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That's really cool Ana. This example is like the epitome of what happens when your consciousness makes that important move up a certain notch, above the belief that we will need to be victims once in a while and that never changes.

On a lesser scale, I was finding myself not remembering my vow to stay above the struggle mentality and really resenting a hosting company that promised a $50 gift certificate for Amazon for signing up with them.

Then I was making my bed, and for some reason, I dont' know why then. I remembered some quote in a book, I think by Joseph Murphy, that you need to just believe and accept that whatever is rightfully yours has to come!.. and then my anger dropped because I realized.. of course.. I will probably receive this equivalent from, say, my phone company who gives me a refund. I completely released like a heavy bag of sand.

So what happens, the never next day, I get an email from the company. The billing head tells me she will send me a check for the $50 bucks, and it arrived the next day in the mail literally.

Life happens from inside, out, hah?!..

Feel and know: peace and non-struggle inside, and the outside has to follow. It if didn't, then I would expect gravity to suddenly turn off also. It's just simply Law.

Originally posted by ana:
I am still in the middle of the AFL course and did have something interesting occur this week I'd like to share. I have traveled an incredible amount in the past 20 years, predominantly for my work and also for pleasure (perhaps 1.5M miles in total). I had something happen this week that NEVER occurred in the past. I had a $550 non-refundable ticket for a trip I could not take. I phoned the airline to discuss changing the schedule (with the hope of redeeming some part of the expenditure somehow). Well to my amazement after a bit of discussion, the ticket agent stated, "It seems that we did have a schedule change here so I'll just refund you the full amount of the ticket to your card." !!!! I can't help but feel that unseen forces that I am shifting as a result of my work in the AFL course had something to do with this VERY unusual occurence. I am most grateful and am REALLY looking forward to the next surprises!

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Wow. This was (and is) a great (if old) thread! I must admit, I am very curious about Rick (webcrawler)'s progress since the end of this thread. I guess I will have to search for other threads that he might have participated in since then.

I learned a lot from this thread about the use of such tools in general, both results as well as tips in using AFL, some very interesting insights regarding self-help material, wealth, etc.

So consider this post, a little "bump", as well as an further inquiry inviting others to share their progress and results.

Thank you to all who participated thus far well over a year ago.


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Interesting to see this thread. In 2001 I worked out that if I was lucky my savings would last till 2007. In 2004 about 5 months after attending the Abundance For Life retreat I got a contract that provided a monthly income that allowed me to keep my head above water.

I've been effectively doubling my income annually since doing the Abundance For Life retreat and then home study course. I've gone from keeping my head above water to happily paying bills without a second thought. Now when I get a bill I don't find myself groaning and hoping I can cover it. I open it and just go and pay it.

2007 is turning out way better than I was able to imagine in 2001.


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Nice to see the update on this Thread, way to go Alex on your success.

I had recently finally transferred my Abundance paraliminal from AFL onto my MP3 player for nightly playing and then I figured I'd come in here.

Question: do you read anything on Intuition, Alex or anyone ? I know that Bobbie Stevens, in her book, placed high importance on releasing stress (with her regime of exercises) so that there'd be room in our awareness to follow hunches.

I'm reading Divine Intuition by Lynn Robinson, which is very good. We can change our consciousness and dwell with Feeling on our objectives, but if we don't follow the action that the INtelligence guides us to in the outer world, well....

Last edited by SteveBCA; 04/20/07 02:00 AM.
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Read anything on intuition? Yep. That's that the Labyrinth Paraliminal in the Abundance For Life course aims to trigger. Genius Code Course was also very productive for me in that area.

The techniques from it gave me the first clue that I was going to make a significant change in my life on a certain day at a certain time. I even posted the prediction on the Genius Code Course forum before it happened. On the day in question I received and signed a contract and dropped it into the letter box at a certain time. In Paul's PhotoReading class at my instructor training I had the intuitive flash that I was returning to the states for another visit. Something I seriously doubted and thought unlikely at the time and yet I was back in the states not 4 months later for the retreat that was the foundation of the Abundance For Life course.

