Hi there,
I purchased the photo reading course and am extremely excited to get proficient using it. I am, however, a bit frustrated and was hoping I could ask here to see if my concerns are even warranted.
Let me preface by saying that I am on 'Tape 5' and am enjoying what I have done so far. My concern, however, is that it seems that photo reading is not what I thought it was. After photoreading the book that came with the course, then later activating what i read, I don't see any difference than if I just 'skimmed' through the pages that interested me.
Example: I am a computer programmer. I have a 1000page reference book on 'C' (computer language) that I want to read, and my purpose would be to get proficient in creating a database application, lets say.
If I don't employ any photoreading techniques, i would just pick the book up.. look for the area that handles databases, skim through what I need..
How is photo-reading different from this?
As I said, I photo-read the book yesterday in the course, and activated today. I see activating as looking in the index, finding what i need answered, then skimming through it and 'dipping' in where things I need to know are written.
Believe me, please, I am not being pescimistic. I really want this to work, thats why I am posting! I want to be told I am wrong, and I want to be shown what I am doing wrong. Maybe just a nudge in the right direction, or a "Don't worry it gets better" would be great.
My purpose to learn how to photoread is not to pick out certain things out of a 1000 page book. Most of my books are types that I need all the info contained in it at first, then for reference later.
Is photoreading what I should be doing?
Thanks so much for any help!