Posted By: Nacho Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 12:58 AM
Honestly, today I got **the** worst string of bad luck. It was almost as if some terribly evil force was trying to get me. Even my dog started having an attitude problem with me. I called on my master's energy for help, but got no response; it was almost as if he/she wasn't there. This all started right after finishing my SFQ movement techniques. I know it seems weird to blame the Qigong, but I can't think of anything else that would've brought this on. The feeling was just **terrible**.

Anyway, today was the second time I practiced my Qigong at 11 - 12:30 instead of the usual 3:30 - 5. Could this time change have anything to do with what happened or happening? Plus, any advice on how to get rid of this? Please respond before my computer crashes and my cable gets cut.


Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 01:42 AM
I'm sure more capable and knowledgeable people will respond, until then you have me.

Yes, I believe that somewhere it says that chi can influence fortune / events.

However, Master Chunyi Lin does say that chi is not good or bad until we direct it to be so. The cure would then be to think happy thoughts. Expect good luck and that's what you will get.

As for the time. Chunyi says consistancy is one of the keys to success. He also says to practice whenever you can. Anytime is better than no time. I'd say that means you are okay. The consistancy is part of the Good Better Best idea. Good is doing it whenever. Better is doing it the same time every day. Best is everyday at the best time for that activity.

So call upon the master energy and you know that's good. Then expect it to do you good and it will.

Sending love, and that's good energy.

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 01:54 AM
Well, thanks for responding, but I'm telling you that this was straight up negative energy following me. I'm not a negative kind of guy so I doubt any of this could have been brought on by my thoughts.
Posted By: Agent B Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 04:28 AM
Hi Nacho:

Welcome to the mystery of life!

Don't be too quick to blame QiGong. Just because a few things go wrong you need to keep an open mind. Perhaps there is a basic environmental problem where you live (Feng Shui) or your horriscope is a low energy day. Usually our expectations and busyness over ride all kinds of messages we are receiving but we are so wrapped up in our daily drama that we are unaware of the need to change course. Perhaps there was something you were meant to be doing and all these things were happening so you would become aware to take care of that important business. Take deep breaths and relax. Tomorrow is another day. Don't kick the dog. But do be mindful of him/her and give more love. It will come back ten fold.

Good Luck!
Agent B

Nacho, be sure that you are centering before starting your practice. If you are by passing any of the starting sequence and getting right into it you may possibly be leaving yourself open. Remember that the modified time period you are now using is when your channels are most open. The steps of centering calling in the Masters energies, your guides, teachers or whatever works for you is a form of protection a preparation of your sacred space so to speak. In your sacred space all negativity is expelled, removed and all is there for your greatest and highest good. Also be sure to properly close the exercise this will help both ground the exercise and internalize your energies.

To help clear this on your next round do the above and as stated in the manual see yourself taking in that good energy and flushing out the bad with the exhale. Inhale the good see yourself getting brighter and brighter filling with white light and then shoot out all negative or unwanted energies to the universe on the exhale. Do this with the mind set of love and compassion. Most of all gratefulness for the enlightenment of firming your resolve as to what you do not need to experience and then let it pass so you can move on.

Your dog is not reacting to you just what is around you. Animals are very sensitive and intuitive and in this case very helpful to you.

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 02:59 PM
Hey, thanks for the kind messages. I wouldn't doubt for a second that I might've let *something* in on my last exercise. Even my TV's been acting strange... But yeah, I'm sure it'll breeze over as long as I continue to keep a clear head, and a positive attitude. Something about the whole situation is still bugging me though... I hope I didn't scare anyone out of doing Qigong by posting this. In fact, Qigong has actually improved my luck until yesterday so I hope I didn't scare anybody off. Well, thanks again guys I'll be sure to keep you posted on my situation. Hopefully I might learn some important lesson from all this.
I think rather than scare people you have done us all a grate service by bring it to light. It certainly reminds us that we are not playing with a toy here but working with something sincerely powerful and should not take things lightly. By any chance were you rushing through the new time frame in any way and or taking any short cuts with centering or closing?
Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/18/03 05:51 AM
Nope, I did everything correctly. Plus, I took my usual one hour to complete the exercises. The only exercise I skipped (and always skipped) was the Seven Step to New Life exercise. I really don't have enough balance to do that one yet.
Aloha Nacho,

As Iam2 mentioned, qigong does not cause bad luck.

