Posted By: minniem ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/01/05 09:04 PM
1.I am using Level 1 SFQ, focusing on Small Universe. I find I sometimes want to reverse the flow of Ki from the scripted anti-clockwise to clockwise. ie from lower dantien to heart/throat etc. Is this ok, or should we always follow the rules?

2. Does anyone have any suggestions for working on Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and associated hearing impairment?

3. Any suggestions for visualizing the energy, I am not so imaginative here, as I would like to be?

Thnaks for any help you may offer.

Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/02/05 03:29 PM
Aloha minniem,

A quick response to get you started:

1. The Small Universe runs that way for a reason. Chunyi does say that there is are a few people who's small universe naturally runs the other way...a few.

2. Building up one's kidney energy helps support the ears. If you received the Level II course, check out what he has to say about black sesame seeds -otherwise do a search for that topic on this Forum.

The active exercises and meditations help build energy in the kidneys too, so doing the work will contribute to progress in that area.

You can also do the sword fingers (as taught at the end of level I) on the ears.

Another exercise to fit into your Harvesting of Qi at the end of your exercises is palming of your ears so your fingers tips overlap as they wrap around the back of your head. Then tap the lower finger tips with the uppers three times and switch their position (bottom to top), and repeat a few times.

The SFQ International Guild just had two visualization trainings here in Minneapolis. I'd recommend not worrying about what you can or can't do -it will develop after while. In the mean time, either visualize it, imagine it, or just trust that it's there from your intention.

There is a Visual Thinking booklet available as part of the Genius Code course, but right now its more important for your to relax and feel what's going on.

That should keep you busy for now. Thank you for your questions and participating here with us.

Much Love, Shawn

Posted By: Gianni Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/03/05 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Shawn_Grim:

You can also do the sword fingers (as taught at the end of level I) on the ears.

Much Love, Shawn

You might mention the importance of doing
both ears at the same time. I'm assuming
that he may have tinnitis in one ear and
not know that it is good to do both ears
whether both ears are affected or not.

Posted By: Iam2 Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/04/05 12:01 AM
...and the general rule is to the good side first.

You are perfection.

Posted By: Gianni Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/04/05 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Iam2:
...and the general rule is to the good side first.

You are perfection.

So you don't do both sides at
the same time?


Posted By: Iam2 Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/04/05 01:34 PM
You do both sides in one session. You break up any blockages and remove them, and add energy to the good side. Then do the same on the less good side. The idea is that the good teaches the less good.

Or maybe you learn what a good side should be like and send those messages to the otherside.

The idea, as I see it and have used it, is that when you first go in you don't necessarily know what good is supposed to feel like. Mainly because we tend to ignore it until something is off. Then when you go to the side with blockages you have a better idea of what should be remove, and what should be focussed on are remain after the blockage. I've found it easier to visualize the blockages leaving when I use this technique.

If I do the poor side first I tend to focus on the blockages more and have a harder time visualizing that part of my body blockage free. Whereas, if I've done the good side first, I have a fresh memory to draw apon and use.

You are perfection,

You are perfection.

Posted By: minniem Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/04/05 08:14 PM
My thanks to all those who have replied thus far...all replies have progressed my knowledge much further and I shall now seek to impliment these suggestions post haste!

Iam2's suggestions re good/bad side, may need further clarification from my point of view. In relation to Tinnitus...the L ear is far more bothersome, however the R ear has little functional this begs the questions, does the definition of good/bad apply here? Thanks again, minniem
apply here?

Posted By: Shawn_Grim Re: ability to modify the "rules?" - 11/08/05 06:18 AM

Just do them both and not wory about the order in this case.

Cupping the kidneys and tailbone are helpful along with spendign time pulling down on the earlobes during the Harvesting of Qi's ear massage.

Much Love, Shawn

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