At that retreat I learned I was going to experience delay and holding pattern for 5 months. I was really at a lost to see how thing would work out but work out they did. I got a contract that made it possible for me to start a business and I became certified as a PhotoReading instructor. And right now my intuition is again telling me something big is on my time line. Exactly what again I don't know but I know the intuition well enough just to maintain a stance of open expectancy.


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See, this is why I like this thread! And similar threads, where we get to hear about and share progress.

I have not yet ordered or taken this course, but it has been on my wish list for some time (since I first got a promotional mailing with a CD about it).

On the other hand, I recently began listening to the Prosperity Paraliminal and also read this entire thread. I also have been seriously studying my Natural Brilliance course along with a bunch of Napoleon Hill books (working on some Direct Learning there! ).

Well, I was sharing some of this stuff with my 82 year old father who just two weeks ago lost his wife of 35 years (not my mom; they're are divorced and she is still alive in a different state). I was also telling him about affirmations which recently came back into my life via Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams via his book, THE DILBERT FUTURE (the entire last chapter builds up an argument arguing FOR writing affirmations to achieve success. This is done in a serious tone--a total left-hand turn from the rest of the book!

Well, while I was on the phone with him, I got a very important phone call from someone offering me a huge marketing opportunity among a crowd of 1,000 people coming this Sunday (it's a volunteer gig as a storyteller that will lead to testimonials, CD sales and future gigs).

That night, my wife came home with something unprecedented: a $1,000 check as a gift from her boss! We were even in the completely unprecented position of possibly having to refuse it--which made us feel even more prosperous!

Well, I forgot to tell my Dad two instructions that Scott Adams had given in THE DILBERT FUTURE: 1) don't write "I want..." because a) it distances you from the blessing and b) because by that word, you already have it: you do WANT it! So it's done!

And 2) Don't write something like "I will win the lottery", because as Adams puts it, it severely limits you and depends too much on your ability, as he says "to steer: (as in "your luck", which he believes that maybe that is what is happening when affirmations, you are literally "steering your luck" and it works! He gives a bunch of pretty amazing examples of how he used affirmations).

Well, my Dad called me the next day to share with me this experience: he wrote 15 times that day, "I, Phil ______, want to win the lottery"! He said he just did it "as a lark", not really expecting anything. He was quite excited to tell me that he had bought a ticket as part of "the lark". And he got 4 out of 6 numbers and won $55!

So, I don't know about you all, but these little coinciding angles (coincidences) feel like little signs that we are moving in the right direction. I still told my Dad why there are much better investments for his money, time and affirmation writings and that writing "I want" and depending such a specific lucky occurence is really not in the spirit of the Law of Attraction--more like the Law of Averages! He won't do that anymore. But still...

It felt kind of like it was the Universe just giving my Dad (and maybe me too) a sign in the midst of his grieving and a little thread of hope. He is open to this stuff and it is kind of part of the family as his parents, my grandparents became devout Christian Scientists while he was a teen. And though, that may be a little too dogmatic for me in terms of how to do spiritual healing, and for my Dad, he never fully embraced CS as a religion, nevertheless, our whole family always has been somewhat open to spirituality as part of every day life and healing of any situation: physicial, emotional, mental, financial, relational or whatever.

Thank you Alex for sharing your much more clear results from your work with these tools. I do look forward to working with AFL. I may get that before SONIC ACCESS.

I am receiving a CD upgrade to my cassette version of PhotoReading this week, so my focus will be on Natural Brilliance and that.

I may also try Clear Vision, Bright Future again, though it was only $30 last time I did it (there was a discount code).

Anyway, thanks for continuing this thread and the discussion.

Last edited by shakurav; 05/01/07 10:31 PM.


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Hi ABFL practitioners,

Yes I have experienced a massive change in fortunes since I received ABFL and followed the course.

