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[QUOTE=Caroline] "...We are a very christian family,
We prayed and prayed to ask for a clue, to know how to fight this.
Aunty behaves kind, then suddenly yells, and throws things.
Everything is a MESS.

My dad is suffering from depression, and we keep praying, and we keep seeing her in nightmares.
I listened to my aunt talking with so much hate...
I'm worried. And I don't know what to do. I don't want my family to be destroyed.
plz help me.[/QUOTE]

Have you noticed that your trials make you stronger, as you solve them...
I believe your auntie is what is normally termed, "intermittent violent schizophrenic paranoid psychotic"... YIKES! best keep all guns, poisons, and knives away from aunty...
Religion states that she is a pure part of god... thus she believes she possess the right and authority to do "god's wrath"...
Sounds like auntie should be in a special hospital-ward, with iron bars, and thick screens on steel reinforced glass windows, and padded walls...
I've run into several such people as whom you described as "auntie"...
I find that very-fat sick old dying Christians in general are the ones who really show their hate the most... and they don't care in the slightest who they hurt... just as long as someone is showing they've been hurt...
It makes the Christian bully feel powerful, in having manipulated another's emotional standard and atmosphere...
In essence it is simply "abuse of power"... It's everywhere we turn... It's a way of life these days...

The thing is, we must learn to take the pain, by learning to go through the pain... that be the key to survival in your case...
To learn to "go through the pain", you need to forget all pain for at least a few seconds... You even need to forget all the pain listed in your precious bible too... Then go through the pain and through the bible, to find peace is really with you in your lap... and that your precious bible is a step, which teaches you to go beyond itself... The frightening part, is to take that step...

I stress extreme caution in dealing with all this...

Should you go through the pain, then the next time auntie tries to lay a dark cloud on your family, she will find that you are so very strong that she can't slop her nasty little spells upon your family anymore, and it will force her to try harder to hit you with her "best shots"... You might need to put yourself between auntie and grandma, when auntie starts to get like she's gonna strike grandma... That's gonna take a lot of nerve and strengths... You need to be much much stronger than you are now... therefore it would be wise to have neutralized all your fears of auntie, and all your fears of what nasties auntie can do, before playing in her private little black sand box of hate... before battling auntie on her own turf...
It's that, or move, or just put up with it till auntie is naturally gone... I'm guessing that auntie has a big reason to act so much like a horrid disease... I'm guessing that auntie probably has a longterm cancer, or the like... Is auntie a large person...
You can't change auntie... but you can show her that her meanness doesn't hurt you anymore... Lots of Luck! That's a real tough one you've described...

Also, given that auntie is in your bloodline, she will definitely sense your plans as you calculate them... The secret is to not work them out fully until you are actually implementing them... Those plans are done exclusively in the mind's lab... Prayer doesn't fit in the mind's lab... The mind's lab is prayer before the prayer... essentially everything that makes prayer work, everything but the "praying"... Employing prayer, in the mind's lab, is like wetting the tinder before trying to light the fire...
It seems you must be so strong of a Christian, that you can forsake all your Christianity while you do something of Life totally on your own, exclusively for the peace of mind and survival of your family and whole bloodline...
For that you must be as strong as an Egyptian priest... For that you must not harbor any fears of anything... It would seem you have a very big task ahead of you... like a huge dead fallen log is laying across your path... its branches slapping your family's faces every-time you all get too close...

My first impression on all this, is that you should learn all there is to know and experience about "TaiChi Bubble"... From there, no one can harm you ever again, as your fears fade into oblivion...

While you are practicing your TaiChi, it would be advantageous to keep in mind that you are embracing your spirit while you are healing it... and one day, something will just "click", and you'll probably experience a huge massive sigh, so huge that will likely force you to sit right where you stand...

You might checkout, "aura-healing practitioners"... Ask the practitioner what color your aunt's aura is, without informing them as to any of the circumstances... If they answer, "Black!", then you've probably found yourself an honest practitioner... Ask them about "cleansing meditations"...
Do you know how to meditate... If not, then that's what you should start to take courses in...

