I received my course a few days ago which is very exciting. Last night when I was doing small universe I had feelings like my body was huge. If I thought about my hands they were like half a meter wide. I remember having these feelings when I was a child right before I would sleep walk.

Last night the feeling didn't frighten me like it did when I was younger. It was like there was a pressure pushing down on me and I couldn't tell where I finished and it began. Then it kind of had a feeling like it was jagged and spikey. If i moved my hands the feeling would go away but would come back again in about 10 seconds. I had tried to explain these feelings to many people when I was younger but no one knew what on earth I was talking about.

Well seeing as this weird feeling was back, I was curious, has this ever happened to anyone here?


Hi Jenny,
It sounds like you are experiencing your Qi (Chi= energy)awakening. Different people experience it in different ways.
Do as Holosync suggests and 'let it be OK'
Be glad you actually are feeling something as some people do not feel so soon and get despondent. It looks like you are one of the lucky ones!
Love and light,
Posted By: Iam2 Re: Strange feelings while doing small universe - 01/13/06 06:01 AM
Do as Master Lin says and trust in the universe.

You are becoming aware of you qi.

Just to get you ready for when the feeling may go away or change. Master Lin says that as our channels open we may not experience (feel) the energy as strongly. He says this is a good time, because we have a greater capacity to hold and move qi.

At this reduced sensation time, don't be disheartened, which I will tell you is natural (or maybe I'm not natural :P). See it as a time of greater opportunity.

Getting back to your question. I often feel the puffiness. Never yet as large as you describe. There are a large number of experiences, but they are only a sign that something is happening. I haven't heard anyone saying anything like a tingle little finger on the left hand means you are loosing old grief, or that a hot foot mean you heart is healing. I say this because I thing most of us would like to have someone explain what these experiences mean. No-one has done this for me. I have even asked Master Lin. He just said is is the universal energy doing its work, I can not understand or interpret it (not exactly his words).

You are perfection,

Thanks Faune and Iam2. Yeah I did watch it and let it be ok. It happened again and the feeling gets so intense. I have to wiggle my fingers to break it for a while. I certainly will be fine when it dissappears. Its very hard to relax while it is going on.

I am absolutely wrapped in this course. When I want to do level 3 would I have to go to America to do that?


Hi Jenny
As far as I know Levels 3 and 4 are only available in America.

There's also the annual SFQ retreat in Minnesota (usually held in October)- I went in 2003 and it was the most awesome experience.

We had Master Lin's excellent tutelage for a whole 6 days including evening meditations and as a bargain, got to meet a lot of wonderful like minded people from around the world and practice with and on them. Part of the written material we got from this retreat included Master Lin's book for the third level.


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