As Agent B mentioned, in the active and sitting meditations, you're constantly breathing healing energy from the universe and releasing extra energy back to the Universe.

As Chunyi mentions, you can ask your master to go and prepare your meditation spot before you get there.

Wishing you a happy day.

Much Love, Shawn

Aloha Nacho Part 2(I just saw your last post),

If you're having challenges balancing even with your eyes open, remember that you can do it with your feet staying on the ground.

Since you've just taken his level I class recently, I would think that Chunyi or Jim would have even presented it like that, rather than lifting the leg.

It's a very powerful exercise (aren't they all), so much so, that you'll not want to skip it due to balancing challenges.

Wishing you a lucky day.

Much Love, Shawn

If there are balance issues with eyes open then perhaps you need to drop your center more. Here are a couple of suggestions:

- Bend the supporting knee a little more. You will feel more of a positive burning in the supporting leg. Not necessary to over due, you will find your comfort zone as you experiment.
- You can think of sinking your center as you raise your knee. As if there was a counter force pulling your tail bone down to the earth.
- Don’t extend the rising leg too far, this may through your center/balance off as you raise your hands on the inhale.
- Play with the balance threshold.
--Play with it by doing less of the mechanical and more visual. This will help you find where your comfort level is with the movement. From there you can extend the range as your balance improves over time and it will.

Someone with more experience then I in this form can perhaps shed some light and validate or invalidate my statements. These are some of the things I have found that help others with balance issues.

Much love and light to you Good luck

[This message has been edited by Ascending1 (edited September 17, 2003).]

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 06:49 PM
Re: the balancing issue. When I first did them I had no problem. Later I realized I was supposed to point my toes. When I started doing this. I had more difficulty. I noticed that rising foot was being kept in-line with my supporting leg.

I find that move is easier by checking two things. The first is making sure the supporting leg is not locked (slight bend at the knee). I was locking it when I worked on pointing the toe. The second isto allow rising leg to be a couple inches forward; say with the sole parallel with the front of the supporting leg's shin. I still don't have the balance I had, but it is a lot better.

P.S. thanks for the preparing of meditation area comment. It's amazing which details you pick-up and which you let roll by.

Sending love,

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/17/03 06:54 PM
Cool Ascending1.
Check the times and content of the two above posts.

Sending love,

Hehehe, that is to funny Iam2

Another thought to ponder. Sometimes what people experience when raising their arms and visualizing energy rising in there bodies is a feeling of top heaviness. You can simulate this with a partner by standing straight, locking you knees and raising your shoulders. With this posture try to resist toppling over as your partner gently pushes you (with one finger even) from the side. You will inevitably topple over.

In contrast, drop your shoulders and bend the knees slightly adjusting the spine and have your partner push you from the side again kind of as if they are pushing from one shoulder into the other. What you will find is you have a more solid foundation. If you apply the principle of sinking your center as previously explained, you will find that your balance is stronger and improves faster over time.

Posted By: Kaiden Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/18/03 03:15 AM
One magician friend of my told me that when he pushes his luck, luck pushes back.

One way to get around luck is to adopt and additude of total optimism. The pessemist sees the danger in every oportunity, the optimist sees the oportunity in every danger. To use the example my magic friend gave me, he was playing D&D and using his power over luck to get "good" dice rolls. The bounce back came when he got a traffic ticket going home. The thing is with games that use dice, "good rolls" are sometimes high rolls, sometimes low rolls... it depends on the game, and on circumstances within the game.

Just know that you're strong enough to take care of whatever fate throws your way. Do take care of the feng shui around you, and be nice to your dog.

Good luck to you.

Posted By: shr33m Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/18/03 04:56 AM
Hehe, there is no such thing as luck, good or bad. Like attracts like. You attract to yourself what your thoughts create. Your past thoughts create your present reality. Your current thoughts are setting up your future situation.