Another key is for all your family to sever all visible and invisible umbilicals to auntie... That'll fix it the fastest and easiest...

That's all I can tell you... the rest gets real complicated...
I just wish I was there right this now, to give you a big honest brotherly warm hug, and a soul to soul link, to push out all your pain, but I can't do this 101 with everyone who has hurts... although I do try...

You've taken the first big step by posting your cry for help... and I've tried my best to detail an option for your second-step...
Good Luck Little Sister... "May the Forces and Sources be with you".
Remember, "One step at a time"...

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Where is the originating post? I did a search for it, and it doesn't seem to be posted on any of the forums here.

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That post was intended as strictly controversy... It's called "Sandbox"... It's when you read something... and a part of it gets you fired up, and you expand on it...

On the other hand, if you attack in it, then the thread gets stopped, cold and dead... and everyone gets nothing from the thread but a momentary mindless little battle of witless savages...

You add to the post with something that should knock my socks off...
and I reciprocate by adding something that should knock your socks off...
is called "Sandbox"...

If there was an option to build a thread within a thread, I'd label it "Sandbox"... because a "sad little girl", isn't a good topic title for a "Sandbox" thread... but it's how the letters fell...

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Would be an interesting thread to put into Beyond Human forum since this one has an Abundance for Life following and in Beyond Human you would reach a wider audience.


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Originally posted by Alex K. Viefhaus:
Would be an interesting thread to put into Beyond Human forum since this one has an Abundance for Life following and in Beyond Human you would reach a wider audience.


Thanks for the tip Alex.
I shall...

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Originally posted by Life:
[QUOTE=Caroline] "...We are a very christian family,
We prayed and prayed to ask for a clue, to know how to fight this.
Aunty behaves kind, then suddenly yells, and throws things.
Everything is a MESS.

My dad is suffering from depression, and we keep praying, and we keep seeing her in nightmares.
I listened to my aunt talking with so much hate...
I'm worried. And I don't know what to do. I don't want my family to be destroyed.
plz help me.

Have you noticed that your trials make you stronger, as you solve them...
I believe your auntie is what is normally termed, "intermittent violent schizophrenic paranoid psychotic"... YIKES! best keep all guns, poisons, and knives away from aunty...
Religion states that she is a pure part of god... thus she believes she possess the right and authority to do "god's wrath"...
Sounds like auntie should be in a special hospital-ward, with iron bars, and thick screens on steel reinforced glass windows, and padded walls...
I've run into several such people as whom you described as "auntie"...
I find that very-fat sick old dying Christians in general are the ones who really show their hate the most... and they don't care in the slightest who they hurt... just as long as someone is showing they've been hurt...
It makes the Christian bully feel powerful, in having manipulated another's emotional standard and atmosphere...
In essence it is simply "abuse of power"... It's everywhere we turn... It's a way of life these days...

The thing is, we must learn to take the pain, by learning to go through the pain... that be the key to survival in your case...
To learn to "go through the pain", you need to forget all pain for at least a few seconds... You even need to forget all the pain listed in your precious bible too... Then go through the pain and through the bible, to find peace is really with you in your lap... and that your precious bible is a step, which teaches you to go beyond itself... The frightening part, is to take that step...

I stress extreme caution in dealing with all this...

Should you go through the pain, then the next time auntie tries to lay a dark cloud on your family, she will find that you are so very strong that she can't slop her nasty little spells upon your family anymore, and it will force her to try harder to hit you with her "best shots"... You might need to put yourself between auntie and grandma, when auntie starts to get like she's gonna strike grandma... That's gonna take a lot of nerve and strengths... You need to be much much stronger than you are now... therefore it would be wise to have neutralized all your fears of auntie, and all your fears of what nasties auntie can do, before playing in her private little black sand box of hate... before battling auntie on her own turf...
It's that, or move, or just put up with it till auntie is naturally gone... I'm guessing that auntie has a big reason to act so much like a horrid disease... I'm guessing that auntie probably has a longterm cancer, or the like... Is auntie a large person...
You can't change auntie... but you can show her that her meanness doesn't hurt you anymore... Lots of Luck! That's a real tough one you've described...

