
I just wanted to give you something to think about regarding your bad dreams -- the following is a quote from Jeremy Taylor, an expert on dream work...

All dreams come in the service of health and wholeness. The generic message of every remembered dream is: "There is a potentially positive, creative, transformative role for the dreamer's waking mind to play in the further unfoldment of whatever is being given symbolic shape in this dream." In other words, no remembered dream ever came to say to the dreamer, "Nyeah, nyeah, nyeah - you have these problems and there's nothing you can do about them...!" If the dream is remembered at all, than it means that the dreamer has the inherent ability to deal creatively and effectively with all the problems and "issues" that the dream raises in symbolic form; if this were not true, the dream would simply not have been remembered.

So, you may be being given the opportunity to hit even more gold by looking through those bad dreams for the hidden creative possibility.

[This message has been edited by SineMacula (edited April 16, 2005).]