but I was quite the sceptic a few months back.
After a few months of internal mental tests, I have concluded that this system may, in fact, work. I'm going to give it my best and see what happens.
One of Paul's comments resonated with me a few days ago, and that was that the conscious mind seems to be merely a conductor; a tool with which to focus our powers of perception. The subconscious holds all the power of production.
I'd like to offer you all a little something that interests me and I think may interest you, too: www.quantonics.com
Read it. Familiarize yourself with the concepts, especially reserve energy (see: William James, Boris Sidis, and W.J. Sidis for people who utilizied this). Despite what the author of the webpage suggests, I doubt W.J. Sidis wrote 'Unconscious Intelligence' as a joke. You'll see what I mean once you read it.
Anyway, out for now.