Chunyi Lin's Higher Energy seminars in London, New York, and Los Angeles

Spend two full days with Qigong master, teacher, and healer Chunyi Lin, in person, learning about the pure energy of Spring Forest Qigong, practicing the "active exercises" of Level 1, and sitting in healing meditation.

Click here for the February seminar in London.

Click here for the March seminars in New York and Los Angeles.

Great weekend in London.Master Lin was fabulous as were the participants (and of corse Learnng Strategies staff) wink
This was a fabulous weekend during which I learnt so much. One thing of importance was that you can fit in little bits of qi gong throughout the day, eg bouncing and cupping the tailbone, etc. My wife now starts the day with some cupping having caught the craze from me. Also - and this is a great joy! - I have taught my son to cup lung windows, under arms and inside of the arms in order to clear his lungs. This has helped with his wheeziness a great deal but also he is now sleeping through the night consistently, rather than waking with itchy eczema (I'm assuming the lung meridian has an influence on eczema - am I right Shawn?)

So thank you Chunyi for such a humble and powerful presence during the weekend. And thank you Shawn, Jeanette and Kadi for your helpfulness and heart energy during the weekend.

Does Chunyi have plans to return to London? I do hope so!


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