Okay, I feel that you've met condition one and 2 just fine but condition 3 and four might be in the air for a couple of them.
What does "phenomenal financial abundance in an enlightened way;" really mean?
It sounds like an energised marketing piece aimed at reaching the consumer with enticing and exciting language supported by testimonials but really what does it mean? What is phenomenal finacial abundance? The language will excite you for a while but the mind quits trying to create an image long before you reach this abstract goal.
I know we don't want to limit ourselves to earning say 100,000 pa when it's possible to earn 1,000,000 or even 100,000,000 PA. But this isn't the last time you get to write your financial goal or any goal so it's ok to say 250,000PA by 2006 if that is your goal. Once you reach that or almost there you might be rewriting your goal to be 1,000,000 by mid 2006 working only 25 hours a week so your free to enjoy time with you family doing fun stuff.
So I ask what does brilliant and fulfilling have to be a brilliant and fulfilling career for you?
When do you choose to enjoy fantastic (what is that really) and pleasurable trips?
What do pleasurable surroundings consist of for you?
Try to make your goals personal not marketable.
For marketing copy you've done an excellent job but on a personal level you it lacks something.
As it is you've worded your goals beautifully but how will you know when you get them and when are you going to get them. To me you've worded it so that it can and probably will arrive on your retirement, but how soon is that and is that good enough?
Consider the difference
I choose to drive a phenomenal car
or I choose to own a royal blue Porsche with black interior, 2 door, fold back roof. (and when I've finished enjoying that car I'll manifest another even better with details I decide when the time comes. Now that's freedom right?
If possible be specific. Your goals are not set in stone and when you do it right Abundance for Life is like rubbing the magic lamp whenever you need it. So if your goal is not worded perfectly you can write new goals.
The reason you have 7 goals is because the mind can handle 7 plus or minus 2 bits of information at a time. When you reach one goal cross it off and put a new one in it's place.
When life changes an other goal might become redundant, scratch it off and add a new one.
Make a list of all the goals you want be it 10 50 100 and choose the 7 most important for say the next 6 months.
Some of what you have as goals might be personal conditions that your goals need meet... for example provide financal freedom and lead to abundance. Must be ethical and impeccable, win/win deals, in safety, comfort and style, in the company of my loved ones.
You have others. I would consider creating a check list. Something that helps you decide whether the action you are about take for your goal meets these conditions.
Like I said it's not the last time you will write a goal. Just consider that a goal needs to be specific, measurable (you'll need to know when you get there and a way of recognising you've got your goal. It needs to be something you can control not waiting for others (like winning a lottery) and you need to know what you are willing to give up to reach the goal.