Every self-improvement system has at its core the promise of releasing negative thoughts. It doesn't matter how many affirmations, subliminals, paraliminals, self-hypnosis sessions you do, if you continue to perpetuate negative self-talk, you have effectively cancelled out your positive efforts. Positive thoughts make the body go strong and negative thoughts make the body go weak, as verified by applied kinesiology testing (I've seen this many times).

You have to remove those negative attractor fields that create those blockages. If you practice qigong diligently, your open channels and greatly increased qi flow will help you become more harmonious and balanced. You'll feel great all the time and attract good things into your life.

[This message has been edited by shr33m (edited September 17, 2003).]

Posted By: gallen Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/18/03 01:53 PM
When I read the original post, my first thought was that this person doesn't know what qigong is, or they wouldn't have said that! For many, it is a new experience. Don't put a dark 'mysterious' possibility in this new experience. It isn't there, so don't go there... It is, what it is. Energywork to help you attain a natural state of being. A greater awareness of the truth of the universe.
Regarding seven steps, and balance.
Remember that your weight is already centered, and low, in the horse stance you stand in, for the whole set of exercises, prior to doing seven steps. Awareness of this grounded position helps, as you move to one leg, like the idea of sinking/centering mentioned, but, you are in fact already there from your previous position. I think the 'shift' is more important to pay attention to. Shifting your 'center', or aligning it over the one leg, finding that center, before you pick up your foot. Bringing your foot that you are going to lift, 'to' that center and up.
The movement can be very even. Height can stay the same, as you shift the center over one leg. Sometimes that 'sink' can help, doing it more with your heightened awareness and 'breath', than actually lowering your whole structure, which would put more strain on that one leg. Try sinking your breath/awareness down as you shift, maybe, even with the exhale cycle of breath. Let the energy sensation heighten down through your legs into the earth. Your 'ground' stablizes you. This can be your 'sinking', within the structure staying the same height. Sink the energy. Find your center. Raise the foot within that new centerline that you've established. It is important to move slowly, so you can come to the position, and not go over, and loose balance. Your feet are both planted in the previous postion of a 50/50 shoulder width horse stance. If you shift, and pick up your foot at the same time, it is easy to loose your balance. Rather, if you 'shift' your weight, first, find your centerline over your one leg, then move your free foot over, and lift up.. You can try this out of context of the exercise. Just do that shift and lift a few times to experience it. Remember too, that if you have done the whole set as given, you have been in a 50/50 stance for fifty some minutes. It takes some time in practice to shift out of that to one leg. It will improve with time. Standing on one leg is in many qigong/gungfu practices. The ability to stand on one leg is a basic. If you stood on one leg for some time, then put both feet down in a 50/50 position, you would feel a heightened sensation of being really grounded, with both feet down. More so, than if you always practiced just a 50/50 stance. In the martial perspective, you couldn't, in theory, kick, if you can't pick up one foot and stay balanced. Energetically, you should feel that free leg almost float up effortlessly, with the energy within coming up within the intention of the movement(energy moving up and down). Although I don't practice tai chi, I felt, through this movement, I understand how a kick would be done in that style. No tension, open,,,the leg almost floating up on its own, due to the energy, not a muscular lift. Also, the foot 'pointing' down, is relaxed, not a tension 'flexed' position. You should feel light, relaxed, and in an effortless state. Your feet are open, no tension.. You might think of that cylinder that you opened up in the first exercises, like a column of energy you are standing in... It extends into the earth and up to heaven. As the energy moves up and down in this exercise,in this column, you get to go along for the ride, with the energy helping you move effortlessly.
P.S. Shr33m,
I wanted to thank you personally for something you mentioned a few months ago, that I followed up on, and I experienced good results. Your email address is not listed. If you email me, I will be more specific, but otherwises, thank you. My current email is down, so I am temporarily using
Also, regarding the kinesiology... I think it is a good thing. Very useful, but I would want to mention that in higher levels of SFQ, psychic abilities can be developed to a high degree, regarding anything you would apply kinesiology to. The only challenge is the required study(meditation) to achieve a highly intuitive state. Kinesiology is more accessible, I am assuming, to more people at many levels. If one is focused in SFQ practice, and you pursue levels 3 and 4, as Master Lin has stated, it is a complete system. This is said in the fullest sense of the word complete. There are personal preferences and aspects that one can bring into one's SFQ practice, but in the long haul, all the technique and method is presented , to help one self heal, heal others, raise their level of consciousness, regenerate, etc.., along with developing one's psychic abilities to a very high level.
Posted By: shr33m Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/18/03 03:28 PM
Hello Gallen,

No need to thank me personally I suspect I know why.

