Good luck on the retreat. I am sure you will love it. Bill Harris is quite a character as we all know.

I can't imagine my life w/o holosync. I look forward every night to listening. And, yes, sometimes i also listen to a paraliminal after...not directly, but like 15 minutes after. I'll get in bed and lay down for the paraliminal.
A4.4 was tougher than P1.1 though. I also did another affirmation tape w/ just these words: sathya, dharma, shanthi, prema on it. truth, duty, peace, love For me it feels very comfortable for the wholeness i am seeking.
take care 
Tony, since you have your e-mail up there, i am going to send you mine. I'd enjoy hearing about your retreat experience.
[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited May 03, 2002).]