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#81329 03/06/13 02:43 PM
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Hi there, thanks for letting me join the forum. I first heard about photoreading about 13 years ago. When I ordered it, and went through the course, I thought it was a scam. It didn't work for me. I have to admit, that at the time, I really didn't follow all the directions and I didn't spend enough time on it practicing.

For some reason, throughout the years, photoreading would always stay in the back of my mind. I knew that I had photographic memory as a kid, so I thought that there may be something to it that I was missing.

In 2010, I started to practice meditation and concentration exercises on a daily basis as part of a spiritual path. After 3 years, I started to wonder about photoreading again this past January. I had lost my original course due to a move, so I ordered the book again. I watched the videos and book, and for some reason, it clicked, but not right away.

I simply played at this. I used my imagination, and I photoread the photoreading book countless times over and over again.

After a few weeks, it started to really work for me. I was having conversations and talking about things I had no way of knowing and they were dead on accurate.

On the average day, I photo read anywhere from 5 to 50 books. Some of them are ebooks that can easily be photoread. For example, I photoread 800 page manual in about 60 seconds, because you can set your pdf reader settings to see 4 pages at once and then get into photofocus state and hold down the arrow down button. The pages will scroll very rapidly down the screen.

One of the things I've come to understand is the affirmation on the videos "I'm curious to see how my mind and body will assimilate this information" and "I acknowledge any and all emotions associated with photoreading this book"

At first I thought this was just an affirmation, but now I after having photoread more than 300 books in a two month time period (I have only activated about 10 or 15 of those ), I have come to realize some things that I wanted to share with others and talk about.

Mentally/Emotionally- If I photoread more than 50 books in a day, I tend to get anxiety. It feels like I'm changing too fast. The more information you "download" into your subconscious from books, the more you will change in ways that are beyond words. You will not be the same person. Too much change too fast can be very uncomfortable. I found that photoreading one to five books a day is manageable for me. I can handle a marathon once a week.

Physically - I've had some pain in my feet that is unexplainable. I at first thought it was from running, but I have not done any exercise in a long time now and the pain has not subsided at all. Nothing is broken or even swollen, I can move just fine, but it seems it is a psychosomatic symptom. My intuition tells me that this is part of assimiliating the information I have been photoreading the past two months.

A lot of the books I've been photoreading have been self help, psychotherapy, psychology, how the mind works , calculus, law, and other heavy duty topics.

So photoreading lots of books in a short period of time has taught me that there will also be emotional, mental and physical integration that may be a challenge to work through.

One of the things I really found intruiging about syntopic photoreading, or reading 30 to 50 books in a day is that I began to see patterns, no matter what the subject of the book was about.

I began to notice the same or similiar keywords and key phrases jump out at me, whether it was a calculus book, music business, how to win friends and influence people, or a book on gardening.

It was as if the other than conscious was communicating with my conscious.

Also, the way that I see information now has changed me. I feel like I am eating or consuming information when I photoreading. I can't explain it , but photoreading to me has become like eating. I crave information and knowledge about all kinds of topics, topics I never had an interest before now I am very curious about and want to photoread at least once to have it available subconsciously as a resource.

All of the information you photoread is going to have an affect on you, whether you are aware of it or not. The more time you spend on it playing around with it, the more you will begin to notice changes that are directly linked to the books you've photoread.

It takes me about 3 to 4 weeks for a particular book to start having a real "visible" affect on me. I'm keeping a photoreading journal of all the books I photoread daily and my experiences so that I can understand this deeper.

I've even had some experiences with implicit learning, which is what caused me to keep a journal now. Would love to meet witha group and do some syntopic photoreading on a body of topics and see what new ideas we could come up with.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to tell me of your experiences with this great course.

P.S. I photoread the photoreading book at least 2 or 3 times a day over a 2 week period, until I started to make some kind of noticable progress. The more you practice the better you get it.