I agree that psychic abilities can be developed in SFQ as well as other systems. It is first necessary to clear out energy blockages and accumulate energy in the lower dantien.

Yes, applied kinesiology is accessible to the masses. So are techniques found in Silva Ultramind ESP and remote viewing protocols.

Glad to hear that your SFQ L4 training went well last month. May the power be with you!


Aloha Iam2

Realize that by just saying the password and connecting to the master's energy, the work your doing is protected.

The recommendation to ask your master to go ahead of you is good to prepare a new area that you maybe doing some long and deep meditation work in, is not from the sense of clearing bogymen or whatever else our worries concern us about, but more to create a space that is energetically and spiritually supportive of the whole process.

Your doing work based in Love, kindness and forgiveness. That is it's intent. That is what healing is at at it's core. And to put it in Sch33m's attractor-field paradigm -that's what it's drawing to it and that's all.

Much Love, Shawn

[This message has been edited by Shawn_Grim (edited September 18, 2003).]

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/18/03 04:09 PM
Thank you. Sometimes the message recieved is not the one sent, but the one needed. You spoke nothing terribly new Shawn, but the effect on me is new.

Thanks to you and all who helped me to this point.
Sending love,

P.S. Just for you interest (if it exists). I'll approach the exercises with the motivation of building myself to serve as a tool the help those I love (a every growing group). Doing it for me seems wrong, or at least less right. That's what your words gave me Shawn.

[This message has been edited by Iam2 (edited September 18, 2003).]

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/19/03 05:48 AM
Um, thanks for the help? Anyway, things have been going fine so far **however** yesterday right before I was about to practice Qigong again, the mirror in my room fell from it's holding and shattered into about 100 peices. I guess it's a good thing I'm not superstitious or else I'd be pretty worried.

**Oh, and I'll be sure to start using that exercise again, even though I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with what happenened.

[This message has been edited by Nacho (edited September 18, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Nacho (edited September 18, 2003).]

Posted By: Agent B Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/19/03 12:04 AM

Now you have my attention with that mirror breaking. You should really try doing a house/apartment blessing. It's not hard. Get some incense which gives off a little smoke (I find Nag Champa works best for this). Then light the incense stick and go around the house in a clockwise direction making slow clockwise circles of smoke. Thank the universe for giving us positive and negative energies to learn from and then in each room ask the positive to stay and help you and those living in the house with the life purposes and then politely but firmly tell the negative that it is no longer needed here in your home. Make sure you do the closets, attic, basement, and garage on the inside. Then go outside the house and do the same clockwise from the front door all the way around to the front door. Your intention is the most important thing. Stay focused on the task which will only take 15 or 20 minutes or so depending on the size of your house. Then put the incense stick where you medidate and do your QiGong as normal.

I'd do it a few times and then once a month.

If you live in Arizona I could come help you.

Bless you and your home,

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/19/03 12:56 AM
Thanks for the help AgentB, I'll be sure to try out that remedy as soon as I can. However, I do wish people would take my word when I suggest there's negative energy following me instead of needing a mirror to break before I can get some helpful advice.

**By the way, will that rid my house of any evil spirits? And am I supposed to do Qigong immediately after that?

I don’t think anyone is taking your situation lightly. This is a valuable lesson for all. All information here is a piece to the puzzle and will ultimately help your personal growth. Think of it this way, with the energy work you have been doing it has illuminated you energetically. You are a bright beacon and as such a sort of magnet for all things negative and positive. Just the same as you would build your foundation energy in the lower dantien you are building your foundation in your mind with your belief and intentions.