The first experience was very intense and kind of scared me off for a while, then I used it for a second time and had a similarly quick and positive response, I will continue to use this technique and other similar to achieve the life I want.

So here is some outline:

In the later part of 2005 the company that I had been working for started to go bust and stopped paying me. I was not in a good place having just divorced from my wife and lost 50% of my net worth, moved back to the UK from Sweden to Brighton a town I had never lived in before and was just managing to hold things together.

With my job collapsing I thought the best thing to do with the last of my money was to go on a trip to get my head together. I spent a month in Thailand, meditating, drinking beer and having a lot of smooth flowing good times and here I recognised that a lot of my problems were in my head and that being happy and positive was definitely the way to make my life work in my favour. If you have never been to Thailand I can assure you that to smile and be calm and accepting of the moment is the way to experience the best of it.

I came back to the UK for a month, borrowed more money and went away again. First to India to get some Microsoft certifications and then to South East Asia again to chill out for a couple of months, Microsoft certs are not easy to get and India is not fun if you like bars and women When I returned I had no money left, was faced with selling my motorbike (R1200GS) which was a divorce present to myself, and possibly losing my apartment which I had let out while I was away.

During the first week back I heard about ABFL and blagged the last few ££'s on a credit card to buy it. I was just hanging around aimlessly looking for work, fortunately I live by the sea and it was warm so life was still relatively easy and I had time on my hands. I went through the whole course and out of the seven things I wanted to happen in my life two occurred in quick succession.

I had wanted to fully refurbish my apartment and have hardwood floors, open plan kitchen and new bathroom, up to the standards of my previous home in my last relationship. The people that I had rented my flat to while I had been away had trashed it a little (Australian female travellers!) and it definitely needed some TLC. I was specific about my requirements and I did the paraliminals and the meditations for a couple of weeks.

And then my apartment was gutted by fire. Shock! no not really, I remember then recognising it for what it was and it was not coincidence or chance or ill fortune more like a synchronistic event, read Deepak Chopra's Syncrodestiny for more on that.

Now I should say very specifically that I did not burn my own apartment down, the police, fire dept & insurance company believed me so I assume you will as well. However the most likely cause of the fire, though not proven, as there was no forensic evidence due to the intensity of the fire, was my laptop being left switched on (turns out it was one with a dodgy battery, inherited from my ex employers) balcony doors being left open as it was a hot day and a designer Swedish sofa from the 60's that was apparently not as fireproof as they make them these days. Looking at these key points I can see how they are all linked to the things that were going on in my life at the time especially the inherited laptop and sofa which were undoubtedly the cause of the fire. My action though was leaving it switched on and near the sofa and leaving the door open. All actions I had performed many times before but this time!! Bam, my whole life changed, just after I had made a commitment to change my life by following ABFL, I just cannot believe it was a chance occurrence.

I lost nearly all of my possessions in the fire which were pretty meagre after my relationship breakdown and in many ways were tying me to the past, it was a cathartic experience.

The fire happened on a Sunday afternoon when I was meant to be out on a first date and I was due to start a good new job on the next day (second thing on the list was to get job and stablise finances), Monday morning. Fortune continued for me that day, the date which I had postponed for a couple of hours while I went to look through the burnt out shell of my flat turned good and I had a bed for the night My new employers was a bit surprised but when I went in with the charred remains of my MCSE certificates (strangely one of the few things that survived even though only 3ft from the source of the fire) on the Tuesday were supportive.

My insurance companies paid out and my flat has now been refurbished and I have it exactly as I wanted, hardwood floors etc, and all and my immediate money worries were resolved with interim insurance payouts for the contents.

While the flat was being refurbished I moved closer to the sea in a wonderful apartment in the centre of town which was a great interim bachelor pad and all I had to do was buy a new wardrobe and completely re-invent myself.