Last edited by Magickdoggie; 03/06/13 02:53 PM.
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That I think is one of the best posts I've ever read here. I'm very much in your situation. I first heard about Photoreading some 17 years ago. STarted, stopped because I wasn't see the results I thought I get or expected.

Yet it has always remained in the back of my mind too.

I'm not where you are now. However, it's still playing/played at the back of my mind all this time.

I thinking playing with it is the best thing to do. I've career shifts I want to make perhaps sooner rather than later. I've so many ebooks it's unreal. Yet, when I started collecting them I did wonder what would happen if I photoread them?

I think I should photoread the photoreading book again which I still have daily for 2 weeks or so just to see what happens.

Since the beginning of Jan 2013. I've been photoread more and more books, both physical and virtual ebooks. I'm not sure I noticed any aha moments. However only a few I've fully activated. Some I activated by using the skills live. I photoread a bunch of skiing books before skiing for a week. Not sure if photo reading helped or not, but it was more that I was photoreading again.

What was your purpose or intention for photoreading again?
When you activated did you do full and complete activation rounds as it where or did you do something else?

I'd really appreciate a break down of what you do and how.

Certainly during Jan 2013 I photoread 5 books everyday, and a very briefly super read and dipped. Now I seem to be very motivated and doing things related to these 5 books.

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Hi Drew, thanks for responding. It's great to see that someone else has also had similar experiences. One of the things I've noticed is that the more I photoread the hungier I get, both physically and mentally.

After photoreading anywhere from 10 to 20 books I get this ravenous hunger, that's a constant and I have come to gauge my effectiveness by the amount of sheer hunger I have after.
I changed my nutritional diet to a large portion of nuts, fresh fruits and vegs that help with this

I had a good friend that had a couple of other programs that are similar to Photoreading that I worked with as well. I went through Reading Genius 2.0 Video and Software, ZoxPro, and Mental Photography. They all pretty much say the same thing, except they have a slightly different slant to them, which when combined with Photoreading helped me to see the Big picture in how this all works.

(Reading Genius 2.0 has cool software called brain gym where you can exercise super reading, skimming, dipping, etc. It also helps to train your focus and memory and I use that still once a week or so)

Also, I want to mention that I have been practicing spiritual meditation/focusing rituals for about 3 years now, and I think that has also helped me to finally "get" this.

Truth be told, the focusing your consciousness on the tangerine behind your head is a lot like a buddhist meditation ritual in the Tibetan Book Of The Dead. I suspect that photoreading and the photofocus state is really derived from a very simple but effective form of meditation from ancient practice.

Another thing is I do not watch TV and I do a relaxation ritual every day where I simply sit still and focus my concentration on a healling sphere of light.

Photoreading is a spiritual practice in my opinion. It will not come right away your way like Burger King or McDonald's. Buying the program is just the first step, it takes practice and I still haven't mastered this thing the way I know it can be.

Implicit memory or direct learning is what this can lead to, of course it will take some practice and self discipline.

My purpose for reading the books is different for each book. I have an ultimate life purpose, which cannot be put into words accurately and should not be told to anyone. It is something you keep to yourself, in my opinion, but to give you an idea it is about living my life for the benefit of myself and the entire live a life of win-win for all involved.

I see a future world of paradise of heaven on earth. Therefore, the underlying purpose for photoreading any information for me is going to be aligned with the above. Then there are more specific purposes.

For example a book on music theory obviously will have the purpose of learning and understanding music theory better. Also, I wanted to learn the bass guitar better, to be able to entertain people and bring joy in their lives, to be able to use my creative talents and use the bass as a portal of expression and to be able to increase my well-being.

My purpose will change for a book. One day the purpose may be to learn more about the subject that the book is on, the next day it may be unrelated.

Example: I photoread Money Is Energy and Your Money Or Your Life by Joe Dominguez, a book on transforming your relationship with money and to get financially independent.