It is all about intention, where your heart, mind and soul are. Remember it is also about energies the labels we put on it bad luck, fear, evil sprits are merely interpretations of different forms of energy. As you “believe so shall it be” is a power full statement. Where do you want to focus your attention and energy? For example the more energy fed into negativity the more it escalates just look back on an argument between two apposing points of view. More often than not the participants are unwilling to give up there opposing point of view and have gotten into the energy of barking at each other, no one listing but flowing negatively. In contrast look at what happens when healing, coming from love, light and compassion,,, well miracles can happen as a result of focused positive energy.

As Agent B mentioned the process of blessing your home is important and done with intention. Sage is another form used for smudging a space and or using light visually in your mind to flush out the unwanted. Know it for what it is and thank it for the experience and tell it to move on for your desire is to experience something of a higher vibration now.

This is an unusual circumstance most would not experience this so I hope that anyone reading this will not fear getting into Qigong because of a potential bad experience. There are many possible reasons as to why this is happening but all reasons lead to a positive out come. For example your experience may help someone down the line in the future, it may educate others to possibilities they hadn’t realized was possible, certainly it validates the importance of intention and clearing of ones sacred space. Bottom line, look for the hidden positive and don’t dwell on the illusion of the negatives that have been labeled as such.

Let us know when you are going to do this and I’m sure if others are able and willing, we can do a joint meditation to help you clear your space. Let us know time zone you are in and what time you want to start the process and know that all of this will clear with your desire and intentions.

I would like to pose some suggestions to visualize as you center and prepare for your exercise or mediations. For example at the point where you are standing centering and going through the checklist in your mind. Fingers open, elbows out, spine straight, shoulder relaxed, butt relaxed, smiling, chin tucked in and saying the password add the following.

-When you smile think of something joyful that makes that smile emanate from the core of your being. Such as the joy felt when you see an infant smile unconditionally. Feel the joy of the smile in every facet of your being on a cellular an energetic level. This can be amplified with the breath work process. Breathe into and let every cell feel/bask in that joy.

- When you say your pass word, also add in with the breath work the thought that you are drawing in white light from the heavens and from all (universe/earth etc) around you on the inhale. As you exhale and see the pains leaving see any unwanted energies shooting out. The result in you mind is that you are clearing yourself with each breath you take you are getting brighter and brighter. You are then surrounded in a white light, a cocoon of protection. You can even call in what ever positive beliefs you want such as GOD, guides, master’s teachers etc. And know that you in your space are protected and safe. This can be done as a meditation exclusively, on its own and could have powerful positive effect.

Hi Nacho, the mirror breaking curse was invented by servents in the middle ages. The reason being that mirrors at that time for the nobles was extremely expensive and the curse was MADE UP to prevent the servents from breaking them. Qi Gong does not cause bad luck. It's a form of healing. Funny you should mention the mirror falling. The night b4 last, my blinds in my bedroom window fell off the window in the middle of the night with a crash that startled me out of a sound sleep.. Interesting...

Kaiden, Magick always comes with a price attached. Some Magick is more expensive than others. B4 anyone casts a spell, they should realize that the "Powers That Be" will collect payment in some form.

Blessed Be.

[This message has been edited by Mayflower (edited September 19, 2003).]

Posted By: Agent B Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/19/03 04:46 PM

I appologize for seeming to not take you so seriously until you reported the mirror broke and your nagging feeling of trouble. This forum is not easy to follow sometimes as there is a lot going on.

If you can find out some history about your house that could help too especially the people who were living there before you. Did they have health problems?

After blessing the house then give it a good old fashion Spring (Forest) cleaning. Clean out all the clutter & dust. Paint dingy or worn down areas and trim the yard especially any obstructions to the front door. Replace burned out bulbs or dim ones to lighten things up. You might want to repeat the blessing again after the cleanup. If your house is big then just take one room per day. Or why not even invite a few friends over and make a fun time out of the home make-over. I find those queer eye guys who do the make overs quite clever and they might give you some ideas on simple things to organize and streamline your home. You are really going to take off now and things will start popping. Keep at it with intention and do what feels right to you. The above are just suggestions.

