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#70625 02/01/09 05:25 PM
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otiluke Offline OP
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Can Natural Brilliance solve any problem? From what I've read, it says I can overcome any challenge? Or would Genius Code be more appropriate for solving problems? How about Resiliency's ideas and Abundance for Life with its miracle question?

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Depends on the problem. You can't go past the miracle question for making a start on solving the problem.

The question is is the problem personal, relationship, spiritual, material, financial?


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otiluke Offline OP
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It's psychic interference. I've tried image streaming but the person who's involved in this conflict with me is interfering with the images in my mind. Also, I've had trouble with techniques which require me to relax because the psychic interference has a way of putting my body off balance. Do you think someone like Chunyi Lin or Jeddah Mali could help me on this level? What do you think of their courses or other courses for this unique situation?

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Alot of people think it that psychic interference is not real,I had that exact problem. Natural Brillance helped me out alot along with dream play and New Behavior Gernerater. I do not know how these people where doing it but it was for real, if anybody reading this know any information please respond and let me know. I always said I was not going to tell this to anyone I made my affirmation "why do I stay 4 steps ahead of my enemy's". I had to completely detach myself from them. I had a real spiritual war everytime I went to sleep ,the people who were doing this let me know they were practicing witchcraft, everytime I defeated"killed" one of them in a dream they would magically disappear out my life.Sonic Access helped me the most but I had to use at certain times of the day for the best benefits my times were 8:00P.M. and 5:00 A.M.(at these times when I meditated with Sonic Access I would go into a lucid Dream it is like stepping in another deminsion)Now that I am thinking about it Sonic Access and Natural Brilllance is what the law of attraction lead me to. If anyone know about this spiritual warfare or what ever it please respond and let us know.

CPW1 #70708 02/05/09 10:50 AM
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We are all influenced by others. Science is even finding that our brains fire in the same response as someone we are watching. The mirror neurons.

If you believe you are vulnerable to psychic interference it's not wise to go into meditative practises without knowing how to protect yourself. People have found themselves more troubled as a result.

To protect yourself fortunately you don't need to go into deep meditation. The imagination is strong enough. Imagine yourself surrounded by light. (White being universal is good) Imagine it getting stronger as you think about it. Imagine it protecting you.

I suggest the Paraliminal Self-Esteem Supercharger to to build your confidence.


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There is a system out there that is very good for teaching self protection: Silva. It's undergone several name changes, but it's still basically the same program taught by Jose Silva for many years. Now it's called Silva Life Systems. It's worth the money for the home study course, or even better, take the live seminar if possible.

I have never really had any problems with psychic interference, not the type you folks are talking about anyway. I have known people to try to sabotage my success in several areas, but you really don't have to allow it. Silva has some nifty techniques to teach you how to prevent it--plus a lot of other good stuff too.

One thing I do suggest that you consider: whatever we focus on, we make stronger and get more of. (Excuse the butchered grammar.) Protect yourself from the interference, yes, but don't obsess about it.

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Thanks Alex you said all I needed to know,one day I hope to be full of knowledge like you.

CPW1 #70837 02/15/09 05:46 AM
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The Silva thing might be 'The Ultramind ESP System' from Nightingale-Conant.

I was also just browsing around one of Dick Sutphen's sites and there's an induction on psychic protection that might be useful:

I like his stuff myself. He has a lovely voice for hypnosis.

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