The purpose was to overcome my financial issues and to enhance my quality of life, to be able to travel, and enjoy more opportunities for self expression and to reach my highest potential in life.

Then, as I repeatedly photoread the books, I started to become more aware of my mental and emotional inner state whenever I spent money. I started to see where my problems were very clearly.

I began to see directly from the book how my emotions caused me to overspend, especially when stressed or frustrated with work, etc.

From there I realized that I did not have the best coping mechanisms with life stresses, so I began to look for Stress Management books. I photoread Stress Management for Dummies several times and realized that my thought patterns and perceptions were part of stressing over situations.

I realized that my circumstances should not dictate my inner state, but why were they? Next, I began to photoread psychology and psychotherapy books on changing dysfunctional patterns. I photoread Mind over Mood a book on cognitive behavior therapy over and over again, as well as books on Neuro Linguistic Programming - in essence I began to subconsciously pick apart dysfunctional patterns of behavior and perception and change them.

This in turn affected my finances (as well as relationships)...which then changed my purpose for re-photoreading Your Money or Your Life and other financial books.

My purpose then changed from just wanting to change my own financial situation to being able to find ways to live my life in such a way that not only would I change my financial situation for the better, but that I could also invent or come up with a way to help others do it too one day.

So your purpose for photoreading a book may change and evolve, some books I photoread at least once a week and will continue for a long time to come. Others I only photoread once.


Most books I do not activate, I simply want them stored in my other than conscious for resource purposes. I have different activation methods that I came up with on my own in addition to Paul's steps in the course.

I like to play around with things, so sometimes I don't do the affirmations or anything I just simply close my eyes for a few moments, focus on the tangerine behind my head, and then open the eyes and photoread. It still works.

If it's a particular important book to me, I will skip and dip throughout the book, just letting words jump out at me. I also use images to reprent a book. I have a deck of tarot cards that I will shuffle and then subconsciouly pull one out that will represent all the info in that specific book.

I will then turn on a song that I feel represents the book and look at the tarot card for no more than 5 minutes while listening to music. Sometimes I'll even do a goofy dance to go with it and get myself to laugh.

I also do mind mapping, and then I just forget it and move on for the day. Then, after a day or so, the book already feels diferent to me.

I can't explain it really, its like there's energy. Some books I have never read before, but just by touching them now I begin to feel like I already know the information, but can't consciously tell you about it.

This did not happen until I took one specific book and photo read it 4 times a day for an entire week straight. Talk about entering the gates of a whole new other level of photoreading.....

Feel free to ask me more questions if you like...I'm just trying things and just owning this whole process.

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One more thing, I use my imagination with every book. I imagine talking to the authors and imagine myself actually doing what ever the subject is I'm photoreading. I imagine myself being a wizard of (book's topic) and I just let myself engage in that a lot.

Your imagination coupled with your emotions will boost your results. You've got to believe in yourself that you already know how to do this and that photoreading is just another activation of all the info that's already inside you.

This worldview of already having all the knowledge of the universe inside you goes waaayyy back.... I recommend the Tree of Life by Israel Regardie to be photoread several times....anything on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life will make you register anything you learn quicker.

I've been doing syntopic photoreading on my own. I took 5 different and unrelated subjects, and photo read about 50 books on each topic.
The cool thing is that I began to see links between them, and the more I photoread them the more links and connections I saw between these.
Imagine calculus being related to meditation, and those two being related to cooking, and all of those in turn being related to the human body.

For example, after the syntopic I was in a park relaxing with my girlfriend and all of a sudden the trees started to look like the pulmonary system of the human lungs and then I began to see the neural network configuration in the tree and realized that all of these look the same and have the same pattern!

This is where photoreading REALLY REALLY gets interesting! Plus, the more information you take in, the more you begin to change, it's like you become more expansive, and you begin to realize that there really is no limit to you and who and what you are.

