1 Poor
2 Fair
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent

For each item listed below, circle the number to the right that best fits your judgment of its Quality. Use the scale above to select the quality number. I have done the program and enjoyed it and now am doing this survey for a report for college. So I thank everyone for support.

Remember it is (1-5) 1 being poor 5 being excellent

Overall Effectiveness 1-5
Effort vs. Result 1-5
Product met expectations 1-5
Follow up Training 1-5
Usability 1-5
Customer Support 1-5
Satisfaction 1-5
Value vs. Cost
Product Guarantee 1-5
Understandable 1-5
Chance of referring to a friend 1-5
Is there any other system that you would recommend to accomphish similar results?

[This message has been edited by woode (edited October 15, 2004).]