I have used the technique and yet never really thought about how I went, it sort of became second nature the new skill I acquired and I never really paid attention to how I did it.

Only in thinking back to when I used borrowed genius what was my project that I realised that I achieved my goal.
I guess I've been having so much interesting stuff happening with direct learning and other aspects of the Genius Code course that I put borrowed genius on the back burner.
I have to admit some aspect of the technique are similar to the Silva Method, I developed a bit of an aversion for it so I only did it along with the Genius Code course for the experience. The results I had with the Silva Method were too accurate for my liking and the information I gained only caused me frustration since I couldn't act on it or prove it. I let that asversion keep me from really noticing the results until now. Now I am thinking and wondering how else I could use the technique.
Considering how easy that was I'm going to be up till the early hours of this morning making a list of possibilites. It's already 2am here so I better get cracking. 