Posted By: faerywhisp Electrical pulses in the hands - 09/01/12 04:22 AM
Namasta' everyone,
This will most likely sound a bit strange but has anyone experienced this happening to them.... On 3 different ocassions after practicing the Qigong exercises and I have gone to the grocery store later on, I keep getting like electrical pulses in the palms in my hands as I am holding onto the handle of the grocery cart. It is more than static or just a shock. It kept doing it and I actually went into the bathroom to wash my hands as I thought maybe it was static. Well it didn't stop. It was quite intense and I found myself laughing to myself as I thought who in the world can I talk to about this! When I come home my hands feel so strong and I guess I would have to say awake. Maybe it is the opening of the hand chakras. I love this SFQ. I feel so much healthier...Some feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks so much! Blessings, Faerywhisp
Posted By: Zakyrus Re: Electrical pulses in the hands - 09/01/12 05:08 PM
Think of it like you get electric energy circuits coming through the head (along with the cosmic and "crown chakra" energies from the Universe)...and magnetic circuits are coming through the feet and work through the "base chakra" at the bottom of the torso. (they join at the heart to make an electro-magnet if you didn't know)

Excess electric or magnetic can happen for a variety of reasons; you're building your energy system so fast that the energy simply doesn't have anywhere else to go (eg. your storage centers are maxed out, even though they are expanding to hold more capacity, you're probably taking quantum leaps in your practice--going so fast that you're several steps ahead of where you're body is at--not at all a bad thing, but it helps to "ground")...and it can get slightly annoying at times when you start shocking everything.

I've have this now and then, perhaps I have a slightly more estranged case of it (I used to break electronics--gone through a few computer monitors until I got a handle on it).

What you might want to do is go outside barefooted (if you can) and just stand on the earth and relax completely(tension locks electricity in the muscles of course)...while standing, feel the straightness of your spine, feel like your feet and tailbone goes all the way down to the core of the earth "rooting" with it, and then feel as if your head is almost hung by a string from somewhere above in the stars.

Visualize and feel your energy connecting down to the core of earth. Feel the dantien spinning very, VERY fast and shining very bright--do that for a few minutes then do your active exercies or do a closing. This helps ground your "excess electric circuits" and also helps "ground" your magnetic circuits. It will also open your energy even more so to the earth as well as the Universe, and assist in expanding your energy capacity. You should feel energized when you're doing this. Make mental notes of times if you "get tired" and read where the energy is going.

Like most all energy types, excess electric or magnetic Qi "isn't bad" but it can be annoying (or expensive if you're breaking stuff) and it does feel nice to be grounded.

Hope this helps. wink
Posted By: faerywhisp Re: Electrical pulses in the hands - 09/03/12 03:57 PM
Hi Z!
Thanks so much for the feedback...I am now on my way out to ground in my yard and do my exercises. Fortunatly I do have a great yard to work with my energies in. Gaia has been so kind to bless me with such a beautiful sacred space. I did get to thinking about my situation and have just read your post and we seem to be on the same page. It is exactly what I was thinking may be happening. I appreciate your input and very good to hear from someone else who is into working with the Universe. I too have a problem with electrical appliances , street lights, computers and such. I have since I was little. You have a blessed day my friend.....
Thanks again, Faerywhisp
Posted By: Zakyrus Re: Electrical pulses in the hands - 09/03/12 11:09 PM
Awesome. And just in case I didn't fully clarify, you're not loosing energy by are borrowing it to the Universe and Earth until your energy system can fully utilize it. In all aspects, the helps transmute and activate the "higher dimensional frequencies" for the entire Planetary system.

How about that? Yes, you (and everyone) are that important. By doing QiGong, (and especially loving forms such as SFQ) everyone *is* doing that--whether they consciously know that or not. We broadcast out Love to transmute the "old" and dis harmonic energy frequencies. It's like the mathematics of the energy grid, somehow got messed up, and the higher, more intense frequencies are able to correct it effortlessly. (like heat melting ice)

Think of it as, you have a very special frequency--yes, at the time it might be very intense, but in time it'll be natural and you'll adjust to it--as you begin to shift into Harmonics, you'll wonder how you got by *without* your Higher Frequency. Also, by grounding it and joining with Earth and the Cosmos, you are sharing the activation process for all sentient and non-sentient forms of life in the entire Noosphere (Noosphere = Planetary Grid-work of Life).

This is a VERY special and exciting time to be here (in spite of what 'negative' dramas appear to be unfolding elsewhere), or in spite of "nothing appearing to happen" (in other cases) stay with it, stay loving and positive and shine that Higher Frequency! smile

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