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Thanks, truly inspiring. Before I run off to find all my pdfs. Do you preview all the e/books that you read?

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Drew, now that I think about it, I have only ever "officially" previewed a handful of pdf's. I photoread just about any how to book just so I can have it in my other than conscious stored away for future use. So I will photoread all pdf's I download at least once. The more information you acquire the more your perception begins to change.

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Read the title and notice the TOC is enough of a preview. Preview only requires that you would know where you would file the book and a general idea of the subject. Long previews are not recommended if you want to use the preconscious processor more.


Physically - I've had some pain in my feet that is unexplainable. I at first thought it was from running, but I have not done any exercise in a long time now and the pain has not subsided at all. Nothing is broken or even swollen, I can move just fine, but it seems it is a psychosomatic symptom. My intuition tells me that this is part of assimiliating the information I have been photoreading the past two months.

Recommended reading
Heart Math
Emotion Code
Healing Codes

Actually I could make that list endless. Those will do for starters I'm sure you'll find others.


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Bit of a long one this:

So Day 1 - post reading original thread.

I looked through my laptop and Photoread nearly every pdf file I could find.

I set up my Adobe reader to for view 4 pages at once (Tools>Page Display>Two Page Scrolling) and then pressed the down arrow. If I’m Photoreading a pdf I normally set it to Full Screen (View>Full Screen Mode). When I use Full Screen Mode, I also have adobe reader automatically advance the screen every second (Edit>Preferences>Full Screen>Full Screen Setup – tick the box Advance every – change the number to 1

For most pdfs I set my intention/purpose and relaxed (to varying degrees).

I played with viewing/seeing the file in “soft focus”. I looked over and beyond my laptop screen, I looked at my screen and imaged a black X across my screen, going from corner to corner.

I’ve realised that I have quite a few short report type pdfs. For topics which I’m genuinely interested in, where my purpose is more defined and perhaps long term. I’ll merge all of these into 1 larger pdf so that I can Photoread them all at once.

Most books I just relaxed, set some sort of intention or purpose, then Photoread. Afterwards I’d shut my eyes and repeated the closing affirmations.

My overriding purpose was to just get the information into my head by Photoreading, to practice Photoreading and to see what will happen over the coming weeks.

Many of the books I’ll Photoread and then activate on the job. i.e. I’m using Excel a lot at the moment so rather than go through a standard activation process – I thought by using Excel I’d be activating the photoread material. Also I thought I’d know if it was ‘working’ because I’d not be searching Google as much for an answer to an Excel question, I’d have a hunch were to go etc.

For books, that I know I want to get more out of and have at a conscious level, I refined my purpose, i.e. I’m reading this book on slight of mouth patterns because I want to become good at them. Why is being good at them important to me? So that I can change my own beliefs quickly and easily. Why is being able to change my beliefs quickly and easily important to me? So that I can live the life I deserve and help other people change quickly too. So ultimately what will being good at slight of mouth patterns and being able to change your own beliefs quickly, easily and living the life you deserve, do for you?

So which topics/subjects did I photoread last night? – Excel 2010, Dashboards, Gimp Photo editing software, various books on NLP sleight of mouth patterns, how to get the most out of my unconscious mind, Internet Marketing, creating information products, relationships, skiing, InfoPath, EFT, various “Money books”

Yes, I photoread read the photoreading book too because I want to get more out of my photoreading experience. Like you I plan to photoread it daily for 2 weeks – I’ve even brought it into the office with me this morning.

Sleigh of mouth as above.
Excel/Dashboards – I want to create dashboards that entertain, education and inform.
Gimp Photo editing – I want tweak and get the most out of my own photographs with this piece of software.
Internet Marketing/Product creation – I had several purposes around this area, from creating X amount per month passive income, being able to outsource effectively,
EFT – I want to become an EFT expert. Help myself and other quickly and easily use the EFT most effectively. I want to know what to say and do where others have failed. I want my EFT website to be the no1. bestselling EFT product website on the planet.
Money – I want to master the inner game of wealth. Earn enough passive income to live the lifestyle I deserve, to become an excellent money manager and to focus on all 5 financial freedom factors.
Skiing – I want to go skiing again of my birthday, this year – no idea how photoreading will help me with this, but what the heck.
InfoPath – To design and develop InfoPath forms which are easy to understand, quickly to implement and easy to maintain.