My flat is in a tower block and no one else was hurt or even inconvenienced outside of my apartment even though the fire hydrant system failed in the building. Lucky? maybe but I honestly believe it was directly related to the way I was creating reality through the processes described by ABFL. Obviously I did not consciously choose to have my apartment burnt down but I did get exactly what I chose when using ABFL. The cause and the effect were clear to me and my feeling of control over my mental state at a time when a lot of people assumed that I would go under only got stronger as I realised the potential we all have to control our external reality.

I will never stop working with this and other techniques in an effort to master my own mind and my experience of this reality.

Another book to read that really helped me to accept the true nature of reality is the holographic universe by Michael Talbot. There is something far stranger going on than we may ever be able to conceive but it is apparent to me that techniques like ABFL allow us to connect with a universal flow of energy and set into motion patterns of cause and affect that are controlled by our own conscious awareness, all experiences are down to us, good or bad, we can choose, though most people do not realise they have a choice.

I learned a lot through these experiences and got what I wanted so I can have more balance in my life so I can give more to others. This is the thing to remember I think as we are all the same or at least we are all expressions of the same universal something.

Ok enough, it was a trip and I attribute at least this part of it to ABFL. My apartment was refurbished to spec with no effort on my part and I made a profit of £50,000 based on its post refurb state. It worked for me on this occasion and has also worked to find me a wonderful woman which is another ABFL story all of its own but an abundance of a completly different sort.

For all those with doubts about ABFL you can be assured that your doubts will constrain you and hold you back. Be open to the information provided, always maintain a positive frame of mind and want the best not just for yourself but for all sentinent beings.

Namaste - The spirit in me recognises the spirit in you.

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You might say, "Yah, but you made your money by selling these courses to us."

Just bumping an interesting thread to the top, and I wanted to say, Pete, what a grand way to make money! Sharing what you've learned and discovered, helping others to find their way toward rewarding lives--what could be better?

I'm thinking about giving this course a try, too. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and some of what I'm reading here makes me think it might be a Good Thing.

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Joined: Nov 2007
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The course is good, I think my life is moving in the right direction because of it - and it would probably be moving faster if I REALLY applied myself, something that I find myself not doing as much as I could. I think that would probably be true for a lot of other people here too. We can't expect these courses to do ANYTHING for us - the power lies in us, not elsewhere. The courses are just catalysts and tools to help point us in the right direction. They're valuable, but ultimately I am the one who CREATES.

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I did the program twice. The first time was about a year ago. In my perception at the time I thought I actually lost everything that was dear and near to me (including custodudy of my children) that I raised completely alone for 14 years. The kids didn't even know thier father, my house and my business was holding on by a thread.

At that time I did not do the program correctly. I didn't do the writing ie: condition of my creation. One ot the creation was that I declared for myself was wealth.

As a result of this, what I see now which I didn't see then was my children were holding me back. There is only 24 hours in a day and two special ed kids take up a lot of it. ( we get what we ask for) so it's essential to be very clear.

I ended up renting a room for 5 months after I lost my 4 floor house and the condition terrible. I could barely pay my bills.

I did the program again only this time I had the time to follow it. I trusted and most important which Paul repeats again and again is to FEEL THE BEST YOU COULD FEEL, BE HAPPY, GRATEFUL.

With this new world view in a short 5 months, wealth came to me abundantly. I meet a life partner, together we moved into a nice apartment. he is kind and generous. my father bought me a car, my sister paid for me to learn new skills for the business, a client of mine and I were talking and I told her of my website problems. She offered to barter, she created a new website and posted my listing on a number of different sites. My business is so busy I need to hire help.

I also read Ask and it is Given. It is the same concept. We are vibration and if we send out the sensation of lack rather than abundance that is what we attract, such is the Laws of Attraction.

I pass on a habit I developed which it to write a list of 5 things every night that I am grateful for. It could be a warm bed to sleep in, a nice meal, someone warm to sleep with. Find your things everyday and appreciate them. And I promise it will come.

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