Agent B

Posted By: shr33m Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/21/03 05:38 AM
Nacho, Not to make light of your plight, but attacks by astral entities are very real. They do happen and even enlightened people have been known to fall from grace.

Somehow you attracted them or unwittingly let them in. They love to feed off people's energy (and more) and when doing energy work, it is necessary to take unusual measures as they may take notice.

First you have to clear your own body of them. It's often easier to have experienced consultants do the work for you. Then you have to learn various techniques of psychic self-defense. Better yet try to get a permanent energy shield.

Many people do this type of work from Tibetan monks to new agers. Everything in the universe is energy including thoughts. We all have a responsibility to cover our assets.

For a couple of examples see

"The topic is both old and new. Old, because in all traditions and folklores of the earth, one finds references to spirits and non-physical beings which can interfere with human beings. Thus Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, is divided into eight sections, one of which is entirely devoted to the study of bhutas, or entities, their influence on health and sanity, and the ways one can get rid of them. This places bhuta-vidya, or 'science of entities', on the same level as surgery or gynaecology. If we look at traditional Chinese medicine, we find that in acupuncture, among the 361 points of the 14 main meridians, 17 have the word Kuei (disincarnate spirit) as part of their main or secondary name."

[This message has been edited by shr33m (edited September 20, 2003).]

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/20/03 07:59 PM
Wow, thanks for the heads up. In fact, alot of things that have happened in the past year are really starting to add up now. Do you think my changing Qigong times has made it easier for them to take my energy, or do you suppose it's hurting them in some way? Also, what do you think of AgentB's approach?

[This message has been edited by Nacho (edited September 20, 2003).]

Posted By: shr33m Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/20/03 09:10 PM
While it is good to clear out your environmental space, or exorcise the building with any of innumerable methods, or apply feng shui principles, the real target is your energy body and that is what you have to work on. It doesn't matter what times you practice. In the interim, you should always invoke your masters' energy for protection. But this is a 7/24 effort and it may require the help of experienced professionals as listed above.

Once you are clear, then you have to stay clear. Good luck! (In a matter of speaking )

Boy you just got to love the wisdom here. Nacho if you think about it logically the timer frame you began using is when you are most open. The energies around you must have loved that. This is not something that should be feared or fed into with fear. It is a bothersome experience but an experience none the less. The wisdom of your dog showed you that this can effect those around you, remember that when someone displays intolerance or a short fuse. Fight back with compassion and the knowledge you have acquired.

As you stated this has gone back a year and when you mentioned the agonizing itching problem I had suspected that this might be happening. This is why it is critical for you to call on and build your protection as Shr33m mentioned. Be sure to focus on healing yourself closing up the holes and removing or releasing the unwanted energies. If this works for you, some have called upon Guardian (Angel) Michael for assistance in this, ask him to remove and lovingly guide the unwanted energies to there appropriate destination. There are many approaches to take but you have to find what works for you based on your personal belief system.

May love and light surround and protect you on your journey through this experience.

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/22/03 02:16 PM
Thanks Ascending, I completely agree with you on this. Though one of my big problems right now is my innability to call upon my master for protection. So yeah, that's sort of why I came to you guys. Today will be the 5th day I practice Qigong at the 11 to 1 time slot. Hopefully, things will go better than yesterday when I ended collapsing to the ground because of how much energy I had lost.
Wait a minute here, you collapse to the ground while doing Qigong? Because of lack of energy? Please provide the answer to the following. Are you suffering from any other illnesses we should no about? I ask that question delicately and compassionately. Why is there an inability to call in your masters? What kinds of problems are you experiencing with this please elaborate.
Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/22/03 04:11 PM
Well, ever since I started doing Qigong during the 11 to 1 timeframe I started getting big pains in my stomach while doing the exercise. Like when you become REALLY hungry and your stomach starts eating away at itself. At first I thought it was just some natural reaction to switching time slots, but now I realize it might be something else. For the first few days I was able to take the pain just fine, but yesterday...well, yesterday it felt as if I was struggling the whole time the active exercises done. I finally made to the Harmony of the Universe technique, but I was only able to do one repetition before collapsing from exhaustion (Though, my total time was still an hour and ten minutes). And no, I don't have any illnesses. No medication, or anything you should know about.