Today's puropse isn't necessarily tomorrow's purpose.

Some of these I’ll photoread over and over again because I want more from knowing the information. Others, once right now is enough – again like I said getting the information into my head at a photoread (unconscious) level, is more important that doing a full on activation process.

Activation – Those that I attempted to active, some I looked at the table of contents and just picked somewhere. Others I said to myself - give me a page number – my page numbers ended up all being the same, so I gave up on that idea. Others I’d ask a question from/of the material i.e. How do I master/become effect at X. I’d use the adobe search function for that phrase i.e. how do I effectively use X. if nothing came up I’d use the key motivational word i.e. master/effective I ‘d also play around with it, so effective, can become effectively and anything else that popped into my head. I’d read the sentence, phrase, paragraph that came back. One book I did this for I got my answer exactly – that I though what a waste of pages. My answer was a two line sentence, now what?

To Do – a heap of SharePoint and Jay Abraham books. Some of these I can do in the office daily. SharePoint is currently part of my job.

The Plan Photoread the photoreading book daily for the next two weeks (in the diary). Photoread the books again that matter or the subject areas where I want to become an expert or have more conscious knowledge of and improve the end result of in my own life i.e. money management or financial freedom. Live the internet lifestyle.

The actually photoreading doesn’t take that long. In addition where I’m creating my own Information products on certain subjects, If I have other pdfs on the subject, photoread those before I start creating my own product. That way I’m already standing on the shoulders of giants as it were.

I also thought - I listen to a lot of audio programs on various subjects when I’m out and about. They often come with a pdf manual. Whilst I’m listening to that program I’ll photoread the pdf manual daily for as long as I’m listening to the recording. The listen of the recording, doing exercises, practicing is to my mind activation. If I’ve other pdfs on the subject I’ll photoread those too.

Thanks Alex for the preview comment – makes reading mucher easier today.

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Drew, sounds like you've got a solid plan. I didn't know you could set the advancing for page turning on adobe, so that was a plus and I went and set my preferences for that.

I also photoread Robert Dilts' Sleight of Mouth on a regular basis. There's another one by Kenrick Cleveland called Magical Objection Mastery that's a good one, and then of course Structure of Magic Vol I & II by Bandler.

I used to be into Internet Marketing, have all kinds of Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Gary Bencivenga, etc stuff on an external drive....a really interesting website about some of those big IM "gurus" is I've lost over $7,000 to some of those hucksters, but from what I have seen and heard by others that's nothing compared to some people who have bought 20,000 and 50,000 $ worth of courses, seminars, DVD's, kits, etc and never were able to recoup.

When I was photoreading NLP books every day for several days, I found myself spontaneously NLP'ing myself whenever I got anxious and stressed. I get this strange wave of anxiety every time I drive across a certain bridge. I have no idea why, but after photoreading those books over and over, I started to ask myself questions that got me to reframe, and chunk it down until I my inner state was not quite as anxious. This all happened within a few seconds and I'm sure there was a lot of subconscious stuff going on that I didn't consciously register.

So now, the wave of anxiety whenever I drive across that bridge is a lot less and it's steadily decreasing. I did not activate any of those books, although I briefly skimmed through a couple and picked out a paragraph here and there.

Speaking of NLP , what are your thoughts of time travel and teleportation?

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Alex, thanks for those recommendations. I will be checking them out either from the local library or purchasing from amazon within the week. Hopefully, I will find a way to eliminate these strange aches and pains or at least work through them more efficiently.

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