Also, given that auntie is in your bloodline, she will definitely sense your plans as you calculate them... The secret is to not work them out fully until you are actually implementing them... Those plans are done exclusively in the mind's lab... Prayer doesn't fit in the mind's lab... The mind's lab is prayer before the prayer... essentially everything that makes prayer work, everything but the "praying"... Employing prayer, in the mind's lab, is like wetting the tinder before trying to light the fire...
It seems you must be so strong of a Christian, that you can forsake all your Christianity while you do something of Life totally on your own, exclusively for the peace of mind and survival of your family and whole bloodline...
For that you must be as strong as an Egyptian priest... For that you must not harbor any fears of anything... It would seem you have a very big task ahead of you... like a huge dead fallen log is laying across your path... its branches slapping your family's faces every-time you all get too close...

My first impression on all this, is that you should learn all there is to know and experience about "TaiChi Bubble"... From there, no one can harm you ever again, as your fears fade into oblivion...

While you are practicing your TaiChi, it would be advantageous to keep in mind that you are embracing your spirit while you are healing it... and one day, something will just "click", and you'll probably experience a huge massive sigh, so huge that will likely force you to sit right where you stand...

You might checkout, "aura-healing practitioners"... Ask the practitioner what color your aunt's aura is, without informing them as to any of the circumstances... If they answer, "Black!", then you've probably found yourself an honest practitioner... Ask them about "cleansing meditations"...
Do you know how to meditate... If not, then that's what you should start to take courses in...

Another key is for all your family to sever all visible and invisible umbilicals to auntie... That'll fix it the fastest and easiest...

That's all I can tell you... the rest gets real complicated...
I just wish I was there right this now, to give you a big honest brotherly warm hug, and a soul to soul link, to push out all your pain, but I can't do this 101 with everyone who has hurts... although I do try...

You've taken the first big step by posting your cry for help... and I've tried my best to detail an option for your second-step...
Good Luck Little Sister... "May the Forces and Sources be with you".
Remember, "One step at a time"...

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wisefrog here, christian since five years old

little sister,

sounds like you are going through a similar situation i did when i was brought up in a 'christian environment' that left more questions in my mind than supplied answers

over time, many years, i learned much of what is taught with in afl seminar although there were a few pieces that were missing until I completed the course a few days ago

from a witness perpective, i have to admit it was interesting adn if i finish the book i ma writting, most people will find it somewhere between fiction and spiritualy cool

in all, i can now view the family members that i felt were a bit off the 'norm' from a different perspective and with out delving into details, the actions and concerns mentioned here are very close to what i was 'blessed' to experience

i do not know of who to credit with the comment of 'you can be gratefull to all that made you who you are today' and this is how i feel about them - far different than how i felt years ago

to me, if you can say you are 'christian' and not holding a bible and by chapter, verse or church affiliation trying to tell them they are wrong, i believe you can be comforted by knowing that in the final analysis, it will turn out to be OK - you, them, others -as paul s stated, some of this is God's business, some is their business, and some is your business - know the difference and it will bless you many times over - a really difficult concept when you are drowning in conflicting emotions created by the reality of others that only can be discribed as chaos on a platter - and when you are seeking guidance from otheres, you can only hear "and do you want fries with that?"

if interested, send me an e mail and we can 'chat' the afl program has given me a few clues as to how the puzzel comes together and it is a beautiful picture

back to the pond for now

Originally posted by Life:
[QUOTE=Caroline] "...We are a very christian family,
We prayed and prayed to ask for a clue, to know how to fight this.
Aunty behaves kind, then suddenly yells, and throws things.
Everything is a MESS.

My dad is suffering from depression, and we keep praying, and we keep seeing her in nightmares.
I listened to my aunt talking with so much hate...
I'm worried. And I don't know what to do. I don't want my family to be destroyed.
plz help me.

