I already used the Anxiety Free side A once, but I think I need to break down my goal. Maybe, this made the situation worse. I was watching a thriller titled "Unfaithful" yesterday and I found it unbearable. I had to stop the DVD player to continue later many times and I didn't manage to finish it. I'm just too picky now. It's part of the process, I think.
My anxieties list now looks as follows:
Development Goal Statement:
Being free of many barriers, fears and taboos about money. Open a new horizon of opportunities that will enrich my field of possible new attitudes and/or options available to me that will lead me to be financially free.
1) Obstacle: gathering money for my trading account
Preparation: saving during the year all that I can.
Preparation: Make more frequent use of the Prosperity paraliminal tape.
Preparation: Maintain a positive expectation (should do it all of the time)
For side B:
Feared object/situation: Reaching the moment of opening my trading account and having not enough money to open it. Having to close my 401K account to get the money.
Acceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. Side A done again. Close.
2) Obstacle: create a personal corporation
Preparation: learn how and when to set up one
Feared object/situation: The moment of requesting it, maybe my application could be denied. I might not be properly prepared too.
Acceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. Side A done again. Close.
3) Obstacle: losing money
Preparation: implementing a strict risk management policy
Feared object/situation: Losing a large percentage of my available funds for inversion on a single trade.
Acceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. Side A done again. Close.
4) Obstacle: bankrupcy
Preparation: knowing /learning options I may have to handle bankrupcy
Preparation: continue doing trades on paper to test how the market behaves
Preparation: learn to manage loses.
Feared object/situation: Losing big, getting into a state of having more debts than available money.
Acceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
5) Obstacle: taxes
Preparation: learning what I could do to minimize taxes and protect my capital.
Preparation: learn more and more on choices, what can I do.
Feared object/situation: Paying taxes of thousands or millions of dollars
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
6) Obstacle: Learning Photoreading
Preparation: Taking the photoreading course while maintaining a journal in the photoreading forum.
Preparation: Direct Learn Photoreading using the Genius Code tape on Direct Learning.
Preparation: Making use of the Photoreading Activator, Memory Supercharger, and Personal Genius.
Feared object/situation: Going through the photoreading process and fail again.
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
7) Obstacle: Learning Image Stream
Preparation: Taking the Genius Code course and Genius Code Accelerator
Preparation: Photoread the Genius Code book
Preparation: Maintaining a journal on the Genius Code forum
Feared object/situation: Worry about what anyone could think if they hear me while I do it.
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
8) Obstacle: knowing the law
Preparation: find out where to look for it
Preparation: use photoreading for learning the laws.
Feared object/situation: The law itself
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
9) Confronting people, possible rejection
Preparation: Using SESC and Relationships paraliminals
Preparation: Acceptance of rejection to be OK, use Sedona and NB.
Feared object/situation: Possible rejection or confrontation
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
10) Obstacle: fear of not knowing enough on futures by the time of beginning trades for real.
Preparation: Doing Commodity trades on paper for a full year
Preparation: keeping my paper trades/quotes up to date
Preparation: downloading the eIBD daily
Preparation: watch the market for new trades
Preparation: create a personal corporation
Preparation: knowing the law
Preparation: gathering money for my trading account
Preparation: Using photoreading to learn more to trade futures
Feared object/situation: Having insufficient knowledge on futures by the time of beginning trades for real, being not ready when the time comes.
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done. One side A done again. Close.
11) Obstacle: Fear of organized crime
Maybe because I have seen so much movies about mafia, I'm now afraid on getting unexpectedly entangled into a crime organization or being forced into one.
Preparation: Release the fear, using Sedona and EFT.
Preparation: Get professional advise on how to avoid organized crime and how to recognize suspicious situations. More importantly, assesing the risk on getting into trouble with mafia.
Feared object/situation: Getting entangled with organized crime.
Aceptable anxiety level: 5
Status: One side A done. One side B done.
I will need to do a A-B-A sequence of AF for each one. Some of them become one of the preparations of subsequent anxieties. I hope to have them resolved by when I use them as preparation. Maybe I'm worrying too much, my inner mind might be able to sort them so they back each other up. Suggestions would be welcome.
[This message has been edited by Betsemes (edited March 26, 2004).]