My master, as my mentioned in my first post, doesn't seem as close to me as he/she used to be. It's like I don't notice any of the results I used to get when asking him/her for help.

[This message has been edited by Nacho (edited September 22, 2003).]

Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/23/03 05:09 AM
Nacho, I don't think my words have brought you much comfort before and they may not again. I'm only posting because I thought of the phrase that simple things are often the most powerful, and I am definitely simple.

My belief is that you are going through this experience because you need to. I have this belief for all my doings and I would have it for you regardless of what your are experiencing. I believe that you will come through this with what you need. I don't know if this is knowledge, chi growth, beliefs, connections or experiences.

My advice is still from my ignorance. It's to have trust in the benevolence of the universal energy. Demonstrate your trust and grow in the demonstration. I'm not saying stop seeking for answers or stop seeking help, but do it with trust that what you need will be provided. Banish panic, anger, hate, fear from your thoughts and give yourself to the care of the universal energy with which your posts indicate you have had much connection.

Sending love for your journey,

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/22/03 06:38 PM
Pft. Iam2, the only thing wrong with your thoughts are that their exactly the same as mine.

I've been through worse situations than this and I realize the good that can come from anything. My only prob is having to wait for what exactly that good is. I thought by coming here I might get a jump start as to figuring out what could come of this. Plus, it's always nice to how others would deal with my situation.

**By the way, there's one thing that I didn't mention to you Ascending that I probably should have, and that's that I've also recently been practicing my active exercises inside instead of outside due to the weather. Today I practiced outside again and ended up feeling much MUCH better. As soon as I can get some incense I'm going to try AgentB's method of ridding negative energy and see if that has any effects.

Please let us know when you are going to do this clearing. I would like to help remotely if you are ok with it. Be sure to allow a couple of days for others to see and adjust schedules. This to me is a worthy effort and I am all too happy to help a brother soul of the light set things right. That old saying “be careful what you wish for” is ringing me in the ears now,,, did you say you wanted a jump start? Wow I think you got it.
Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/22/03 07:09 PM
Have you tried using the internal compass method for determining where in the house to do your Qigong and in which direction to face while doing them?

BTW, nice to hear my comments weren't getting under your skin.
One has to be careful with comments / advice and not try and impose their own reality on others.

Sending love,

Nacho, I have spoke to a friend of mine who is very intuitive and has a lot of knowledge and experience in this area. Her feeling is that you have an attachment that must be addressed. If this concept is foreign to you then perhaps some further information will be needed using your personal email. The bottom line is that although AgentB’s suggestion will help it is only a temporary solution to the problem. You have to address this situation or problem at its core or it will eventually return and continue. Your greatest strength and ability to resolve this will come from within yourself. If this resonates with you and you want to purse another approach to resolving this let me know and I’ll start the ball rolling.

To further clarify the experiences you are having are not a result of Qigong, meditation, or any one thing in particular. It is a byproduct of where you are on your path energetically, mentally and physically and can be corrected through your will and intentions.

You mentioned that “My master, as my mentioned in my first post, doesn’t seem as close to me as he/she used to be.” Remember that what has been going on with you has been distractions to your path and goals.

Consider that just because you do not sense as you did before that they are still in fact with you. Never will they leave you they are part of you. Call on them and know that even if you do not sense as before that they are in fact there and ask for help in resolving the problem this is part of the eventual long term solution to the problem.

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/23/03 06:47 PM
--The bottom line is that although AgentB’s suggestion will help it is only a temporary solution to the problem.You have to address this situation or problem at its core...--

How do you suggest I do that?

[This message has been edited by Nacho (edited September 23, 2003).]

Check your email for alternative option this may get to complicated to try and explaine on the forum.
Posted By: Iam2 Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/29/03 02:58 PM
Any update on your condition Nacho?

Sending love,

Posted By: Nacho Re: Can Qigong cause bad luck? (Please read) - 09/30/03 05:47 AM
Yes, things have been going fine so far. Definitely a learning experience, lots of changes going on and such, but I think I can handle it.
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