Have you noticed that your trials make you stronger, as you solve them...
I believe your auntie is what is normally termed, "intermittent violent schizophrenic paranoid psychotic"... YIKES! best keep all guns, poisons, and knives away from aunty...
Religion states that she is a pure part of god... thus she believes she possess the right and authority to do "god's wrath"...
Sounds like auntie should be in a special hospital-ward, with iron bars, and thick screens on steel reinforced glass windows, and padded walls...
I've run into several such people as whom you described as "auntie"...
I find that very-fat sick old dying Christians in general are the ones who really show their hate the most... and they don't care in the slightest who they hurt... just as long as someone is showing they've been hurt...
It makes the Christian bully feel powerful, in having manipulated another's emotional standard and atmosphere...
In essence it is simply "abuse of power"... It's everywhere we turn... It's a way of life these days...

The thing is, we must learn to take the pain, by learning to go through the pain... that be the key to survival in your case...
To learn to "go through the pain", you need to forget all pain for at least a few seconds... You even need to forget all the pain listed in your precious bible too... Then go through the pain and through the bible, to find peace is really with you in your lap... and that your precious bible is a step, which teaches you to go beyond itself... The frightening part, is to take that step...

I stress extreme caution in dealing with all this...

Should you go through the pain, then the next time auntie tries to lay a dark cloud on your family, she will find that you are so very strong that she can't slop her nasty little spells upon your family anymore, and it will force her to try harder to hit you with her "best shots"... You might need to put yourself between auntie and grandma, when auntie starts to get like she's gonna strike grandma... That's gonna take a lot of nerve and strengths... You need to be much much stronger than you are now... therefore it would be wise to have neutralized all your fears of auntie, and all your fears of what nasties auntie can do, before playing in her private little black sand box of hate... before battling auntie on her own turf...
It's that, or move, or just put up with it till auntie is naturally gone... I'm guessing that auntie has a big reason to act so much like a horrid disease... I'm guessing that auntie probably has a longterm cancer, or the like... Is auntie a large person...
You can't change auntie... but you can show her that her meanness doesn't hurt you anymore... Lots of Luck! That's a real tough one you've described...

Also, given that auntie is in your bloodline, she will definitely sense your plans as you calculate them... The secret is to not work them out fully until you are actually implementing them... Those plans are done exclusively in the mind's lab... Prayer doesn't fit in the mind's lab... The mind's lab is prayer before the prayer... essentially everything that makes prayer work, everything but the "praying"... Employing prayer, in the mind's lab, is like wetting the tinder before trying to light the fire...
It seems you must be so strong of a Christian, that you can forsake all your Christianity while you do something of Life totally on your own, exclusively for the peace of mind and survival of your family and whole bloodline...
For that you must be as strong as an Egyptian priest... For that you must not harbor any fears of anything... It would seem you have a very big task ahead of you... like a huge dead fallen log is laying across your path... its branches slapping your family's faces every-time you all get too close...

My first impression on all this, is that you should learn all there is to know and experience about "TaiChi Bubble"... From there, no one can harm you ever again, as your fears fade into oblivion...

While you are practicing your TaiChi, it would be advantageous to keep in mind that you are embracing your spirit while you are healing it... and one day, something will just "click", and you'll probably experience a huge massive sigh, so huge that will likely force you to sit right where you stand...

You might checkout, "aura-healing practitioners"... Ask the practitioner what color your aunt's aura is, without informing them as to any of the circumstances... If they answer, "Black!", then you've probably found yourself an honest practitioner... Ask them about "cleansing meditations"...
Do you know how to meditate... If not, then that's what you should start to take courses in...

Another key is for all your family to sever all visible and invisible umbilicals to auntie... That'll fix it the fastest and easiest...

That's all I can tell you... the rest gets real complicated...
I just wish I was there right this now, to give you a big honest brotherly warm hug, and a soul to soul link, to push out all your pain, but I can't do this 101 with everyone who has hurts... although I do try...

You've taken the first big step by posting your cry for help... and I've tried my best to detail an option for your second-step...
Good Luck Little Sister... "May the Forces and Sources be with you".
Remember, "One step at a time"...

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Frog, that would probably be Friedrich Nietzsche you were quoting.

His sentiments were that what does not kill us makes us stronger and that we should regret nothing we have experienced, thought, felt, or done because it has all contributed to make us who we are today.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited November 21, 2004).]

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