you did Qigong?
Posted By: remedios Re: Cancer - 12/29/10 01:07 AM
This is some of what I learned from the Healing Retreat last October, which was phenomenal. When speaking about healing and quality of life in general, Master Lin emphasized unconditional love and forgiveness.

When practicing SP Qigong always begin by focuxsing on your heart, putting a smile on your face and calling on your Master's energy. This can be anyone whose energy you admire and respect. It could be Master Lin, God, Jesus, Buddha, the universe, the love of heaven, Grandma, Mary, etc. Go for real powerful energy to align yourself with to help you with your healing. Merge with your master. Do this frequently throughout the day even if you are not practicing in the moment. Realize you have the loving support of the entire universe singing through your veins every organ, your colon, your lungs, kidneys, pancreas, this energy also gives so much clarity to your entire brain, and so on.

Whether people show it or not you have the love of everyone on this planet and beyond. This love is unconditional. Talk to your organs, your energy systems, even your cancer. Master Lin also said this: "Say to your cancer, I love you thank you for showing me how much I want to live but I will love you more if you leave my body. So please go back into the universe." Keep doing this. Ask your master to guide you in every aspect of your healing.

Visualize yourself healthy and happy. Remember to smile. Smile throughout the day. Focus on your heart. Smile into your heart. Find even the littlest thing in your life to be happy about. This opens the body up for so much healing. Slow down your breathing. Breathe in healing light, exhale butterflies, smoke or whatever image comes to you. When you breathe, pull your lower abdomen in a bit on the inhale, release on the exhale.

When the body is totally relaxed the cancer cells get the right message and leave the body. Cancer is just another form of energy that you are transforming.

Watch this video of a woman healing through spring forest qigong from Stage 4 lymphoma.

Cancer does not like heat so visualize yourself in the sun as much as you can. Also most importantly trust the visualizations that come to you because these could be more effective. You could also visualize the cancer turning into butterflies and leaving through every part of your body.

Practice your active meditations as much as you can as well as Small universe. Small universe is so important.

So to summarize:

1) Put a smile on your face and focus on your heart
2) Slow down your breathing
3) Call on your Master's energy to assist you in healing
4) When not practicing Small Universe or other SPQ meditations (although the aforementioned steps apply there as well) do the appropriate visualizations that Master Lin reccomends. Also, let your intuition guide you. Heat and butterflies can work, too. But trust yourself and the guidance you are recieiving. Allow yourself to go into the emptiness. Don't worry if you are doing it right. Trust 120%.
5) meditate

I will also send you energy and keep you in my meditations.

Much, much love to you and all the best, KEVEDS, And of course, Happy New Year. You are such a gift to this planet!

Posted By: Singingserpent Re: Cancer - 12/30/10 10:18 AM
Hi remedios, thanks for that informative response. I am not battling cancer, but know people who do, and this information will be of great help to them.
Posted By: remedios Re: Cancer - 12/30/10 01:08 PM

I am glad this was helpful.

Posted By: KEVEDS Re: Cancer - 12/30/10 04:43 PM
Thank you very much. I will apply your information to my life daily.

Best to you!

Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: Cancer - 01/11/11 05:36 PM
Nice reply remedios.

Kevin, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here- SFQ can make a big difference in many ways, and be sure to support your healing with quality sleep, nutrition and exercise appropriate for your body.
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